And Xiao Xu’s side, Natsume also specially explained, mainly because of Aunt Takemiya Bowko.

As the head of Natsume X’s CP fan, Takemiya bow is very good to them, naturally has to specially advise, otherwise, she quietly goes to get one, wears it on her body, and then turns into a protozoa, it will be difficult.

As for Xiao Xu, in fact, Natsume was not so worried.

Because she herself is a protozoa.

From the beginning, the protozoa imitated the parents of the Heavenly Dao, and when she was still conceived, her identity was actually doomed.

Can’t change it!

In the Godspeed Love Timeline, Heavenly Dao is also able to sacrifice himself to save his sister.

But not in this timeline today.

Unless he can go back to the day his parents were killed, but after that, something terrifying may happen.

Perhaps everything he has done has not changed as much as he imagined. 22

This is probably the so-called correction force, right?

Natsume house.

Natsume sat bored on the sofa, flipping through some of the knight’s cards he had to pass the time.

Today, of course, he also challenged the latest knight projection.

What he extracted was no longer the familiar Leo cavalry, but… A brand new Kamen Rider.

Name: Kamen Rider Next Generation Ride!

Black gallop.

Kamen Rider from the future era.

In terms of strength, it is not bad, and it has some more special powers.

However, for Natsume today, it is just average, after all, from the system restart until now, his strength has not increased by a star.

That can be described as a rocket ride.

Biubiu goes up.

There are many knights with special powers, and there are many knight cards that Natsume has in his hands.

Time, power, speed, and even those with space jumping ability…

If you look at it like this, you will find that it is not a minority.

Compared with these forces, the next-generation gallop is really nothing.

In a sense, this is innately powerful!

However, for Natsume, it was the same sentence as before.

Whether you are strong or not is one thing, and whether you have it or not is another.

Natsume never refuses to collect knight cards, not to mention, the appearance of new knights is often accompanied by…

A thousand points!

Except for some powerful and particularly special knight cards, Natsume will choose to press them to the bottom of the box and not take them out for use.

This is not meant to hide hole cards or anything.

Quite the opposite of that!

There are too many cards.

Some cards, Natsume felt that there was no need to use them, and in a battle, if he wanted to completely bloom the power of all the cards, it was naturally impossible.

And what happens in battle, more often, is also for merit-based acquisition.

Like Kamen Rider Jun, and Kivala like…

Pure, because like the Leo cavalry, it belongs to the mass-produced knights, and the strength is far from too strong.

And Kivala’s words…

He is also a very well-known knight, and he has also come to this world with the Light Photo Museum before.

It’s just that the light did not transform into the sea at the beginning.

But the reason why Natsume does not use it.

And for a reason.

That’s because…

Kivala, in essence, belongs to the category of female knights, and if Natsume transforms like this, it is no less than that… Ladies!

Natsume said that women’s clothing is impossible for women’s clothing, and it is impossible in this life, even if it is just to transform into a female Kamen Rider to fight.

The same goes for it!

Compared with the knight card, Natsume likes the thousand points more, and for the current Natsume, in fact, most of the knightly abilities, he already has.

In the face of daily battles, this is completely enough, unless it is to obtain the full power of darkness, the power of demons, and the golden fruit.

Besides. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For Natsume, the increase is not much, but it is nothing more than increasing his card library and giving him more options when dealing with enemies.

That’s all.

Nothing else.

But a thousand points, it is different, by accumulating a small amount and storing more points, you can buy more nice power in the system mall.

Even the power of the level of dark power is also included.

This shows the importance of the point of this thing.

Isn’t it generally comparable?


The other side.

Kaga Mishin, full of joy guarding near a necklace distribution site, the last time I met with Negishi, Kagami’s heart felt a little more emotion.

I learned about Mr. Negishi’s painstaking efforts.

Kagami welcomes the idea of protozoa and humans coexisting, and this chain, based on its function, can also be guessed to benefit mankind for 557.

He was happy.

And recently, that guy from Tiandao, I don’t know which door he smoked crazy, always came to attack such distribution venues, and even made himself a wanted criminal.

Kagami said she couldn’t understand.

Never let the Heavenly Dao attack.

As a steel fighter, he is able to fight with his fellow knight’s armor fight, bringing his friend Tendo back to the right path, which is also what he should do as a friend.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly received a text message.

The source of information is…


Kaga Miriku.

Kagami frowned, not knowing what her father was texting at this time.

Check word by word.

Kagami, my son, when you see this message, probably I am already dead, do not suffer, do not grieve…

Read it word for word.

Kagami clenched her fists, tears already condensed in her eyes.


“I’m so stupid, really…

Take a deep breath.

Kagami rushed in the direction of Zect’s headquarters, and her father’s message also revealed the location of the headquarters.

Thank you for the support of Dreamland and Yakumo Yida!

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