Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

It wouldn't be that he wanted to kill her and he was afraid of being known, so he killed those people, right?

Jiang Yingxue had already made up a hundred times in his mind the picture of Su Yuying killing her.

Su Yuzhen went straight to her as if she had not seen Jiang Yingxue.


Jiang Yingxue "..." Although he didn't kill her, she felt a little bit better in her heart, but it completely ignored her appearance, it was ... so cheap!

"Ahhh ~~~~~"

Seeing Su Yuzheng's slender figure would be hidden in the heavy night, a wolf howled in the forest.

Is this a safari park?

It's either a tiger or a wolf. Is it better to add a viper, the leopard is perfect!

A gust of mountain wind blew, and a fishy smell on the animal drifted to the tip of the nose. Jiang Yingxue looked for a moment, struggling to swallow hard. The wolf ... is a social animal. If you come, you need a group ...

Jiang Yingxue desperately tolerated the pain and barely sat up from the ground.

She Jiang Yingxue was able to grow up in such an environment since she was a child. What did she rely on? Is a strong heart and a stubborn look?

Do not!

It is her face that is thicker than the copper wall!

"Master, save your life!" Just when Su Yuxi was about to disappear into the night, Jiang Yingxue shouted.

"Master, the night is so good tonight, one person is too lonely, it is better to bring me, and guarantee that Grandpa will have a wonderful night tonight!"

Jiang Yingxue finished speaking, only to see Su Yu's footsteps seem to pause, but did not stop.

What a relentless scumbag!

Jiang Yingxue gritted his teeth. "Doesn't the king want to know how your mother died ?!"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue's words fell, Su Yuzhen's figure suddenly stopped.

Jiang Yingxue watched him stop, and exhaled secretly in his heart. This matter could attract his attention. He was afraid that this person would not get oil and salt. Then she really had to wait to feed the wolf.

"What do you know?" The low voice was a bit ethereal in the dark forest.

Jiang Yingxue reluctantly moved his body and leaned against a tree.

The reason why she mentioned this was also a picture that suddenly flashed in her mind during the crisis.

Su Yuzhang is several years older than her, but Su Yuzhang's mother Meng Tears and her biological mother Hu Yinyin are friends.

Su Yuzheng's mother's dream tears were brought back from the outside by Lao Zhan Wang Su Yuanshan.

The third generation of Zhan Wangfu to Su Yuzheng is already the third generation. With the military power in hand, it can be said that it has deep roots in Daxia Kingdom. How can such a noble family with deep roots make Su Yuanshan marry a woman of unknown origin, Su Yuanshan's parents did not agree first.

However, Su Yuanshan gritted his teeth and insisted that he would marry people back anyway, and finally everyone had to compromise.

The man was married back, but a woman who had no foundation in Jingjing, even with the favor of Su Yuanshan, Su Yuanshan could not always accompany Meng tears.

It didn't take long for the two to become married, and Meng tears became pregnant. Su Yuzheng's grandmother used the pregnancy as an excuse to send several beautiful maids to Su Yuanshan's room. At first, Su Yuanshan did not touch those maids, but once After waking up drunk the next day, there was a woman with a whole body of red fruit lying by her side.

The five-month-old Meng Tears made a big noise, but it was punished by kneeling in the shrine for one day and one night.

Later, Su Yuzhang was born, and Meng Tears forced Su Yuanshan to ask Su Yuzhang to be the son of King Zhan. After that, she always took Su Yuzhang herself, except for occasionally going out to see Hu Yinyin, and almost stayed in Zhan Wang's house until it disappeared a few years later Hosta.

The reason why Jiang Yingxue had these memories was also because Meng Tie's wife and ladies in Jingjingli did not even recognize her identity after marrying Su Yuanshan. Even if she had contact with her, she was hypocritical. Hu Yinyin got along with her alone.

When Hu Yinyin returned home, she would say nothing to the people around her, saying something unfortunate. After listening to these words, the girl who was photographed beside Jiang Yingxue was occasionally Jiang Yingxue. Read a few words.

Today, there is no old princess in the Zhan palace, only the old concubine, who was married after Su Yuzheng gave birth to Meng Tears.

Recalling this, Jiang Yingxue had to say that the man was ruthless. If he hadn't believed in Su Yuanshan at the beginning, Meng tears would have followed him to Jingjing without hesitation, but he would have been disappointed after all.

Er, thinking far away, Jiang Yingxue was just trying to test Su Yuzheng, but he didn't expect him to be hooked.

"The prince also knew that the old princess had the best relationship with my mother in Jingjing at that time, otherwise he would not personally make a marriage contract for you and me."

Immediately after Jiang Yingxue's remarks, he lifted his eyes and met Su Yu's heavy black eyes.

