World of the War Machine

Chapter 234: Cross stick

This missile was stuck near the bridge, the purpose was not to destroy the warship, and even if you wanted to destroy the warship, a missile was not enough to sink the warship directly, but it was sufficient to create a sufficient deterrent effect.

And because the propellers of these warships were all destroyed, at least when the rear propellers were destroyed, these warships themselves have lost their ability to move and have become living coffins in the universe. They can only escape in the rescue capsule, but Where can they escape even in the rescue capsule.

Dozens of warships became immobile targets within minutes. Qin Yun did not cause greater damage to these warships. For the airframes around the warships, the eagles also kept their lives as much as possible. , Using artillery equipment on the surface gun and tactical armor to attack.

For the first time, only the weapons, arms, heads, legs, etc. of these bodies will be targeted, but if there are still enemies in this situation who want to drag the broken body to continue to attack, this courage and persistence of the flying eagle It is very appreciated, but they will not be used to the waywardness of their unclear situation, and they will be sent directly to the sky.

Qin Yun drove Phantom Pain from the middle and directly destroyed so many warships. For the entire fleet in defense, it was a huge loss and confusion. Dozens of warships in the middle lost their original role, which is equal to the line of defense. China has created a huge cave.

And up to now, even the best allies can do is not to launch an attack in this direction. It is impossible to rescue, and the most correct choice is to quickly disperse other airframes and warships away from them. This group of battleships and mechs that have lost their combat capabilities, reorganized the defense and sent mech units desperately to suppress the phantom pain tactical armor style.

Otherwise, Qin Yunruo would be allowed to intersperse in the fleet as if he had entered an uninhabited land. The 300-odd warships did not know how long before Qin Yun would give them all into a large coffin that would not move.

On the other side, on the side of the Silver Thunder formation, their attacks are much more stable than Qin Yun's charge of a thousand rides, and now they have become completely small with Li Sheng, Bai Pei and Jack as the core. Team, in the case that there is no battleship and only the mech is in front, the team on this side is moving forward step by step.

The main goal is not to assault, but to kill each other ’s living combat power like a meat grinder. There are three people with the same strength as Qin Yun in this team. Although there is some gap in the body, the number of enemies they face is the same. There are not as many as Qin Yun's side.

Before Qin Yun was able to drive a body that was also called a red comet at that time, breaking through the defense line of a fleet forced the fleet to flee, and now it is better to drive a body that has become a silver thunder because of a color change. As for When the eagle took over the few minutes of violent operations made by Yin Lei, it couldn't be done, but a dozen people in total could easily deal with one or two hundred mechs.

They will annihilate as much as the enemy sends. Although the speed is a bit slow, there is a bottomless pit alive, which is very dangerous.

A look at the fleet side, the battlefields on the three sides turned out to be pretty good on both sides, and they really pulled some of the forces in the opponent ’s line of defense, so it seemed as if they had gained an advantage, no Fifty warships have actually suppressed more than 300 warships of the other side.

The morale of the Star Fleet fleet has been promoted to the extreme. If it weren't for Wang Hai being stable enough to keep the entire fleet forward, but keeping the distance and firing at each other, I am afraid that some people may also be unbearable Add a fire and rush up to make the last straw that crushes the camel.

Wang Hai knew it very well. Now the weakest point of the Star Fleet is not Qin Yun who has already rushed into the enemy's front. It is not the ten or so Silver Thunder formations that are still fighting the enemy but have been able to create success. Their fleet, the farthest from the battleship, has the largest number but the weakest point. It is impossible to understand this fact.

After suppressing dozens of warships, Qin Yun quickly moved towards the left side of the fortress. For the enemy, the entire defense line has now become extremely chaotic, which is almost equivalent to being torn by Qin Yun from the middle. Broken, in order to prevent Qin Yun from bringing more damage to their fleet, many mechs also rearranged the front and rushed towards the tactical armor from all directions.

Tightly moving tactical armor sent dense attacks, and Qin Yun also used all the tactical armor's armed forces to counter the same intensive counterattack during the high-speed movement and dodge.

Missiles and light are everywhere. Qin Yun, while controlling the body to avoid dense beams and missiles, quickly intersperses in the enemy's defense line. At the same time, he needs to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield and the position of the enemy. He also needs to lock the enemy himself to launch In response, the flying eagle still existed as an operation assistant in this battle, and did not cross the bottom line of the operation to affect the battle belonging to Qin Yun.

