Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"This man, you also know, let ’s confuse in this way. We know something, but we can only treat it as ignorant. The person you asked about has seen it a few times, but I do n’t know much about it, you gold. It's too heavy to be small. "

Su Yucheng turned slowly, the jade on his thumb pulled his finger, and heard Yan Yin laughed. "Everyone said that all the people at the Wuguo Station were rootless and bottomless, and this person didn't jump out of the crack in the stone. In this desert, where can you spend these money?" Su Yuxi said, slightly Stuck.

"You killed three people in a family ten years ago, and you were driven out of the country to do unsightly work in the post. People like you should have been accepted by Lord Yan, but you **** it, but your heart also There is still a trace of good intentions, your parents who are already old now hang their lives by your black heart and silver? "

Su Yu's words made the store's second face pale.

Jiang Yingxue listened, but Su Yuzheng didn't even know this.

"You do n’t need gold, just don't know your mother-in-law, do you want it?"

Dian Xiao Er lowered his head, and when he looked up at Su Yuyu again, his eyes had completely changed. The second second was still charming and intriguing Dian Xiao Er, the next instant became a perverted demon who killed and did not blink.

"Checked before coming."

Su Yuzhang drank tea. "Know yourself."

"Okay, I tell you, that Cyclops does appear once a month, and I sleep in the Chase every time. I talked to him, and he said that he is a human skin business. The human skin business is a profitable business, but Not everyone can do it. "The so-called human skin business is the business of buying and selling people.

"There are people who do this. Unrooted people like us can't afford such a big deal, but his business can be done a little differently from others. As long as Miss Jiao, fine skinned meat, nothing else. "

Jiang Yingxue heard two steps coming. "Are there any other characteristics besides Miss Jiao and fine-skinned meat?"

The shopkeeper looked at her. "No, I don't know anything else."

Jiang Yingxue remembered that when he rescued the girl, some of the two men said "this is not". That is to say, the girl did not meet the requirements of the person they were looking for, but the person was also delicate and tender. Miss.

This old fifth was shocked this time, and it is estimated that it will not appear again.

Ding Zheng lost two ingots to the shop junior, and the shop prince left after taking the money.

"Man, what do you do next?"

"Go back to the city first."


When this time came out, neither of the two things was done. When he returned to the city, Su Yu's face was overcast.

After returning to the King's Mansion in Huizhou City, Su Yuzhang went to the study, as if he did not know that Jiang Yingxue existed, and ignored her directly.

"Girl Mingzhen ..." Jiang Yingxue said happily when she saw Ming Zhen walking on the corridor.

Mingzhen paused slightly, glanced at her, and continued on ...

"Well, girl Mingzhen, wait." Jiang Yingxue smiled and stopped.

Mingzhen glanced at her blankly. "Girl Jiang is something wrong?"

"Is there something wrong with Mingzhen?"

Ming Zhen didn't say anything, Jiang Yingxue secretly poked his lips. The people in this palace were really enough. One by one, their mouths were like the river mussels, and they couldn't pry open.

"I'm actually fine. I just came back from Wanguoyi Station with Grandpa Wang. I think we should combine work and rest and relax well, right? In this way, I'll go get some food in the big kitchen, let's eat one "Dun, have a drink and talk about life?"

Jiang Yingxue felt that Ming Zhen was a girl with high cold face paralysis, but after two quarters ... she was more affirming her thoughts!

After the two jars drank, Ming Zhen could be said to have changed his face, his face was not red, and his eyes were not fascinated.

Jiang Yingxue's cheeks were crimson, and he sipped a wine booze without image.

"Well, I'll explain to you Jenna, my life is hard. I waited for so many years. Baba finally waited for your lord to return home. He waited for him to marry me. 'Simply, someone was stepped into the mud from the sky. You don't know how many people saw my joke from Jiang Yingxue ... "Jiang Yingxue looked at Ming Zhen's shoulder with a bitter expression.

Mingzhen looked at her like this, her eyebrows frowned slightly, so it sounded that Lord Wang was really quite ruthless ...

"A poor worm like me who has no one to support, but what's the difference between that lonely daughter and the lonely daughter? Now that the king still doubts me, I want to prove that I really don't have any worries, but nobody gave me this opportunity ... "

Jiang Yingxue didn't know if it was because he drank alcohol and his eyes were a little red.

"Mingzhen, why do you say that those people of the Rong tribe are so abominable, shall we differentiate them?"

Mingzhen put a hand on her back to prevent her from falling to the ground between movements. "The Rong people seem to have only a strong force, but they are very clever. Lord Wang did not do so in the past, but he never succeeded."

