Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue tore off the cloth strips from his body and simply bandaged the wound on Su Yu's body.

This deserted place has to find a safe place to settle tonight.

"Master Wang, Su Yuyi?" She called twice, Su Yuyi didn't respond at all, and fainted enough.

She turned around and found a small cave, the cave is not large, that is, less than a square, let people in first.

Su Yuzheng is a type who is thin and undressed when dressed.

Jiang Yingxue exhausted all the power to feed milk into a small cave.

"Su Yumin, the old lady really owed you the last life."

If the old man in the dream is true, then she still has to find a way to return to the capital, but her reputation has already been suffocated in the capital. If you want to go back, you should approach the emperor of the Daxia Kingdom smoothly, but you ca n’t As an assassin, there must be a medium in the middle, and now, obviously, only Su Yuzheng can become this medium.

After Jiang Yingxue brought Su Yuzhang into the cave, he moved some stones to cover the cave entrance. May God complain that no beasts will infestation tonight because they have no fire.

It was getting dark, and the temperature had dropped. This desert has a large temperature difference between day and night. In the end, it will be very cold at night.

Jiang Yingxue couldn't wait so much, and tore off the robes of those people. When she returned to the cave again, she found that Su Yu curled up and fell to the ground.

"I'm not going to die."

She stepped forward in two steps, and then shrank back cold as soon as her hand touched him.

"I rely! Why is it so ice, hey, Su Yu, wake up."

She lifted him up from the ground and touched his face, which was frozen like an ice cellar. She watched his lips pale gradually, not to perform a dog blood TV drama!

She wrapped him in her robes, but even this situation did not improve.

Jiang Yingxue frowned, and going on like this would really be dead.

She looked at his face carefully, and she felt that something was wrong. She could deal with those people. How could Su Yuzheng not be able to cope? He looked like he was extremely poisoned or after the poisoning.

"No way!" Jiang stomped in the cave, ran for a few laps, felt his body warmer, then turned and leaned against Su Yu's side, his body also retracted into those robes and drilled into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Su Yuzhang, if you go through, you owe me Jiang Yingxue."

Su Yuzhen, whose body was cold, had no sense of autonomy at all, only the instinctual response of his body. He felt the warmth of Jiang Yingxue, and desperately wanted to be close to this heat source, holding Jiang Yingxue tightly. She was embedded in her body.

"Well ... brother, I can't breathe out of my arms."

"Uh ... uh!"

Su Yuchen buried her face deeply in her neck, and her cold skin stuck to her warm skin, making her shiver. She wanted to push him away, but his throat overflowed inadvertently. Yin, like an injured but stubborn unwilling to yield, can't help reminding her of those years who survived the brutality of that man.

I don't know if her temperature is too strong, and gradually she felt that the temperature on his body didn't seem so low.

The sky outside was already dark, and she found a more comfortable posture in his arms and closed her eyes. If she could still meet the uncle in her dream, she must ask what artifact was the Emperor of the Xia Dynasty. Blood, and how long was the deadline that he said was limited.

"Huh ..." The arms were sore and numb.

Jiang Yingxue's eyebrows frowned tightly before her eyes opened.

She moved and opened her eyes. The sky outside was already bright, and she looked up at Su Yuyu for the first time, and met the deep pupils at a glance.

There was an inexplicable firework floating in the air.

Jiang Yingxue turned back abruptly, trying to get up from his arms, but sat still for a night, half of his body was still numb, and the whole person fell aside. "Ouch!"

Su Yuzheng's complexion had returned to normal, and his slightly extremities stood up.

Jiang Yingxue didn't take a look at him when he stood up. There was a big fire in his heart. Anyway, she rescued him last night, and she didn't take any help when she fell. !!

After the soreness in his body slowly recovered, Jiang Yingxue got up from the ground. "Master, I have seen what is called ingratitude."

Su Yuzheng looked back at her. "My king has also seen, what is cheap and sell well."

Jiang Yingxue was discouraged. He got cheap and sell well? !!

Dare to love her last night, regardless of being frozen to warm him up with his body, became an advantage to him? !!

If she could, she really wanted slippers to hit his face now, yes, the kind of face!

Su Yuxuan looked down at the palm of his palm, and yesterday, when he was about to catch up with the fifth child, he suddenly had Qi and blood retrograde poisoning, but at this time his medicine was not carried on his body.

Before he lost consciousness, he vaguely saw Jiang Yingxue's face, and she saved him.

