The other side.

Not long after Natsume left, Renka Takatori also said goodbye and left, leaving Yuzuki Misaki alone at home, sitting casually on the sofa, her white feet intertwined, and carefully took out a book from under the pillow.

Thirty-six counts in love!

This is what she bought specially before.

“However, Renhua also seems to have wonderful feelings for Natsume now, is there really only one girl around someone as good as Natsume?” Yuzuki Misaki holds a book in her arms.

Natsume, as if there is magical power, can’t help but be attracted to him.

She herself is the same.


Give up?

“No, I won’t give up, even if…”

Yuzuki pursed her lips.

In the self-strategy…

She gradually strengthened her faith!

She thought, “three, four, three” standing beside him.

Natsume is on the bustling street, slowly walking forward, following the premonition, the dark space’s ability to foretell weirdos, Natsume has gradually mastered the depth, even if he does not enter the dark space, he can know which direction it is.

A corner of the city, secluded park.

A loving couple walked side by side holding hands, not very old, they lived here, and they said this with happy smiles.

“Mayu, let’s get married this year, then have a child, and then we will raise the child…” the man said with a smile, describing his vision for the future.

“Hmm… Yuta, I like you the most. ”

“Me too, Mayu.”

The man named Yuta looked at her girlfriend tenderly, and his tone was sincere.

“By the way, Mayu, I heard that you were attacked by a monster yesterday, are you okay?” Yuta asked worriedly, the Metropolitan Police Department denied the news of the monster’s appearance, but Yuta had seen the alien worm.

He was saved by Kamen Rider from urban legends.

Mayu is fine now, it must be the same as him, right?

“Hmm… Aaaaaah! ”

Speaking of this, Mayuzheng nodded, and suddenly a strange memory flooded into her mind, making her mind tingle, she crouched down and held her head, her expression struggled, and she wailed in pain.

“Mayu! Ayuki, are you all right? ”

Yuta asked nervously.

“I am… Mayu, the most… I like Yuta the most… Gooo ”

She was talking nonsense.

Natsume came to this side through the space jump of the dark space.

When he had a premonition, he came.

Only saw a couple.

Observing from a distance, Natsume determined that the woman was already a mimicry of a worm, and now her appearance was very struggling, two different memories intertwined in her mind.

Alien insects imitate human beings, they will passively accept human memories, and sometimes the emotions contained in human memories are too strong, and the human heart will suppress the worm heart and forget their identity as alien insects.

But this suppression is short-lived.

Maybe in the absence of consciousness.

It will be suppressed by the insect heart.

Hurt your closest people!

Ma by the painful struggle.

The human skin on the body, accompanied by the strange roar of the alien insect, tore a little bit, fell, turned into a hideous alien insect, dark green carapace, arthropod disorder, very terrifying.

Yuta fell to the ground in fright.

Mayu… Is it a monster?

He was stunned.

The cold and sharp claws of the insect fell.

Natsume appeared in front of the man in an instant, and with his cardbox sword he blocked the attack of the alien insect, making a crisp sound.

“Insect, what a sinful creature…”

Natsume raised his sword hard and stabbed the larvae out.

“So, what about your options?”

Natsume looked at the man behind him called Yuta.

Yuta clenched his fists and hammered hard to the ground.

Vent your pain.

“Abominable, obviously… It is clear that the future has already been agreed, how can this be! Ma by her… It must be painful! ”

He whispered.

Filled with sadness.

“You are the legendary Kamen Rider…” (Read the Stormy Novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“Please free Mayu! Such an ugly gesture, Mayu will not like it! Yuta roared hard, making such a decision seemed to have exhausted his strength.

Collapsed on the ground.

“As you wish…”

Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.


【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

【KamenRideEterna1! 】

Black cape fluttering……….

Eternal white gesture, appear!

“Then, sinful worms, enjoy the pleasures of hell!”

One step out, wrapped in a huge force of fists hit the larvae.

The huge force made it difficult for the insect to control its body, and after retreating, the insect was still roaring, unlike the angry roar, its voice was tinged with pain.

Next to the alien worm, a figure appeared.

That’s Mayu.

“I almost hurt the person I loved the most… I’m sorry Yuta, I have to live well in the future, with my hope, if you can live well, it will be my happiest thing…”

She said with a smile.

The voice trembled slightly.

“Naw… This gentleman knight, can you please give me a ride? ”


Natsume nodded.

Send in the kill card.

【Eterna1! MaximumDrive! 】

The sound effect plays.

The power of the ultimate drive poured into the eternal toes, and Natsume jumped up, a blow full of terrifying power, fell on the body of the alien insect, the energy was infused, and it exploded…

Natsume landed smoothly, and the armor covering his body dissipated like the wind.

Yuta stood up.

He bowed to Natsume and said sincerely, “Thank you 3.1 thanks!” ”

Then he picked up Mayu’s relics and left.

Natsume looked at Yuta who was departing.

This is an infatuated man.

Take a deep breath.

“I’m really not very good at comforting people, in fact, I can’t even comfort myself…”

Smiled bitterly and muttered to himself.

Natsume also turned away.

The heart is not calm, and the source of all calamities comes from alien insects! As long as the alien worm still exists in this world, such a tragedy will never stop!

Natsume put his right hand to his heart.

The heart beats forcefully.

This is the force of life.

Kill Alien Insects and earn points.

I can’t be happy this afternoon…


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