Jiang Yingxue heard a quick flash of light at the bottom of her eyes, but soon she was drunk again. "I have a way. Tell me about the Rong tribe. I might be able to figure out a way to solve them!" Then, she patted her chest hard, afraid that Ming Zhen would not believe it.

Mingzhen looked at her stupid look, and her mouth could not hold up slightly.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, you look so beautiful ..."

Mingzhen immediately recovered her old wooden face.

"You want to know, telling you is not impossible. The Rong tribe is composed of multiple tribes. Among these tribes, four tribes are relatively large, and the Santa tribe is one of the largest tribes."

Previously, Su Yuzheng also sent spies to divide these big tribes and stir up the contradictions between them. At the beginning, it was successful. However, when the army was dispatched again in the Daxia Kingdom, they temporarily put down all the contradictions to fight together. The Rong people know that if they fight in a single tribe, there is only a dead end.

"Later Wang gave up the plan."

"Are these people smart?"

Jiang Yingxue circled his hands and hugged Mingzhen's neck. "Xiao Zhenzhen, the prince of the Santa tribe seems to have been brought back by the prince, would you take me to meet him?"

Mingzhen frowned.

"I swear, I really just want to hear if there is a sheepish smell on him. I won't do anything else!"

Two quarters later, Jiang Yingxue appeared in the jail of the palace.

"Hu Luner is inside, you can go in and smell it." Ming Zhen said blankly.

Jiang Yingxue grinned. "I must smell it well."

Hu Luner was locked in one of the deepest cells in the prison.

His limbs were tied by iron chains, and with a slight movement, he "slammed".

After the soldiers opened the door to her cell, she walked in with a food container.

When Hu Lun'er heard the sound, he looked up at Jiang Yingxue, and frowned when she saw that she was an unsightly woman.

Jiang Yingxue walked to a safe distance and placed the food container on the ground.

"Brother, I'll send you something delicious."

Hu Lun'er looked at her in fluent Daxia official language and asked, "Who are you?"

Jiang Yingxue sat on the ground and opened the food container to take out a roast chicken.

Hu Luner watched the roast chicken in her hand and swallowed.

Jiang Yingxue tore off a chicken leg and shook it in front of him, then ate into his mouth.

"Well, the roast chicken I roasted with my own hands is delicious. You all eat roast lamb and roast beef in the prairie. I tell you that the taste of this chicken is not the same as that of cattle and sheep! And this ... "

She took out 10,000 green mung bean soup. "What do you know? Come and smell it ..." Then, she put the mung bean soup bowl to the tip of his nose.

Hu Luner's alert breath held back.

"Well, I said why you guys are so stubborn. This is mung bean soup, do you know what mung bean soup is? The one to relieve the heat is the hot weather, and the bowl of iced ice has just passed the immortal. , Aren't you in the prairie? "

Hu Lun'er looked at Jiang Yingxue who had slammed the mung bean soup and said nothing.

Half of the roasted chicken had a belly, and a bowl of mung bean soup was finished. Jiang Yingxue wiped his round belly.

"Actually, I came here today to let you know the gap between your Rong tribe and our Da Xia people. Do you know where the gap is? What you don't have, we all have, you have, we have!"

"So what, when we capture Huizhou City, all these things you said are ours!"

"Pout!" Jiang Yingxue wiped the oil on his mouth.

Hu Luner said he did not know what the word meant.

"Big prince, you are here to reconcile this time. Why did you start working well? I said that even if a spy accidentally hurt Zhan Wang, you could n’t explain it afterwards. Why did you follow him blindly? ? "

"what did you say?"

"Why, don't you know that among the people you brought in were people of the Tarot tribe?"

Hu Lun'er was shocked, obviously he did not believe Jiang Yingxue's words.

"Stupid, the one who first shot and stabbed King Zhan was the spy who planted beside you. This time it is also because our King Zhan blocked you, otherwise he will not cut you down the next time. Is it planted in his hands? "

"The people in your Daxia Kingdom want to provoke us again!"

Jiang Yingxue spread his hands. "Isn't it true that the patriarch of the Tarot tribe fell asleep on your mother, and still provoked you, look at it yourself, Mingzhen, get on the body."

Xu Xun, a footstep sounded outside the door, the cell door was opened, and a corpse was still at Hu Lun's feet.

"Isn't it yours, you can see it clearly, and think about it, why don't they let you negotiate, the Santa clan has always been the strongest fighting force, and when you are against the big summer, there is no big head of you, those people behind them How to mix, but you can also think about how many casualties you have had in such a long time. Take a step back and say, even if your Rong tribe really wins, then, how many people are left in your tribe. "

After speaking, Jiang Yingxue stood up and was afraid to slap his butt. "Big brother, think about it, let's see you later."

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