Every time he poisoned the law, he would fall into the ice and take medicine to suppress it. There was no way to survive it, but last night ... the woman actually helped him through it with her own body temperature.

Su Yuzhen kicked the stone away and took out the signal tube and put it out.

"Master Wang, the peace did not work out yesterday. Do Daxia Kingdom and Rong continue to fight?"

Su Yuzhang returned to the cave to sit down and look at her, and spit out a word coldly. "hit."

We still have to fight with the Rong tribe. When can we return to Beijing? !!

"Actually, I think, the battle is going to be fought, but we can pay attention to technology."

"Don't fight? Let them continue to bother me Daxia people?"

"There are so many large and small tribes of the Rong tribe. If they come out alone, there is no basis. When they deal with us, they must be twisted into a twine. Otherwise, the fighting power is not enough. Let them have irresolvable contradictions, can this hemp rope still be twisted? As long as they are divided, how can I break them one by one, wouldn't it be much easier? "

Su Yuzhang heard that she put her hands behind her head and looked at her. "Jiang Yingxue, do you think you are the only intelligent person in this world?"

This method has not been used in the past, but it is surprising that the Rong people are more united than they thought. Even though they were divided at that time, they were screwed together when they sent troops to battle.

Alas, how can this person speak so badly!

Thanks to her, she really has the idea here.

Jiang Yingxue closed his mouth and stopped talking, but he took the matter into his heart and waited until she got along with a practical plan to crack his face.

During the silence, there was a slight movement outside, and the nerves of the two immediately tightened.

Su Yuyi looked at her and stood up. "Stay inside and don't move."


He stood looking at the opening of the cave and looked out. After seeing Dingzheng them, he went out.

"My King is here."

Hearing the sound, Dingzheng flew over to them.

Ding Xiang glanced at the wound on Su Yu's body and sank, "Master Wang, are you okay?"

"My King is innocent."

"It turned out that he was here." Jiang Yingxue heard the sound and walked out of the cave.

Ding Zheng and others were a little surprised to see Jiang Yingxue. Yesterday they all followed and lost. How did this Miss Jiang keep up with Wang Ye?

"What's up there?"

"Hu Luner was arrested by us, and his subordinates let him be taken back to the city."

"Well, go back to the city first."


Su Yuzhang was preparing to leave, but found that the noisy person had disappeared.

He looked around and looked around, and found that she squatted in front of yesterday's dead bodies, and did not know what she was looking at so seriously.

Su Yu walked around and walked behind her.

As soon as he approached, he smelled a thick smell of corpse.

"Want to spend the night here?"

Jiang Yingxue looked up at him and said, "Master, look at this place."

She pulled off the corpse's clothes and exposed their belly.

The corpse had begun to turn black, and the stink was suffocating.

Jiang Yingxue pinched his nose and pointed at the navel of the body to let Su Yuzhang look.

Su Yuzhang looked down, and in the darkness of the picture, he could dimly see a weird shade of red.

If you look closer, you will find that there is actually a pattern in Yin Hongli.

"Ding Zheng."

"Subordinates are here."

"Bring these bodies back."

"Can't take it back."

Jiang Yingxue stood up, picked up a stone and threw it on the dead body. The dead body instantly turned into a pool of blood.

"Master, let's go."


When the party returned to the post, the look of yesterday was gone. Many tables, chairs, and benches were destroyed. The second shop saw a few coming in, with a warning on his face. "Several guest officers, the store has been in some accidents, and now it is really inconvenient to receive some ..."

Ding Zheng threw a bar of gold into his hand, and Xiaodian closed his mouth instantly.

"Come up, Grandpa still has a reward."

Xiaodian looked at the gold ingot in his hand, bit it in his mouth, and then closed it and followed Su Yuzhen upstairs.

Su Yuzheng has put on yesterday's mask, and the shop's second child also recognized him.

"Guest, what would you like to ask?"

Ding is putting a bar of gold on the table. "Fiveth, do you know?"

Jiang Yingxue watched the gold ingot and gritted his teeth. One problem was so much money. It was really a fool!

The shop's second one heard, his eyes flashed and his face was still smiling. "My dear, the store is going to have a lot of customers at the first hearing. There are more than one of the oldest five, and I don't know which oldest one the guest officer said?"

"A blind man, he will appear in your post from time to time." Dingzheng said for a moment. "Don't test our grandpa's patience. Just flatten your shop. Our grandpa also has that patience."

The smile on Dian Xiaoer's face slightly converged, but he did not reach out and took the gold on the table.

The room was quiet for a moment ...

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