At this time!

Zect headquarters, a van-like command car, slowly drove out, driving a human, but in a sense, not a human.

Because they are just imitations of protozoa.

Protozoa, mimicking to become humans.

This degree of mimicry is very high.

It is difficult for ordinary people to tell at all.

And this van was sent by Negishi to bring Kaga Mitsuku to Area X for transformation.

At this time, they are getting ready.

Between the roads of the bustling city, Kaga Mishin drives a locomotive and frantically moves in a certain direction.

His heart was very anxious.


What happened at this point? He doesn’t know yet.

All he can do now is be fast, and become faster!

So much for.

When he arrived at Zect headquarters, the command vehicle happened to come out of the base.

Kaga Mishin found them, originally thought it was nothing, he just wanted to quickly enter the base of the headquarters, and then find the trace of his father.

The first thing to do is to confirm that the father is safe!

But in the depths of his mind, he found that there was definitely something wrong with the car he had just driven.

So he stopped it.

But that car didn’t stop because it stopped in front.

Just the opposite of that, the driver of that car looked fierce, gritted his teeth, and stepped directly on the accelerator.

The engine kept roaring towards him.

Seeing this, Kaga Mishin had no choice but to roll and dodge.

At this moment he already knew, these people… It must not be human.

They are in a hurry to hide from themselves. There must be some hidden secret.

With this in mind, Kaga Mishin lifted the clothes around her waist, revealing her belt.

At the same time, his right hand was raised, and a certain cave appeared in the sky, and from the light of the colorful glass, the steel bucket insect instrument was summoned.

Instantly fell into Kagami’s hands.


He drank lightly, and the movement of transformation seemed to be rehearsed countless times, placing the steel bucket insect instrument on his belt…

The thick armor was like mercury, covering his whole body.

By this time, Kaga Mixin had disappeared in place, replaced by a knight named Steel Bucket, whom Zect called the God of War!

Not to mention transcendent patterns.

For now, the strength of the steel bucket is indeed very strong.

At least fully able to stand within the first echelon.

In terms of data alone, it is the best among knights.

After the transformation was completed, Kaga Mixin did not stay in place, but directly stepped on it and forced the car to stop.

Seeing that they could not escape, the two ant soldiers who escorted Kaga Mitsuru directly revealed that they were protozoal larvae.

Waving sharp minions, he attacked in the direction of the steel bucket.

But their attacks were doomed to be futile.

Because, even if Kagami’s expression is weak when she transforms into a knight, it is not an ordinary protozoan larvae that can touch porcelain.

Kagami easily solved her opponents and knocked them out directly with one punch.

Then, he opened the back door of the command car, with a bandage on his mouth, and Kaga Miriku, who was bound by the whole person, was there.

Blood dripping from his body.

Apparently he suffered a lot of injuries.

Seeing that his father was injured, Kaga Mixin immediately ran up worried.

After saving his father, Kaga Miriku touched the face of the steel bucket with some weakness, and even through the armor, he seemed to be able to feel that he was touching his son.

“New, you’ve grown up…”

He said in a reassuring tone.

Once, because they had to hide something, there was an irreconcilable contradiction between their father and son.

But now they are back to business as usual. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Get out of here for now.

Kaga Miriku’s injuries had to be treated in the hospital.

Kasumi immediately wanted to send him there, but Riku refused.

At this moment, he said, there was something that had to be told.

Come to a slightly safer place.

Kaga Mitsuru told her son many secrets.

Riku was kicked out by the combination of Negishi and Masato Mishima.

But before that, he was also the commander-in-chief of Zect.

Secretly plotted, and also learned many secrets.

Including Gengishi what they are going to do now.

Kicking him out of the game means… That terrifying plan has already begun.

At this moment, human beings seem to be dancing on the tip of a knife, and they have almost reached the point of exhaustion.

Kagami then took her father to the hospital and left immediately.

He rode his motorcycle in the direction of Tokyo Tower.

At this moment, over there is the main location where the protozoa is plotting.

Masato Mishima and Nekishi must have passed by long ago.

The arrangement over there has long been done.

After all, he misunderstood the way of heaven.

I’m so stupid, really…

Kaga Mixin thought like this in his heart, if he could find out earlier, if he could understand each other with Tendo, if… Presumably things won’t come to this point.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world!

The past is irreparable, and he now thinks about what will happen.

He has to fight!

All… There is no doubt that it is all for the future of mankind.

Natsume house.

Natsume, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, eating fruit, and paddling, suddenly received a phone call.

The incoming call still reads, Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief!

Raise an eyebrow.

Natsume could probably guess what was going on.

Presumably, it has come to that final moment.

He had been staying at home all this time, and this was what he was waiting for.

Pressed the answer button for the phone.

“Yo, Heavenly Dao. (Nocho),” Natsume smiled slightly and greeted.

Immediately afterwards, the calm voice of Heavenly Dao slowly came, “Natsume, you guy, haven’t you come over yet?” ”

Obviously, for Kamen Rider Natsume-kun, who has been paddling from beginning to end, passing by, Tendo is speechless.

No, it was about to come to the final battle, and Tiandao called and invited him!

If in the past, Tiandao would prefer to deal with such things alone.

The way of heaven, the commander-in-chief, means that this is a lonely path.

But as he said earlier, those who are on the same path are only traveling companions, and those who can share happiness and hardships on different paths are friends.

So he invited Natsume.

A friend he recognizes!

By the way, this sentence, there is no need to add grandma to say, this is his own words: Large.

Thank you Lingtianzhi Wings and Ye Da for their monthly pass support! .

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