Jiang Yingxue grinned at him. "Master, save one's life to win the seventh-level floating slaughter. You see that I'm injured like this, why don't you be good guys to send me down the mountain?"

Su Yu's black eyes froze, and Jiang Yingxue's placket lifted her from the ground.

"Oh, oh! You give me a tap! My waist still hurts!"

"Say, what do you know !?"

Jiang Yingxue had a fire in his stomach and had nowhere to vent. "What do I know? You were many years old and you have no memory in your heart? Think of your dad's indifferent face, your mother was mad by your dad! You men say love you Love is so alive, but as a result, I turned around and lay on other women. Why do you have a face to ask me what you know? Why not ask your father to go! "

Jiang Yingxue was so excited that his saliva almost sprayed on Su Yu's face!

She figured it out. The big deal is a life. Maybe she can return to modern times when she's dead. She's afraid of ass!

She is not afraid of death, and she has nothing to fear.

Su Yuzhen looked at her, and frowned. "You're not Jiang Yingxue, who are you !?" Even though he didn't have much contact with Jiang Yingxue in those years, he also felt that he could want to find out what kind of environment a little girl would have without a biological mother. The news also said that Jiang Yingxue was a timid person. Where is this person in front of him?

The fire in Jiang Yingxue's stomach disappeared instantly as if someone had poured cold water. This person's brain circuit was really different from that of a normal person. "Master, I just want to live. You retired my marriage and killed me once. For my mother's good relationship with your mother, save me once. It's as if we were leveled."

Su Yuzhen looked at the firm look at the bottom of her eyes, and slowly released her hand.

"Okay, if you can follow me, my king will save you once."

Without Su Yuzhang's support, Jiang Yingxue almost fell to the ground again, but she thought that there were wolves on the mountain and gritted his teeth to support the broken body and followed Su Yuzhang.

Su Yuzhang, your mother is at odds with you!


"Master Three, Master Three?"

"Rui Xuan, where are you?"

"Brother, brother I'm here."

Hu Ruixuan hurried over and came to the troops of Zhenguo Government.

"Brother, I'm here."

Hu Ruicheng hurried towards Hu Ruixuan, hitting him on the shoulder in a lap, with obvious anger on his face. "Where did you kid go, I thought you were taken away by a big bug!"

Hu Ruixuan rubbed his shoulders a bit embarrassed and said: "Brother don't be angry, I, I just go up the mountain if I think the scenery on the mountain is good, who knows that I lost my way on the mountain, isn't it down?"

"You don't know everyone is worried about dying!" Hu Rui returned, but at any rate he found it.

"Have you seen art paintings on the mountain?"

"Sanmei? No, why did one of her girls return to the mountains ..." Hu Ruixuan thought of Jiang Yingxue, or it was this girl who took him to the mountains, and she did not know if she had arrived.

My cousin said she didn't want to let people know about her going up the mountain, and let him not say anything when he went down. She would try to get round.

"Bye brother, have they all gone back?"

"Shizi, Shizi is not good, Miss Watch, Miss Watch is gone!" Before Hu Ruixuan said this, the guard looked up and hurried up.

"What, Miss Watch is gone?" Hu Ruicheng felt a little big! Are these people crazy? Why do they like to run around so much!

"When did Miss Cousin disappear?" Hu Ruixuan's face sank, so to speak, his cousin had not yet come down from the mountain. He thought that the two white tigers were all bad.

I knew that he should have watched his cousin before leaving!

"Cousin is probably on the mountain, too. Brother, there are really big bugs on this mountain. We need to send more people to find it!"

"Well, Eryi has sent someone back to tell his father about them."


Jiang Yingxue's panting voice became heavier and he felt like his legs were filled with lead, and every step forward was difficult and uncomfortable like death.

She stared at Su Yuzhen in front of her, but slowly felt that his figure gradually became more and more shaped.


Su Yuxi only heard a voice coming from behind him. When he looked back, Jiang Yingxue had collapsed to the ground.

Su Yu's black eyes looked at Jiang Yingxue like a rag doll with no temperature. "My King said that you can keep up with your King to save you." After that, he turned and walked into the dark, no longer controlling the people on the ground.

Until Su Yu's voice disappeared, a black figure appeared very quickly and looked at Jiang Yingxue on the ground. "Miss Jiang is really unexpected. She dared to talk to Wang Ye." Ding Xiang admired Jiang Yingxue's courage, bent over and carried her on his shoulder, heading down the mountain.

However, the atmosphere of the town government was suffocating.

Hu Yihua is gone, Jiang Yingxue is gone, Hu Ruixuan is almost unknown, and the people in this house want to hide the old lady, but the old lady has been in the house for many years. How can she hide it? !! ?

The second wife, Wang Shi, knelt in Fushoutang to cover her face and wept. "Our ancestors are angry, all daughters-in-law are useless, and they are asked to punish them."

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