World-shaking First Daughter: Powerful Medical Princess

Chapter 336: This piece of meat is ready to eat

Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

The young and middle-aged people in the Santa clan are now on the battlefield, and almost all women and children stay in the big account.

"Hari Yinhan, I'm back," Hu Luner shouted happily outside a wide cone-top tent.

The next instant, Jiang Yingxue saw that the tent had been opened, and a tall, black-faced woman stepped out of her face in disbelief. "Hu Luner? It's you, really you came back Hu Luner."

"It's me, I'm back."

Hu Lun'er Jiang Hari Yin Han hugged her arms and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Hari Yinhan's eyes were red. "It's great. The hope of our Santa tribe is back."

Both said what they said about Rong tribe. Yun Mu couldn't understand it, and could only stand aside to keep the awkward but elegant smile.

"This is ..." After Hari Yin Han was excited, he finally noticed Yun Mu's existence.

"She is my benefactor, she saved me." Hu Luner said in Daxia official.

Yun Mu understood this sentence. "Hello, hello, I'm disturbed at your door."

"It turned out to be a benevolent girl, but she is really a pretty girl." Hari Yinhan would also speak Daxia official language, but it sounded strange.

After a shiver, Hari Yin Han took Yun Mu into the big account.

This tent looks almost like a yurt, and it looks like a little home with everything.

"Father, they took someone to save you, and said they would break into the gate of Huizhou City anyway."

After entering the large account, Hari Yinhan began to tell Hu Luner what happened in his absence when he was away.

Jiang Yingxue didn't need to eavesdrop, but listened to it with a sense of justice, but it was useless, and she couldn't understand it.

"Is this girl credible?" Hari Yinhan glanced quickly at Jiang Yingxue Road.

Hu Rener nodded. "She saved me. Su Yuyi wanted to kill her. I believe her and let her live with us for the time being."

Hari Yinhan nodded without questioning.

Hari Yinhan arranged Jiang Yingxue separately into a well-equipped tent.

After spending a day here, Yun Mu found that their lives were similar to her imagination.

The staple food they eat is a very hard cake, which tastes dry. If it weren't for the goat's milk, the meat would be beef and mutton. As for vegetables, there would be almost nothing.

Just two meals. If Dunton lets Jiang Yingxue go through it, she feels it is difficult.

"Big prince, the king is hurt. Come and see!"

"It's the king and they're back."

When Jiang Yingxue played with Hu Lun'er's three-year-old in the tent, he heard a panic footsteps from outside.

When she stepped out of the tent, she saw Hu Rener running away with several men.

"Did something happen?"

Hari Yinhan stood outside the tent with red eyes. "Yes, it was my father who was injured."

Hu Lun's father, that is the supreme leader of the Santa tribe.

As a person in Daxia Kingdom, Jiang Yingxue felt that it was more appropriate to stay in the tent honestly. At least this time, be honest. After all, their leader was injured by Daxia Kingdom ...

Huchaganba was carried into the big tent, and the doctor carried in the medicine box to treat him. From dark to dawn, the doctor came out of the big tent.

Hu Chaganba's blood stopped and his life was saved, but after all, he was not a young man. This time, even if he was well supported, it would be difficult to support him in the future.

When Hu Chaganba woke up, he saw Hu Luner standing in his tent, his eyes lit up. "Huluner."

The others in the tent retreated, leaving Hu Luner alone.

"Father." Hu Luner knelt before his bed.

Hu Chagan exhaled heavily. "You're back, just fine."

Hu Chagan's face leaned pale on his bed, his eyes revealing the dark gray color.

"Hu Lun'er, I'm afraid I can't live. I watched the day when the Santa tribe ate fresh fruit and drank Qiongjiangyuye." This time, he took all the warriors of the Santa tribe and Su Yuzheng. The soldiers and horses battled, obviously their warriors were more heroic and their horses were stronger, but they still lost.

He knew well that such a war would continue, and one day the Santa clan would disappear forever.

"Father, don't say that."

If Huchaganba would never have thought like this another ten years earlier, the serious injury this time would allow him to clearly see the reality.

"The king, the great prince, the princes of the Tarot tribe and the Tamar tribe have come to visit the king."

Hu Lun'er listened, his face was very ugly. When their tribe sent troops, it was not that they did not inform the people of these tribe, hoping that they would send troops to help, but these people tried all kinds of excuses to reject, and now do it again what!

Seeing that Hu Lun'er wasn't looking right, Hu Chagan patted his hand calmly. "Please come in."


