Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

In the afternoon of the following day, Jiang Yingxue secretly ran to the training ground while Su Yuzheng was discussing with others in the study.

The training ground is actually a large open space, but there is a room where weapons are placed. Hu Ruixuan asked her to wait for him at the training ground, so she hid in the weapon room in order not to attract people's attention.

Zhan Wangfu ’s weapon room is really full of eighteen weapons. Jiang Yingxue wanted to pick up a spear ... Well, forget it, this thing is not easy to pick up.

"I don't know when my cousin will come." She found a window seat and sat down. You can see the situation outside at a glance. If Hu Ruixuan comes, she can see it at a glance.

But Jiang Yingxue didn't expect that he had fallen asleep because of such a wait!

When she opened her eyes, it was dark outside!

One of her spirits sat up and watched the martial arts ground sunk into the darkness, and she did not know if Hu Ruixuan had ever been there.

"I don't know what time it is now." She didn't show up this afternoon, and Su Yuzhen didn't think she had run away.

When Jiang Yingxue stood up and was about to go out, a shadow suddenly passed by.


Jiang Yingxue didn't scream immediately, but stood in place watching the shadow of the shadow come to the weapon room, opened the door quietly and walked in.

That person is not Hu Ruixuan!

After the man came in, Jiang Yingxue determined that the other person was not the one she was waiting for. She had been in contact with Hu Ruixuan for so long that she could still see it at a glance.

This man is sneaking in night clothes, not an assassin!

Jiang Yingxue slowly hid his body into the darkness. After the shading came in, he rummaged in the weapon room.

This is just an ordinary weapon room. There is no guardian outside the door. What can be here?

Just when Jiang Yingxue was full of doubts, the figure came towards her!

Jiang Yingxue held his breath, his figure shrinking continuously.

The figure stopped just three steps away from her. He carefully glanced towards the door, then squatted down, pried a piece of brick, and took out a lacquered wood box from the inside. After opening it, I put something in the box, and finally put the box back intact.

After making sure the things were in place, the man stood up and left.

"Cousin, are you inside, cousin?"

As soon as the man in black walked outside, Hu Ruixuan's voice rang out!

The man in black quickly hid behind the door, and Jiang Yingxue watched him pull out the sword on his waist.

"Cousin." Hu Ruixuan walked outside the door of the weapon room, ready to push in. If he had no defense, he would be seriously injured by the man in black!



The door was opened, and the sword in the hands of the black man stabbed at Hu Ruixuan quickly.

Jiang Yingxue took out a piece of parcel to cover his face, and was angry with Dan Tian. A teleportation stepped forward and kicked the sword in the hands of the man in black.



With the buffer, Hu Ruixuan turned back to catch the man in black.

There was a flash of killing in the eyes of the man in black, and he raised the sword in his hand to the two again.

Jiang Yingxue grabbed the dagger on the weapon rack and stabbed at the man in black. She moved too fast, the man in black couldn't dodge, and was stabbed in the arm.

"Looking for death!" Black was so impatient that he slammed into Hu Ruixuan's heart, and Hu Ruixuan's body bumped into a weapon rack.

Seeing this, Jiang Yingxue stepped forward to support him, and the man in black took advantage of this gap to run away.

"There are assassins! Catch the assassin! Hey!" Before Hu Ruixuan finished speaking, Jiang Yingxue covered his mouth.

"Cousin, what are you doing? An assassin entered the palace and hurriedly told Wang Ye." Hu Ruixuan opened her hand and said anxiously.

"Cousin, believe it or not, we will be treated assassins soon?"


"Don't you say you want to take me out of the house, not yet ?!"

"Oh, but that assassin ..."

"Just assassin can hurt Su Yuzhen, you think about us first."

"Oh cousin, come with me."

Hu Ruixuan and Jiang Yingxue ran outside the training ground. "Catch the assassin, where is the assassin?"

As soon as they ran out, they saw a team of people running over. "Hu Gongzi, do you see any suspicious people?"

As soon as Hu Ruixuan opened his mouth to speak, Jiang Yingxue was stunned. "Just now I saw a dark shadow running out of the weapon room, as if running over there." He followed his finger to a position.

"Thank you, Prince Hu." The team quickly ran in the direction he was pointing.

"Cousin, where did we leave the palace?"

"I know there is a back door in the palace, and we leave from there."

"it is good."

The palace is really empty, and it ’s so dark at night. After running for a while, there is almost no light. The two can only see the road ahead by the weak moonlight.

"Cousin, after you go out, stay at Xiangyue Inn in the south of the city. Don't run around, I'll find a chance to find you."

"Well, I know."