At least for the next ten minutes, the only thing the eagle can do is only to such an extent. However, once the lock is confirmed, the next auxiliary calculation and the movement of the commander will depend on the eagle. Done.

Qin Yun was sitting in the cockpit. With the screen and his eyes and operations, countless red frames appeared every second, and countless red frames disappeared every second. The entire screen was completely covered by light, missiles, and The explosion was completely flooded, but whether it was the operation of tactical armor or the lock on the enemy, even to keep himself from being hit during the whole process, it was also a great operational pressure for Qin Yun.

The current situation is equivalent to Warriors, but it is the Warriors that can also withstand several attacks. Although tactical armor can resist certain attacks, if you are hit consecutively, you have to shout. It can only be said to increase. A certain fault tolerance rate.

Attacks and enemies appeared on the screen, and the arm was slightly moved toward the left. The tactical armor rolled away immediately, and the picture on the screen began to rotate quickly. At the same time, the right hand moved the joystick to start locking. During the rotation, two energy cannons light up instantly, directly releasing two beams to hit the enemy accurately and then bring out two explosions.

If Qin Yun did it himself, it would be impossible to achieve the more accurate level of the flying eagle under such circumstances. It is impossible to avoid the enemy ’s vitality, but who wants the other party to appear in front of him and He also launched an attack on him. Qin Yun wouldn't mind giving them a life if he could, but now Qin Yun couldn't take care of them.

In the next eight minutes, the enemy invested half of the mech power against Qin Yun in the next eight minutes. Every second, you can see that the mechas are scattered or gathered together to launch a parallel attack. Qin Yun fights I did my best to dodge and still couldn't avoid it. After several attacks, I still left something on the thick armor. But every minute, there were a lot of airframes because of Qin Yun's personal lock and attack. For the trash of the universe.

In eight minutes, Qin Yun controlled the main gun and two energy cannons and destroyed nearly a hundred mechas. As a helper, as long as Qin Yun was not a target, it would not attack, as long as there was no threat and Qin Yun did not notice that he did not attack without a target, but even the body damaged by the flying eagle had more than doubled Qin Yun himself.

Comparing such data can also explain a problem, that is, Qin Yun's computing power and locking speed are fast enough, but Qin Yun's own operating ability seems to have a significant gap compared to this one.

Eight minutes later, Qin Yun also set the limit for himself. During the whole process, he opened up a special ability of more than twelve minutes, which almost made his mental load reach the limit.

"Eagle, almost."

Feiying also knew Qin Yun's situation, and after Qin Yun shouted, he gave a direct answer: "The rest is left to me."

"The system takes over, the weapon takes over, and the body takes over. Compared to the five-second man, your twelve-minute man is pretty good."

After Feiying took over the whole body, Qin Yun directly relieved his special ability and then released the joystick. It was like exhausting movement for several hours without rest, and then he burst into the body and head. Suddenly he felt a sense of faintness, but the condition was obviously much better than the last time, just faint and no other reaction.

The tactical armor was taken over by the eagle, and then it seemed like it broke out again. A dive began to readjust the position and attitude. At the same time, all the floating guns began to gather in the direction of the tactical armor. After the type maneuver and cobra maneuver, the flying eagle finally adjusted the position of the body to a level that satisfied him.

Then a high-speed maneuver opened the missile launch matrix to quickly and simultaneously adjust all the muzzles of the tactical armor. After countless red boxes appeared on the screen ~ ~ all the weapons of the tactical armor broke out at this moment The tactical armor turned into a terrible turret. A wave of missiles combined with continuous high-frequency firepower firing. Countless rays of light suddenly turned the front into a world of light.

It is not difficult for the Eagles to clean up all the surrounding targets. From beginning to end, from the beginning of the war between the federation and the rebels, in the eyes of the Eagles, it is as unimportant as war, not war. For the Eagles, it has no effect at all, but it is treated as a child's game.

The flying eagle only regards this war as Qin Yun's training ground. The actual training ground looks at it. As long as there is a battle, Qin Yun only needs to go up, no matter what role Qin Yun plays in the battlefield, how many enemies he defeats, even only in battle. He doesn't mind how long the flying eagle persists in China. He only needs to make sure that Qin Yun can gain something in each battle.

He didn't care which side would win, just because Qin Yun was in the Federation, just because Qin Yun needed to grow.

Under the influence of the flying eagle, although Qin Yun did not feel that it was an unimportant game, he was also treated as a real war, but his attitude was completely different from that of others, and it was a grind to him. It is a place to improve yourself, but more it is a place where you can get all aspects of improvement, strength and status.

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