
Another meeting between humans and the protozoa high-level begins!


It’s just a normal operation.

Gengan’s smiling tiger was full of smiles, “I heard that knights who are not under the jurisdiction of the organization have appeared recently, and both the armor and the Dark Emperor are like this, Mr. Lu, is that right?” ”

His smile does seem harmless to humans and animals, but he can’t hold something bad in his heart.

That’s what Nekishi did.

Kaga Mitsuru has dealt with him a lot, and the evil hidden under that smiling face is something that Kaga Mitsuru has been guarding against, for this reason, even if he is now a servant of the original worm!

“That’s right.”

Mitsuru Kaga nodded.

“So how should it be solved? Knights not controlled by the Order… Will it be an obstacle to our quest for peace? ”

Neishi looks at the landing.

The habitual ‘ah’ sound, which looks out of tune, is basically his mantra.

Let people see, the door in the heart is clear.

This is a hypocritical man!

“I’ve already arranged it, over there, the Queenbee of the Phantom Squad is in charge.”

Kaga Mitsuru lowered his head slightly, and his face was more respectful at this time.

This acting skill is enough for him to win the crown of actor!

“Royalbee… Then I am relieved, I don’t know if the Dark Emperor rides over there, is there an arrangement? ”

Negishi asked again.

“Not yet.”

Kaga Mitsuru shook his head.

“This way~”

“How about letting Tetsuya Sawaki go?”

Negishi said with a smile.

Tetsuya Sawaki is also the captain of a certain ant soldier squad in the headquarters, and his real identity is Protozoa, but unlike Shuichi Wadasho, this guy is a proper radical and a loyal subordinate of Negishi.

“Of course.”

Kaga Mitsuru lowered her posture.

“Haha, how about calling it ‘Knight Capture Program’? Isn’t the name awesome? ”

Negishi’s smile, false and disgusting.

“Mr. Lu, happy cooperation.”

Finish speaking.

Negishi quickly took the people away, and he was really called to hurry and hurry, he mainly came to see Kaga Miriku’s reaction, there were too many unplanned knights who were not controlled by the organization, and it was also a little difficult.

Their secret plot is still ongoing.

Find something for Zect to do.

As for the Dark Emperor Ride….

Too mysterious.

A few years ago, when Zect’s knight system had not yet been applied, and the xenomorph had not yet entered the active period, there were rumors of that guy in the city, and Negishi secretly asked people to investigate.

It is a pity that nothing was found.

I just know that I am fighting Xenomorphs.

Which side is he on?

Which organization is it affiliated with?

None of this is clear.

It’s good to let people explore the bottom, this person Gengishi has a cold heart, because Sawaki Tetsu is also a protozoa, so he can trust some, but even if he provokes the dark emperor to die quickly, he will not suffer.

This pot, didn’t they all let Zect and Tetsuya Sawaki carry it themselves?

After Negishi left.

In the command room of the ZECT headquarters, only Mitsuku Kaga and Masato Mishima remained.

And Masato Mishima also quickly left after sorting out some information.

Walk out the door of the command room.


He snorted softly.

He was very dissatisfied with Kaga Miriku’s attitude towards protozoa.

That humble attitude.

Kaga Miriku….

At this time, a seed was planted.

Inside the commander.

Kaga Miriku was still sitting in the familiar leather chair, and he had become accustomed to it since the project began thirty-five years ago, when he slowly took the seat at the top of Zect.

The room was empty, and when there was no one else, he liked to think about things on his own.

“The protozoa has already begun to act, and the ambition of the wolf son is obvious…”

“So-one, you’re a real hero.”

He looked down at the office desktop.

Thoughts are flying in my mind.

Thinking of his best friend!

Hinata was always imitated, and such a strong and hot heart also affected the thoughts of the protozoa, and instead of reporting their plan to the protozoa, he continued to implant a plan called ‘Red Dancing Shoes’ in the insect apparatus of the armor and steel bucket…

Now, the ‘Kamen Rider Project’ has changed.

“That Dark Emperor Rider, maybe I should also go to meet it.”

“It’s the same.”

“Being in darkness and yearning for light…”



The weather is still so good, it’s pleasant.

A wisp of white clouds, like a light veil, was slowly blown by the morning breeze, dotting the blue sky, and the morning sun had already risen, sprinkling light and warmth to the world.


“Another good day.”

Natsume stretched.

Simply clean up.

Then enter the system space and extract the daily projection as usual.

Unreal projections, constantly rolling in front of Natsume.

‘Kamen Rider Caesar’

A knight who transforms with a cursed belt reinforces the condition that the user must be an ofirno, and the forced transformation of the unqualified will be in danger of turning to ashes with the lifting of the transformation.

The users of the 555 world are sandified because of this.

Kusanagi: Gan!


“Then use this.”

Natsume pulled out a card.

Kamen Rider… Faiz!

Soon he solved the battle.

Knight card with a thousand points to hand.

Exit system space.

Natsume opened the card box and took out the knight card, Golden Dou, Faiz, Leo Cavalry, Quasi-Knight… Caesar, compared to before the system reboot, when there was only one set of Dark Emperor Riding base cards, it was much better.

Before he knew it, he had collected so many cards.

Normal Form, Enhanced Form, Ultimate Form!

Simply everything.

“If only Ex-Aid’s projection was drawn.”

“Invincible players, novel players, get excited when you think about it!”

Thinking about it like this, I still have some expectations.

He got up and walked out of the house.

For him, ‘early departure and late return’ has become the norm of life, the active period of alien insects has arrived, not to mention that going out can be three steps and one alien worm, but the probability of encountering is very high.

It’s better than sitting at home, right?

Beria’s son J&D said so:

You can’t sit still when things happen!

And also.

Kill all the alien insects!

He’s serious….

It’s not about points, it’s a determination that he has already made up in his heart!

That’s it, it won’t change!


ps: ask for all kinds of data!

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