The curtain of the big tent was opened, and a bearded man born a little dwarf and a taller man walked in. The shorter one was the great prince Danfu of the Tarot tribe, and the taller one was the second of the Tamar tribe. Prince Gedu.

"When I heard that King Santa was injured, my father was very worried and sent me to see it."

"Yes, we can rest assured that King Santa is fine."

Hu Luner listened, Qing Jin almost did not burst out, his father was injured like this, they even said nothing!

"Before you had to send troops to Da Xia, our Santa clan promised you nothing, but this time, you made every excuse ..."

"It turned out that Concubine Prince Hu Lun'er had been rescued. Congratulations." Dan Fu's good temper interrupted Hu Luner's words.

"May God Bless King Santa be as heroic as ever. Since King Santa is okay, then we will not disturb King Santa."

The two said that they had come to take a look, they really just took a look. Now that they have seen it, they should leave.

"Let the two princes bother." Hu Chaganba stood up and asked Hu Luner to send them out.

When Hu Luner returned to the big account with a black face, Hu Chaganba was too weak because he had fallen asleep.

Hu Luner looked at his father's weakness, and clenched his fists tightly!

"Now they are the meat we hold in our mouths and they can eat in our stomachs at any time."

"Look at the old thing, I really want to send him to the true **** immediately." The true **** is the most worshipped deity of the Rong tribe.

After coming out of the big account, Danfu and Gedu talked unbridledly in Daxia's official language. Very few people in the Rong tribe understood and spoke Daxia's official language, so they didn't have any scruples.

"Now you see him like this, when are we going to do it?" Gedu glanced at Danfu and lowered his voice.

With a slight smile on Duff's face, Danfu thought pensive. "They just came back from the battlefield, and now it's time for exhaustion, I think, tonight is the best time."

Gedu smiled when he said "giggle". "Well, I like your impatience, Grand Prince."

The two walked as they said and didn't notice Jiang Yingxue sneaking behind them.

She watched the two slowly walk out of the sphere of influence of the Santa clan and turned back.

Hu Luner came back just then.

"Big brother."

Hu Lun'er's breath seemed to be a bit low, but he still had a good temper to stop talking to her in the face of Jiang Yingxue.

"Well, what happened to Xiao Xue?"

Jiang Yingxue made them call her like this, saying it sounded more kind.

"Is that someone from another tribe?"

Hu Luner did not expect she would ask this, he paused, but nodded. "Yes, it is the prince of the Tarot tribe and the tribe tribe."

"I just overheard them saying that I wanted to feed you."

Hu Rener looked at the question mark. "Eat us?"

Jiang Yingxue nodded and raised his mouth to the maximum. "Eat like this!"

Hu Luner was not a fool, and instantly understood what Jiang Yingxue meant.

"They ... really say that?"

"Yes, how about 'eating' tonight."

Hu Luner's face was even uglier.

"Let's go in and say."


The two entered the tent, and Hari Yinhan was cooking. When he saw Hu Luner coming in, he asked, "How is your father?"


Hari Yinhan heard a worried expression on her face. "I'll tell you this later."

Talking, Hu Luner pulled Jiang Yingxue aside. "Tell me what you hear again."

"Okay." Jiang Yingxue rehearsed what he had overheard, and Hu Luner heard his fists "click".

"These people, **** it!"

"They really deserve to die." Jiang Yingxue also indignantly learned from Hu Luner that every time the other tribes sent troops, the Santa tribes would send troops to help, but they did not expect these people to stab them behind when they were scarred. Yidao, although it would be good for her to do it this way ... But ... in the end she could not bear to these innocent men, women and children, hey!

"Big brother, calm down first. If they really intend to do it tonight, we must be fully prepared, otherwise we will be finished!"

Hu Luner did not speak for a while. He believed that Yun Mu was right. After all, it was not the first time that the people of the two tribes were ambitious. When they did not fight against Daxia in the past, they were between the tribes and their tribes. There are also battles, and it is no longer a matter of a day or two for the Tarot tribe to annex them.

But now they have to choose to shoot when his father is seriously injured.

"I'm going to tell the clan now and let them have a whole army!" Hu Luner said he was about to go out.

"Hey you wait."

Hu Luner stopped and looked back at her. "Thank you, Xiao Xue."

Jiang Yingxue smiled embarrassedly. "Thank you now for me, and wait until we have escaped this catastrophe. Don't be impulsive. There is a way on my side that can help you. If you believe me, I will tell you my way."

She paused and continued: "You go to those clan elders, can you guarantee that they will believe you? What if they don't believe it?"

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