Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue seemed to hear someone say that someone saw a big bug on the mountain ...

Well, the man didn't lie, really there is a big bug!



"Get on the tree!"

The two spoke in unison, and when they pulled their legs, they climbed towards the trees on either side.

Jiang Yingxue swears that this is the fastest time she has lived for more than 20 years!


The tiger in the dark swooped, and that sharp claw patted off a large piece of tree bark.

Jiang Yingxue secretly rejoiced that she was moving fast, otherwise she could still have that paw on her.

"Cousin." Jiang Yingxue looked at Hu Ruixuan on another big tree.

"Cousin, are you okay?"

"Cousin, I'm okay now, but I don't know if we will be okay later, you look behind you."

When listening to Jiang Yingxue's words, Hu Ruixuan felt that his whole hair was erected.

As soon as he looked back, he saw a big white bug under his tree looking at him!

One is not enough. Come here for two. The luck of their brother and sister is really good!

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the size of the two tigers. Good guy, she is as big as three of hers. Not to mention her now, even the sturdy one in the past, she dare not say that she was holding a dagger. Can kill the tiger, let alone two!

Although tigers are not as persistent as wolves, they can't always be consumed here, right?

"Cousin, have you come up with any good escape ideas?"

"Cousin, why don't I lead them away, and you escape first?" Hu Ruixuan said.

Good brother!

Jiang Yingxue looked at the surroundings. The moon had already come out, but only a little bright moonlight entered the forest. The visibility was really low.

"Cousin, big cousin, they have come up to us from the mountain. As long as we go down the mountain, we will definitely meet them. Do you see the vines on these trees, and we will climb on these vines in a while, do not let Do you know you fell to the ground? "

"Okay, cousin, be careful yourself."


"I'll jump when I get three." Jiang Yingxue broke a thick branch like her arm and threw it in the other direction.


After the branch was thrown, the low tiger was shocked and scored. Jiang Yingxue and Hu Ruixuan took advantage of this gap to catch the vine on the branch and flew towards the other tree ...

Jiang Yingxue moved quickly, trying to catch every vine himself.

The two tigers found their prey ran away, and chased them with some anger.

"Cousin, you keep going down the mountain, don't worry about me, otherwise we'll be too big together, and it will attract the attention of the big bug."

Hu Ruixuan, who had flew to the front, quickly looked back at Jiang Yingxue. "Cousin, you have to be careful yourself, I won't go far, you must call me if you are in danger!"

"it is good."

Although Hu Ruixuan said so, she always kept an eye on the situation over Jiang Yingxue and made sure she speeded up after making sure she was really okay.

Unfortunately, as soon as Hu Ruixuan speeded up and didn't turn back, the rattan that Jiang Yingxue held was broken!


Jiang Yingxue whispered, and quickly entangled the tree in front of him with his limbs before falling to the ground, and climbed up before the tiger caught up.

"It's dangerous!"

The two tigers watched Jiang Yingxue running on the tree and did not chase Hu Ruixuan, they were directly under the tree to guard Jiang Yingxue.

"I said, as far as I'm concerned, you guys really haven't got enough gaps in your teeth. Why don't we talk about it and you let me go, and I'll look back and send you a pig?

"Roar roar!"

The two tigers didn't know if they were hungry or not, and looked a little manic.

Jiang Yingxue leaned on a tree yawn and yawned. The tree vine had just fallen off. She couldn't fly now, and now it was difficult to get away.

But waiting for rescue, how to explain her incident on the mountain at that time is really troublesome.

"Be careful, there are big bugs in front!"

Just as Jiang Yingxue was preparing to walk for a while, there was a sudden movement in the dark, and she shrank her body behind the tree branch to avoid being noticed.

"Hello ~~"

The two tigers apparently noticed the presence of the other as well, making low bellows and gradually leaning towards them.

It wouldn't be the one who was sent to Hu Ruixuan by the town government.

Jiang Yingxue stretched his neck and looked at the direction of the moonlight.

Because the distance was too far, she only saw vaguely that there were three or two people in the other party, and one person seemed to be carrying something.

"Unlucky, there are actually two big worms, arrows. Did you bring them?"

"You thought you were coming to Qiuyou. Whoever came out to work and brought an arrow, you have to find a way to solve these two big bugs. I'll take the person back first, so as not to cause any trouble."

"Got it, be careful yourself."


