World of the War Machine

Chapter 233: Why can't you win?

Finally, after passing through the fire coverage of the enemy's defensive front, the enemy was finally included in the attack range of the phantom tactical armor style.

While launching all the planktonic weapons, Qin Yun also quickly locked the two warships in the most positive direction. The main gun quickly recharged, and the energy bubbles clearly visible to the naked eye began to gather toward the muzzle, and then shot two in an instant. The pure red energy beam appeared as if out of nowhere in front of the muzzle, and then flew towards the two warships.

Under what circumstances to choose which attack method, this is also an important skill for a qualified pilot to master.

There are roughly several types of tactical armored weapons, such as Green machine guns, missile launch matrices, long-range beam weapons, beam giant blades, and finally a floating weapon that has only one actual battle but not many people know.

The Green machine gun is mainly used for short-range defense. The missile launch matrix is ​​not suitable for this situation. There are too many enemies. The firepower is intensive. Even if all the missiles are thrown out, it does not make much sense. Tactical armor releases missiles here at the same time, then it will be effective.

For long-range beam weapons, only the main gun now has the greatest threat. The other beam launch ports need to be closer or the effect can be seen in melee. Other beam launch ports other than the main gun are more suitable for targeting the machine. A force to use.

The beam giant blade is close to war. It is no joke to approach two warships in the past, and now Qin Yun's only option besides the main gun is also the most suitable option, which is the floating weapon.

The planktonic weapon does not need Qin Yun to perform perfect control. Even the flying eagle dare not let Qin Yun face the almost half of the fleet and countless mechas. In the case of controlling phantom pain, he still has to control the planktonic weapon. To achieve perfect control, so these flying weapons are ultimately controlled by the eagle.

Of course, it is feasible to use planktonic weapons according to the template, but there are too many enemies. You need to accurately control these detached planktonic cannons to achieve the maximum killing effect, so that these planktonic weapons will not be broken by the enemy. The only thing Qin Yun needs to do is to lock up, confirm the targets, and then the Eagles will attack those targets.

This is equivalent to using the flying eagle as a more advanced intelligent control system, automatically confirming the route, and automatically returning after the attack. As for the problem of charging the planktonic weapon, to be honest, if it is the other two backpacks of Phantom Pain, it may still be Really need to consider this issue.

However, judging by the size and specifications of tactical armor, the size and specifications of this type of tactical armor-specific floating weapon are also much larger than ordinary floating guns. They have the independent energy used by type I backpacks, even if there is no energy supplement to maintain. Time is already countless times that of ordinary-sized planktonic weapons.

Two red light beams rushed into the distance quickly from the front. How could the two locked warships unexpectedly resist these two red light beams, which represent extremely high intensity light beams. Turning the rudder in a hurry to avoid, but the bridge personnel's response speed was also slow or slow, and the action of the two warships evading could not be completely consistent at all.

One of them responded a lot faster, and when the attack hit them, the right rudder began to dodge, eventually making the Phantom Pain tactical armor-type attack wipe from the rear of the battleship, only letting the beam tilt at the position of the rearmost thruster. There was a huge hole running through, which eventually caused a big bang. But even then, the ship persisted, and more than 85 percent of the places still looked intact. Gone.

But this also made that warship lose its ability to move, and it must have been a mess inside, and staying on the battlefield was just a huge target that could be won at will.

The other ship responded more slowly. The rudder dodge was slower for a second or two, allowing another beam to pass through the middle of the starboard side of the battleship. The red beam passed directly out of the port side. After crossing the channel, it was penetrated obliquely from side to side. After the light beam gradually became smaller and completely disappeared, the battleship collapsed for a few seconds. The internal collapse eventually caused the entire battleship to burst directly into the opponent's line of defense. Extremely dazzling light.

Countless pieces of warships scattered in all directions, this time is like a horse honeycomb burst. Several warships around were affected by the explosion of this warship. The fragments ejected on these warships or were stuck in the outer armor of these warships. On the other hand, after leaving a trail, it was bombarded elsewhere, but the impact was but limited to this.

However, for the nearby mech units, although they chose to disperse as soon as possible after confirming that the warship was sunk, many mechas were still affected by these fragments, and the worst one was directly affected. The shards flying sideways stuck in the back waist, and then exploded into a ball of fire that exploded.

