Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue ran to the door and took a look. In the lobby on the first floor, more than a dozen tall or short muscular men wielded the knife on their hands and killed innocent people. "These are the people of the Rong tribe ?!" This group of people just grab the stuff, and it is an abomination to kill so many innocent people!

Jiang Yingxue glanced back and stood inside the room staring at her coldly, the next moment, she shoved open the inn door and ran.

She watched her run and chased out.

Jiang Yingxue was caught by a Rong as soon as he ran down. "Well, let me go, I tell you I have a great helper!"

Came to see Jiang Yingxue was caught, a pair of frowns frowned.

Jiang Yingxue looked at him loudly: "If I die, you won't be able to get Teleportation Dafa in this life."

She gave her a courageous glance, and this **** woman was clearly intentional! But in order to teleport Dafa, he had to fight against Rong people.

Jiang Yinxue watched the poaching hands, she smashed her elbow to break the shackles of the Narong people, and turned her back with a fist on the nose of the man. She deliberately circulated among more than a dozen Rong people, making her unbelievable Several times to save her, several down, dozens of Rong people were fainted by the two.

"Zhan's soldiers and horses are here." Outside the inn, someone suddenly shouted, and when the Rong people heard it, they got up from the ground and ran out.

"Sue Yuyu's people are here, run!" Jiang Yingxue followed behind the Rong people and ran out of the inn. Seeing her running, he followed.

Jiang Yingxue ran sprinting on the street and, with his own memory, headed towards the gate of Huizhou City.

"You **** woman, stop me."

"Come, chase me. If you catch up, I will tell you the teleportation Dafa." Jiang Yingxue Shen Dantian used the teleportation Dafa to move quickly on the street.

If you are not courageous, you can only use light work to chase, but the teleportation Dafa is the best of light work. Even if Jiang Yingxue is not fully trained, his light work is very difficult to chase.

When Mo thought he was about to be escaped by Jiang Ying, he suddenly saw Jiang Yingxue's figure stopped in front of a broken alley. He gritted his teeth and chased up, clasping her shoulders. "Look where you are going this time!" Jiang Yingxue turned quickly and covered his mouth.


Panning her hand away was furious. "you wanna die!"

"Shh!" Jiang Yingxue made a snoring gesture, hiding outside the alley and looking inside.

Moo didn't know what she was doing, and she stretched her neck and glanced into it. I saw an inconspicuous carriage in the alley. Two men carried a woman and threw her into the carriage.

"Do you think a man looks familiar?"

He hummed. "I warn you not to play tricks!"

Jiang Yinxue frowned slightly. "Don't you think that the taller man looks a lot like where we are, the cottage leader?"

Hearing what he said, looking towards the two, he stayed in the cottage for a longer time, knowing more clearly than Jiang Yingxue, what the cottage leader looks like and what he says are very similar, but he can be sure, This man is not the cottage leader, the cottage leader is taller than him.

Obviously, Jiang Yingxue also saw this, and Su Yuzheng also told her that the leader of this cottage is dead and no one can appear here again.

"Who the **** are these? What do they want to do?" Between Jiang Yingxue's doubts, the two men also got on the carriage and came out of the car.

Jiang Yingxue confessed that he was not a Virgin, but he was not a cold-blooded person. He saw a girl who had no power to be bound by chickens and was taken away by two unknown men. If she really ignored her conscience, It's really hard for me. "Follow up and see."

As soon as she was about to leave, she was forced to stop. "It's your job to want to be more nosy. I don't have so much time to accompany you to play. If you don't hand over the teleportation Dafa today, you don't want to leave here half a step."

Jiang Yinxue watched him clasp his hands on his shoulders, smiled, and reached out to gently pull his hands away from his shoulders. "Okay, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue finished speaking, his arm was down, and a trick was used to steal the peach!

He was startled and stepped back several times.

Jiang Yingxue laughed out loud. "Boy, you're too tender."

His face flushed with anger, he had never seen such a shameless woman!

Jiang Yinxue turned and chased after the carriage, and he had to keep up with him in order to teleport Dafa.

In the city of Huizhou, with the presence of Zhan Wang, there were people from the Rong tribe who broke in. This is just hitting Su Yu's face!

At this time, the assassins of the Zhan Wangfu had not caught it!

When Ming Zhen walked outside the study, Ding Xiang and Ding Zheng stood outside, wondering what they were mumbling about. "Where is the king?"

Ding Zheng nodded.

