Yuzuki Misaki sat next to him and complained that the pair, whether it was a teacher or an apprentice, was a little too hasty, but the result was good, and Taka Tori Lianhua returned to being an ordinary girl.

Natsume and her became apprentices.

With this relationship, in.

The possibility of the two of them falling in love is much lower, right? Natsume said that Yugetsu Misaki is completely thinking too much about this, and with this relationship, it is more ~ interesting, right?

Mysterious buff blessing, cough-…

It didn’t take long for Natsume to leave.

The matter here is temporarily over, Natsume’s gaze must be placed on the body of the alien worm, and when you encounter the alien worm, you can earn more points, which will also be of great benefit to Natsume’s future growth.

Natsume’s strength has gradually grown and become a climate now, but his current strength is far from the limit of Natsume, and of course he will not stop there.

In life, if you are too salty and do not fight, how can you know that you are strong?

The ordinary world is just that.

But the Kamen Rider world, full of dangers, no means, how can you protect the people around you?


Kageyama led the phantom team to fight against the alien insects, and the defeat yesterday and even the previous days was nothing in Kageyama’s eyes, as long as he was still a royal bee…

He vigorously commanded the ant soldiers to knock down the unmolted larvae, and exploded one after another, but under the dense fire cover of the Phantom Team, the alien insects still survived.

The heat rises, molt!

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The molt is completed in an instant.

Immediately after, the adult attacked the royal bee.


Kageyama Instant Explosion Armor.

The shattered armor temporarily blocked the movement of the adult worm, and the royal bee took the opportunity to step forward, clenched its fist and blasted towards the adult worm, and the adult worm was not afraid at all, and also smashed towards the royal bee.

Suddenly, they touched together.

The power of the insect itself came into contact with the power burst out of the Imperial Bee armor, resulting in a strong force, and the two took two steps back at the same time, seemingly evenly matched!

【ClockUp! 】

Almost simultaneously into ultra-high speeds.

Battle scene transitions.

A remote square, surrounded by high-rise buildings on all sides, and there are no people, the royal bee chases the adult here, just as ClockOver, and exits the super high speed together.

Under the battle visible to the naked eye, the royal bee was easily suppressed by the alien insects.

The royal bee fist rained down.

It’s immense.

Kageyama wanted to open the scene with this, but he thought too much, kung fu did not practice home, his strength was not even a fraction of the heavenly path, and the insect deftly dodged all the attacks of the royal bee.

Suddenly, he found a perfect opportunity, taking advantage of the gap in the royal bee’s defense, a claw landed on the imperial bee’s armor, and in an instant, a huge force struck, directly flying Kageyama out.

Hitting the wall, the knight’s bracelet and the royal bee insect instrument fell off him.

Kageyama was forced to lift his transformation.

He clenched his fists unwillingly.

The insect rushed towards him, wanting to kill with one blow!

Right at this moment.

Tread, tread…

There were footsteps in the distance.

Closer, closer!

Kageyama instantly subconsciously looked, a man wearing a suit and glasses looking at the fierce god slowly walked over, and for a while the alien and Kageyama were instantly stunned.

“Mr. Mishima?”

Masato Mishima looked cold, silent without speaking, leaned over and picked up the knight’s bracelet that fell to the ground, put it on the wrist of his left hand, indifferently removed his glasses, and said: “Let me come, teach you how to fight!” ”

After Kageyama replaced Yacha and wanted to become the Queenbee Adaptor and the Phantom Squad Leader, this elite team of the headquarters simply deteriorated when it came to its mission, and was the protagonist from the past to everywhere, and basically solved the problem easily.

But now, it’s not going well. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Almost reduced to a foil for others, Masato Mishima really can’t look at Kageyama Instant, but now Emperor Bee is the only knight affiliated with the Zect organization, and his performance is too poor and humiliating.

Choose someone else’s words…

Fitnessers are a problem.

Yachi wants to be expelled from Zect, and other Zect secretly cultivated as adaptors to use the knight system are also facing assassination all the time, and I don’t know how many Avatars have been killed by xenomorphs.

Queenbees, thunderflies, that’s it!

Even at this time, except for the steel bucket that has just been developed, which has not yet found a suitable person, the rest of the insect instruments are all masters, oh yes, and Natsume, using a knight system that does not belong to Zect one by one

Dark Emperor Ride!

Kageyama instantly retreated, but becoming an imperial bee is still such a dish, it can be turned over by ordinary adult insects, Masato Mishima really did not expect it.

He turned to face the adult worm.

The royal bee insect instrument flutters its wings in the air, but it does not mean to fall, the insect instrument has intelligence, and will choose the recognized person to be the fittest, it is clear that Masato Mishima is not in that column.


Masato Mishima charged his strength, jumped up, and directly grabbed the royal bee insect instrument in his hand, the royal bee insect instrument failed to have any resistance, Kageyama instantly opened his mouth, that is the height that humans can jump?

He can’t do it anyway!



Masato Mishima used his strength to requisition the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument and forcibly transformed.

The Imperial Bee’s armor covered Masato Mishima.


Burst armor in seconds.

Masato Mishima rushed up, appeared in front of the adult worm, a series of punches, fell heavily on the adult abdomen, one punch, two punches, three punches… The royal bee surged with a tyrannical aura.

That’s something that Kageyama couldn’t show.

Charge, final punch!


I also didn’t see Masato Mishima using a must-kill, so he easily burst the adult worm, Masato Mishima lifted his transformation, and the royal bee insect instrument who was forcibly driven by NTR was very unhappy and wanted to sting him.

Masato Mishima easily drank it back.

Mishima puts on his glasses and removes the Imperial Bee Knight bracelet.

“That, Mishima-san…”

Stand up.

After hesitating, Kageyama stepped forward instantly, still longing when he looked at the knight’s bracelet in the depths of his eyes, and he said extravagantly: “Mr. Mishima, please don’t abandon me!” ”

He was panicked.

I am afraid that I will be abandoned like this, although I don’t want to admit it, but it is also a fact, as an imperial bee, he is indeed very dish, compared to Yacha, and compared to the short-lived Masato Mishima!

“Don’t worry, Queenbee Adaptor, it’s still you…”

Masato Mishima glanced at Kageyama.

That’s a disdainful look …

….. Work..

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