Qin Yun's attack immediately brought a small amount of chaos in the line of defense. Although it soon calmed down, the explosion of the battleship and the battleship that had lost its ability to move also revealed a small amount gap.

At first no one could imagine that Qin Yun could drive such a strange and huge body across their line of fire defense, but now Qin Yun was not only going to completely cross the line of defense, but also gave them a meeting gift.

Taking advantage of this confusion, the floating gun twisted into the line of defense with a snake-like maneuver that could not be conceived and locked. The red lock boxes on the screen in front of Qin Yun began to appear quickly, and finally pressed in Qin Yun After the trigger, nearly a hundred green beams of different angles and directions suddenly appeared in his eyes.

A mech in front was hit by one of these dense beams of light instantly, head, arms, legs, backpack or weapon. The beam swept through any of these mechs, but Only the most dangerous energy areas and the cockpit were overlooked.

"Keep them dead?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth was slightly tilted, and the remaining anti-beam bursts loaded in the tactical armor were all poured towards the front, then he lifted his left hand to directly push the thruster power to the maximum position. The violent energy, moving forward fiercely, allowed the tactical armor to pick up the afterimage and maintain a straight line towards the enemy's line of defense.

The flying eagle said easily: "This is not a three-way dogfight. No one in this position except you will make up for them who have lost their combat ability, leaving them to die. Why not."

"You can be fickle, and the one who is most fierce is you."

Qin Yun chuckled, but his movements did not slow down at all. A missile ejected from the tactical armor and flew directly towards the battleship that had lost its ability to move. The tactical armor itself was approaching at extremely high speed. Suddenly, a dive swooped towards the bottom of the defense fleet, and finally pulled out a large angle to launch an attack from below the defense line.

After the missile matrix was turned on, countless missiles flew out of the tactically armored missile matrix and flew to the bottom of dozens of warships with dense white smoke trails like snakes.

Until this time, the missile released by Qin Yun had already successfully hit the battleship that had lost its ability to move, but the missile had been closed by Qin Yun and the insurance that touched off was triggered. He got stuck directly to the side of the battleship's front bridge and then stopped responding.

The eagle suddenly asked, "Why don't you detonate the bridge of that warship."

Qin Yun said calmly, "Don't start with people who have lost their resistance. This is what you taught me, but is this really true?"

"Leaving the lives of these people also needs to ensure that they will not be in a dangerous situation afterwards. Now we turn and leave these people and we will still be engaged in the war. The ultimate damage will be the soldiers of the Federation, or even Threat to Blue Star. "

"Although I also know that hatred will lead to greater wars, but will they not hate us if they are left now?"

The flying eagle asked: "Why do you think that we have broken this distance and position and we cannot completely win this fleet and this fortress?"

"People of fifty battleships captured 350 battleships and occupied another fortress?"

Qin Yun was a bit stunned by the idea of ​​Feiying, but then also smiled: "This seems very interesting."

The missiles that flew out exploded one after another, either hitting the mech or hitting the battleship. Countless fireworks were created within the range of dozens of battleships. Many floating guns also gathered in front and spread out in the shape of petals. Spiral beams were released towards the surroundings again. The planks released the beams in succession and kept rotating to spread. The spiral beams released intersected together and looked like a network of rotation ~ ~ Continuously hit the surrounding mechs and battleships.

The exposed weapons of those battleships were exploded one after another, and the phantom pain tactical armor style also rushed into the enemy's fleet from this time. Two huge beams and huge blades popped from the robotic arm instantly, and the body interspersed quickly like lightning. The battleships were equipped with missiles and floating weapons to suppress enemy mechs near the fuselage.

The eagle directly took over all the short- and medium-range beam guns and beam guns on the tactical armor, adjusted the angle to release dense coverage attacks, and the firepower covered wherever the tactical armor moved.

Qin Yun drove the fuselage intently, slashing a child, interspersed among the warships, and stared at the propellers behind those warships to destroy them. He struck them across, slanted them, destroying all the propellers behind them. It had to be clean, and finally a sprint came over the battleship.

From the top to the bottom, there was another full-fire salvo on all the ships below. In conjunction with the floating gun, thousands of attacks erupted over the ships in a short period of time, and the automatic defense artillery was ignited. The exposed vice The main gun of the gun was dropped, and the mechs that dared to rush it were dropped, and all of them were dropped, and then a missile stuck near the bridge was sent to each battleship.

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