The site where the Shibuya meteorite fell.

Barbed wire barbed wire, where there is a ‘no entry’ sign outside, is the well-known Shibuya ruins, and no matter what time of day, this side reveals a desolation.

Very few people will come here.

One is called: ‘AREA. X’s facilities.

Heavily defended.

Located in the heart of the Shibuya ruins, this is the place that bore the brunt of the fall of meteorites, a former station near Mido Genzaka.

Later, after the meteorite event, it was trimmed by the Zect organization.

Beneath this facility, there is the Kamen Rider Development Institute.

Speaking of which, the insect chose to land the meteorite carrying the eggs to this place, but also to organize the successful research and development of the knight system, and take the opportunity to solve some troubles for themselves.

Unfortunately, that disaster caused a lot of casualties, but the Kamen Rider system was finally developed when the alien was active.

That’s the trajectory of fate!

AREA. Most of X’s experiments were carried out by protozoa, and after the meteorite disaster, in addition to the knight system, protozoa is also conducting another research to transform human protozoa.

A seven-year-old child was used as an experimental subject by them and imitated the then young Hiroshi Hishita.

AREA. X’s Underground Chamber.

There was a constant sound of collisions and roars.

As if a beast appeared.

Inside the fully enclosed cage, a guy is bound, his hands and feet are tied to iron chains, and the whole person is lined up in a large shape, he is constantly yelling, constantly hitting the chain.

But he’s just doing useless work.

In his eyes, there is hatred.

Slowly raise your head.

Familiar people will be shocked to see it.


That face is….

Tendo Division!


Natsume walking down the street.


“That little brother, buy newspapers?”

At a newsstand, a middle-aged Mediterranean uncle who was about to die shouted at Natsume with a newspaper.

“The latest today.”

He added.

Natsume stopped.

For some reason, when this uncle called him, there was always a sense of déjà vu when Mimi quietly asked if he wanted to buy a piece, looking at the uncle’s Mediterranean hairstyle, the rest of the hair was showing his last stubbornness, presumably he was also a prominent figure when he was young.

“Let’s get a copy then.”

He said.


Uncle Mediterranean took a brand new newspaper and handed it to Natsume.

Pay with one hand and deliver with the other.

“Welcome to come back next time!”

Natsume holding a newspaper.

The striking subject of a bizarre serial murder case successfully caught his attention.

The title is:

[Bizarre serial murder cases, unprecedented cases, search into difficulty!!! 】

It is reported that there has been an unexplained case in our city recently, and the victim’s body fluids have disappeared when he is found, this is a bizarre case, and the motive and method of the crime are unknown.

There are no clues about the murderer…’

Natsume looked and felt familiar.

This is that ladybug worm?

A bucket capture plan?

He remembered.

Because he arrived, basically did not pay attention to the plot, and crossed the plot to go through the calculations, isn’t that a little too low? By now, he had forgotten how many alien insects he had solved.

“No, I’ll have to take a look.”

Natsume muttered.

He remembered that the guy from the Zect headquarters, in order to complete the capture task, was also ‘fishing law enforcement’, conniving at the insect to kill ordinary people, just to attract Jia Dou to appear.

He never showed mercy to the presumptuous aliens.

Zect too.

Some people who sincerely fight the alien insects are people who walk the same path, and those who have other intentions are destined to go against them.

In Natsume’s heart, there has always been a scale to measure.

It was his own determination of good and evil.

D-5 area.


A blue ladybug adult with black spots is approaching a man wearing a round knitted hat, and his face is full of horror when he sees the monster that only appears in urban legends.

This monster is so terrifying!

Is it okay to change to a rift woman?

A horse that men fear.

Step backwards.

The adult ladybug opened its mouth, and from its mouth, a tentacle suddenly stretched out and injected into the man’s body, and the man suddenly turned into a mummy-like dry corpse.

The insect made a strange cry from its mouth, as if it was cheering.

Its penchant is to pump people into dried corpses.


It was not the first time to do this, after doing this order, he turned into the appearance of killing the man just now, slowly walked towards another place, and shot to change positions.


And behind the insect, a command car secretly followed, and at a glance at the brand, it was still Mercedes.

Zect still has money.

Inside the command car.

Commander Tetsuya Sawaki looked calm, unable to see joy, anger or sorrow, others were also operating sophisticated instruments, and Yugetsu Misaki was also here, she was asked by Tetsuya Sawaki to join the operation as a person from the headquarters.

But she was sitting on pins and needles in this command car.

It feels like something is wrong.

She understood that the plan this time was ‘Knight Capture’, and the main target was the Dark Emperor Rider who came from a mysterious origin and fought against alien insects, in fact, she had a very good impression of the Dark Emperor Rider.

But the behavior of headquarters is very intriguing.

Monitor for xenozoa.

Use the monitored alien worm as bait to attract the Dark Emperor to ride the bait, if it is a jia dou, in short, they just want to rely on the appearance of the alien worm, the knight is likely to appear, and carry out a capture plan.

This is Negishi’s proposal, which can also be said to be an order.

Tetsuya Sawaki, who is the protozoa, is executing!

The command vehicle followed the insect and drove into a tunnel.

Under the red electric light, in the tunnel that incited unease, even a small cough could resound all around, and a woman in an OL uniform walked slowly, her high heels stepping on the ground, making a sound of ‘stepping on’.

And right at this moment.

Insect is here!

Become a prototype.

The woman’s screams suddenly resounded all around….


ps: Ask for a flower evaluation ticket monthly pass!!

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