The two ran for a while, and finally touched the back door of the palace, where it was completely dark, let alone a human being, not even a ghost!

"Cousin, you go quickly." Hu Ruixuan pushed Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue blinked in the empty backyard. "Cousin, there is not even a door here. Where do you let me go?"

Hu Ruixuan pointed her arm, Jiang Yingxue looked down his hand. Under the light of the moonlight, she saw a small dog hole that made her want to roll her eyes!

Very good, even in Zhan Wangfu can not escape the fate of drilling a dog hole!

Dog holes, dog holes, leave the palace first and then talk!

"Cousin, take care of you!"

"Well, cousin, be careful yourself."

Jiang Yingxue gritted his teeth and rushed to the dog hole. He just drilled over half of the body and got stuck!

"Well, I'm going, I'm the owner! Cousin, cousin, hurry up, come and help me."

Hu Ruixuan heard shouts to help her push.

"Cousin, you, you don't look fat ..."

"Oh, here it is!"

After a lot of effort, Jiang Yingxue finally climbed out of it.

She stood outside the gate of the palace and took a deep breath. "Sister, I'm finally free! Cousin, let's see you again!"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue left, Ming Zhen stepped out of the dark, watching the direction she left, and turned into the palace.

After Ming Zhen left, another figure came out, looking at Jiang Yingxue's direction of departure, and there was a strong color under his eyes.

Ding Xiang went into the study with a heavy look.


"Come in."

The door opened, and Dingxiang stepped in. "Master, there are assassins in the palace, and their subordinates are sending people to catch them."

Su Yuzhang sat before the case, and Wen Sheng threw the secret letter in his hand into the incense burner aside.


Ding Xiang bowed half-knelt. "It was a negligent subordinate that let the assassin break into the palace."

It is said that Zhan's palace is a copper wall and iron wall, and that guard is even stricter than the palace. For so many years, no one has broken into the palace without being found without being silent.

"You haven't figured out whether it's an alien ghost or an inner ghost. You are really negligent."

Ding Xiang was surprised. "Yeah mean ... that man is a ghost?"

"Who first spotted the Assassin?"

"I heard a shout from the weapon room during a night tour and ran over. Hu Gongzi saw the assassin in person and was injured by the assassin."

"Hu Ruixuan?"


"Continuing to search in the palace, no one can escape easily under the conditions of martial law today, and people must still be in the palace."


As soon as Ding Xiang exited, Ming Zhen entered the study. "Master, Miss Jiang has left the palace."

Su Yuchi narrowed his eyes slightly, and coldly raised his lips. "Look for someone to look at her, don't let her run away, my lord is here to see what kind of evil she is!"

Zhan Wangfu came to the assassin, and all night Zhanwangfu sank in a tense atmosphere.

After Hu Ruixuan sent Jiang Yingxue out of the palace last night, he immediately returned to the guest house. He didn't come out until the morning guards and morning exercises.

The assassin was out of the palace, and today ’s morning exercise was cancelled.

Hu Ruixuan arrived at the morning exercise alone and was preparing to enter the weapon room for training. When he opened the door, he saw a person inside. "Vice General Li? Why are you here?"

Lieutenant General Li had a spear in his hand and it looked like he was about to go out. "I heard that the assassin came to the palace last night, so I came to see it, and the grandfather said that I shouldn't care about it, so I took a spear to prepare for training in the barracks."

"Vice General Li is going to train, good."

Lieutenant Li laughed at Hu Ruixuan's longing look: "Hu Gongzi is now practicing with Wang Ye. It will be sooner or later to go to the battlefield. Hu Gongzi need not worry."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Li, for comforting me."

"That's all right. I'll go first."

"it is good."

Lieutenant Li nodded and walked out of him.

Hu Ruixuan glanced at the back of his departure and took the weapon he wanted out of the weapon room.


"Huh, the free air is fresh!"

Jiang Yingxue opened the window of the inn and took a deep breath. As soon as she got out of Huizhou City, she was completely free!

"Su Muge, you stinky woman, just wait for Miss Ben to come to you and be happy!"

"Where do you want to go? Are you taking me?"

A yin sang sound sounded behind him, Jiang Yingxue slammed a **** back and looked at the gloomy eyes of Shang Po.

The smile on Jiang Yingxue's face froze, and it took a while to release a sweet smile.

She reached out and patted her shoulders. "Small, let me find you! Smart enough, I'll find me in one step."

Momo pulled out a dagger around his waist and took a step closer to her. "Now, write me down the teleportation Dafa immediately, or I will kill you now!"

Jiang Yingxue reached out his hand and slowly removed the dagger. "Don't scare me, I'm scared."


"The Rong people are here, the Rong people are coming ..."

"Help me!"

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