Three people quickly split up into two paths. Another said that the person to leave first came in the direction that Jiang Yingxue hid. After that person approached, Jiang Yingxue found that he was carrying a person, because The man's feet were exposed and he lacked a shoe.

Looking at it by moonlight, it should be a woman, um, wearing butterfly shoes.

Jiang Yingxue rubbed his nose.

and many more!

Butterfly shoes?

If she remembered correctly, Hu Yihua seems to be wearing shoes that look like that today.

After staying in the town government for a few days, Jiang Yingxue also knew that these ladies also demanded speciality when pursuing the trend, that is, their own things are not special enough.

The material of Hu Yihua's shoes is the most popular in Jingjing nowadays, but the pattern on it ... she seems to be obedient, Hu Yiqin said that it was painted by Hu Yihua himself. Among the ladies in the town government, Hu Yi The technique of painting is the best, and she doesn't call her name.

Could it be said that the person carrying Hu Yihua?

Jiang Yingxue heard that some maids with broken mouths said that some traffickers in Daxia Kingdom specially selected some family noble ladies to start, so that they could sell unexpected good prices!

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yingxue jumped from the tree and chased after him.

The man was carrying a person, and maybe he didn't expect someone to follow, so he was less vigilant.

However, the road he walked was really enough, Jiang Yingxue was numb with his knees, and he hadn't reached his destination yet.

I don't know how long he walked before he came to a Hessen cave.

"It's me, I'm back."

The cover in front of the cave was pulled apart, and two tall men came out of it, took over from the man, and turned into the cave.

Jiang Yingxue waited until they all entered the cave and slowly approached the cave.

"Why just get one today?"

"Do you think it's a cat and a dog that no one wants by the side of the road, and one is too few, and you don't see what kind of people they are."

"As long as you have the ability to handle things, when can you get enough people? How can I explain to you?"

Jiang Yingxue frowned slightly while listening to the voice inside. It seemed that this was a personal gang.

Just when she wanted to take a step closer to eavesdropping, she stepped on a tree branch under her feet again, and the sound of the branch breaking was extremely crisp.

What a special ... she must have hatred against the branch today!

The people in the cave heard the movement and immediately stopped talking and took the torch out to check the situation.

Jiang Yingxue turned and ran, but **** this time there was a sudden pain in the knee, and hell, she forgot that she still hurt.

Those people were obviously not low in kung fu. When they caught up, they rushed towards Jiang Yingxue without saying a word.

Jiang Yingxue gritted his teeth and raised his dagger to "slap" the man's hand.

"It's a pussy, catch her!"


Jiang Yingxue looked back, good guy, there are five or six people in total, and two of them will do light work!

In a flash, she chased her!

Jiang Yingxue regretted that, it was curiosity that killed her. I knew she wouldn't follow her.

"It's not that easy to run!"

A man stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Yingxue's shoulders. Jiang Yingxue groaned in pain and slammed back with a punch.


The man obviously did not expect that Jiang Yingxue's fist would be so powerful, and he was beaten back a few steps.

"Smelly girl, you still have two points!"

Several people surrounded Jiang Yingxue. If she couldn't open a breakthrough, she might as well feed the tiger just now!

"Look where are you going this time!"

A man fell down and grabbed her feet. Jiang Yingxue was restrained for a while, and she could only roll on the spot, but was struck on the back by a heavy kick.


I go!

Seeing that she was about to be caught by these people, a cold arrow suddenly flew out in the darkness, piercing straight into the brows of the person closest to Jiang Yingxue.

"Oh!" The man stared at him, even without knowing who was doing it.

"Who is it, and who is in the dark?"

"Boom" sounded the sound of "Boom" as the chests of several people.

"Awesome arrows!" Jiang Yingxue looked at each person in a trembling sigh and exclaimed.

She dared to say that the archery person did not make more than 50% of his skill.

Several people fell down one after another, and Jiang Yingxue wanted to help the slender waist up, but did not know if the knee injury had already cracked, and she frowned when she stopped.

"Thanks to the heroes for their help, and thank you very much in the future ..." Jiang Yingxue looked at the long figure coming out from the dark, and stunned his throat if he did not speak!

If time can go backwards, she must pretend to be stupid and pretend that nothing happened just now that she was rescued!

It ’s a godsend. Why is this person here? The most important thing is that he just saved her!

Isn't he about to kill her!

The last time she fell into the water, she felt Su Yu's eyes look familiar. Later, when she thought, his face coincided with the face of the ruthless and innocent man in memory!

Last time he knew exactly who she was, but he was still killing her!

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