"Prince, there is something to report from the staff." Ming Zhen walked outside.

"Come in." Su Yuzheng's voice couldn't hear emotions.

Ming Zhen walked into the study. "Master, those people have appeared again, and Miss Jiang has also followed."

Su Yu 宸 black eyes froze. "Where did they go?"

"Looking at the direction, you should want to get out of town."

"Let them go, you must look for someone to watch, this time, you must not let them run away."

"Miss Jiang ..."

"I want your king to teach you how to do it?"

"Subordinates understand." Su Yuxi came to the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, and stood on his hands. "Jiang Yingxue, those people appeared as soon as you went out. You simply said that you had nothing to do with them. Would you believe this article?"

"Ding Zheng."

Ding Zheng, who was waiting outside the door, walked into the study slightly. "Prince."

"You can't catch anyone who is making trouble in the city, so you don't have to come back to see the king."

Ding Zheng shivered. "Yes."

Jiang Yingxue followed them all the way to the ruined temple on the outskirts of the city.

It was getting dark. After the carriage stopped at the ruined temple, the two men took the woman out of the carriage and walked into the ruined temple.

Around the ruined temple, there are few people, and now the people of the Rong tribe come to commit crimes from time to time. At this time, no one will come here.

Jiang Yingxue and Mo hide in the dark and watch the two bring the woman into the ruined temple before leaning over.

The inside of the ruined temple is dark, the sky outside has begun to dark, and the moon has not yet come out. If it wasn't for Jiang Yingxue's good eyesight, people in the temple would not be clear.

This was originally a temple to give birth to Guanyin, but because the Rong tribe came too close to the city gate, it often suffered from it. Gradually, the people of Huizhou City abandoned the temple.

Jiang Yingxue listened to the movement inside, but there was no sound at all, and they didn't know what the two were doing inside.

"Ah!" A woman's exclaimed sound suddenly as they waited outside.

Jiang Yinxue sank in her heart, quickly turned the window into the ruined temple, and the ruined temple was dark. She could only follow the sound source and touch the past.

"Dry again, this is not it."

"No, let's have fun with our brothers, and don't hesitate we bring him here."

After a **** laughter sounded, Jiang Yingxue heard the sound of torn clothing.

"Scum!" Jiang Yingxue grasped the dagger in his hand and turned them to the ground while they were not prepared to flash.


"What are you still doing? Don't help me catch them. If you catch me, I will write down the first page of Dafa for you."

Standing on the side without intending to move, I heard that he could only bite his teeth and twist them to the ground.

Jiang Yingxue picked up the rope on the ground and tied them up.

"You, who are you?"

The two stared at Jiang Yingxue and they questioned.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the woman whose torn coat had been torn on the ground, and stomped in one's heart.

"Ah!" "Aunt Grandma, I haven't asked any questions yet. Where did you get your turn to say," Who the **** are you and what did she want? "

The man with the same face as the gangster's head blinked. "I just want to catch her for fun because she's beautiful. Why, heroine, do you care about that?"

Jiang Yingxue approached him and touched his neck. The man froze, but did not expect Jiang Yingxue to do so.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Tear off", the mask on the man's face was torn off.

By moonlight, Jiang Yingxue could clearly see that under the mask was an ordinary face that could not be more ordinary. She took the mask and shook him in front of him. "Tell me, how many people have this mask?"

The man turned his head to the side without looking at her. "I found this mask. How do I know how many people have it?"

"You picked it, then, well, tell me where did you pick it? And when did you pick it? Why did the masks you picked fit so well with your face? Hmm?" She used to play with these masks before It ’s been a while. If it ’s not a private custom mask, it ’s actually fake on the face. After all, everyone ’s face is different. Many details must be paid attention to. It ’s not like this man. Face-like.

"I picked it up a long time ago. Where do I remember it so clearly?" Jiang Yingxue sneered, and the two jaws were removed by clicking.

"Don't say so, well, I'll send you to Su Yuzhang and ask him to ask you, I'll see if that time, can you keep your mouth so tight?"

The man's face changed slightly as soon as he heard it.

Jiang Yingxue squatted down to take the woman on the ground aside and stunned her.

Before long, the woman woke up quietly.

"Ah! You, who are you?" The woman was obviously frightened, and yelled when she saw Jiang Yingxue.

"I just happened to pass here and saved you. Now I ask you a few questions. If you answer me truthfully, I will send you home."

The woman saw that she was also a girl, and the alert in her heart dropped a little, and she nodded slowly. "Girl, please."

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