Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Night fell, and the moon, which had been hanging high in the night sky, hid in the clouds tonight, and the Santa tribe on the grassland was shrouded in darkness.

With the return of the war, the warriors of the Santa race were wounded, illusory, and gradually fell into their dreams as the night went on.

On this quiet night, a team approached the Santa clan quietly.

They came to the big account silently, and suddenly, they held up their spears and pierced the big account.

The "wow" sound was particularly harsh on a quiet night.


Suddenly, some people in the team sang loudly, and those people rushed to the big tents one by one as if they had been beaten up.

The spear pierced into the bed.

"Strange, why is there no sound?"

Those people stabbed for a round and found that the situation was wrong. Even if they were stabbed to death in their sleep, they wouldn't sound a bit.

"It's grass. There's no one in the big account. It's all grass!"

Someone found it wrong and went to open the quilt. It was found that lying inside were scarecrows who were pierced into human shapes!

"Where have the people of the Santa tribe gone?"

"I don't believe they suddenly disappeared overnight. Find me!"


"Huh? Strange, how do I feel this floor shake?" Warrior Jia stopped and stood outside the tent.

"I also think what happened on the ground?" Warrior B echoed.

"Ah ... the herd, the herd and the herd rushed over ... ah ..."

"It's the herd and the herd rushing over, run away ..."

"Booming" sheep and cows rushed straight towards the big tents. Those who entered the big tents to find someone had no time to dodge. One by one, they were either hit by flying or stepped on the hoof.

"It's the ambush of the Santa tribe. Quickly withdraw, everyone will withdraw me!"

"Run away, move faster!"

Those people fled in a panic, and were defeated.

Standing in the distance, the people of the Santa clan watched their long-settled homes be flattened by sheep and cattle, and they couldn't help crying.

"Woohoo ... that's our home. If it's gone, where do we go in the future?"

"Yeah, what shall we do in the future?"

Jiang Yingxue couldn't understand what they said, but she could feel their sadness.

"The Tarot tribe they are so abominable. Help us to help them before!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to be so worried about us."

Hu Lun'er looked at the home that was about to be flattened without saying a word. He suddenly remembered a word that Jiang Yingxue told him.

"Our Da Xia Kingdom pays attention to a ground that takes root. You, a country with no place to stay, unless you have strong ability to **** other people's roots, otherwise you will always be like that planktonic, dead, and have no place to stay The place."

Their Santa tribes have always survived in the form of nomads. This has been the case for many years, but Hu Luner now strongly hopes that their Santa tribes have "roots"!

A root that can shield them from the wind and rain!

"Wang, what shall we do next?" As far as their current status, if Su Yuzhang knew that he would send troops to attack them, they would really be finished!

Huchaganba slowly closed his eyes as he looked at the big tent that was no longer in the distance.

"From now on Hu Luner is your king, what about you, ask him!"

Huchaganba's words made them fall on Hulun'er.

"Father!" Hu Lun'er turned back, his eyes stared at Hu Chagan.

Hu Chagan nodded heavily. "Hu Luner, we all believe in you."

Hu Luner clenched his fists and looked at the dark night sky. "We leave here and find a place where our Santa tribe can take root. We will be qualified to stand on the battlefield when our Santa tribe becomes stronger. on!"

"Where? Where can we go?"

"Yeah, where can we go, now our home is gone."

"Bring all our bags, our cattle and sheep, as for the Tarot and Tamar tribes who want to be against us, I will never let them go! We will go to the city where our ancestors once stayed And turn it into our Santa tribe! "

"That city ..."

"Okay, okay, we believe in the king!"

"Yes, we believe that Wang will make us live a good life."

Jiang Yingxue watched them from their initial sadness and depression, but after a while, they became full of hope for life, and felt that this was really an optimistic nation.

After the people of the Tribe and Tarot were driven away, the people of the Santa released the shepherds and drove the cattle and sheep back. Because of this, Hu Luner decided to start the journey tonight Go to waste city.

"Big brother, where are you taking the guys?" Insufficient language is sometimes a very annoying obstacle!

"Go to the abandoned city at the foot of Tianshan."

"Abandoned city at the foot of Tianshan Mountain? Where is it? Not far away? How long will it take?"

"A month to go."

"so far."

Jiang Yingxue asked in detail before he realized that the waste city that he said was actually in a stateless area. They had approached here before, but never thought of staying there.

At that time, Hu Luner was still a child in his early ten years old, and because of the fun, he ran to the abandoned city. The ruined city was full of broken walls. Even so, he could feel a sense of ruin in the abandoned city. Solemn mystery.

But it was only that time. After he went to find food, he never went there again.

That derelict city does not belong to any country, because it is far from either the Great Xia Kingdom or the Rina Yu Kingdom.

The elderly of the Santa tribe were impressed by the place, so they could find it.

"People of the Tribe and Tarot tribe, I will never let them go!" When Hu Luner said this, his eyes were full of fierceness.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yingxue did not see Hu Luner when he woke up.

"Hari Yinhan, are we going to start on our way?" The members of the Santa clan woke up early to start packing and preparing to leave.

This is really a tribe that does not look back when it is determined.

"Well, a little more every day, we can get there faster and rebuild our home."

"Where's your husband? Why didn't you see him?"

After Hari Yin Han packed his things, he held the child's hand. "He said there are important things to do, let's rush ahead."

Jiang Yingxue frowned when he heard the doubt. At this time, what important things did Hu Luner need him to do?


In the city of Huizhou, Ding Zheng took the newly received Flying Eagle Biography into the Wangfu Study.

"Master Wang, Miss Jiang came back with news." This is the first time that Jiang Yingxue came back after leaving Huizhou City.

Su Yubi paused slightly, but did not immediately look up but continued to write something.

Ding Zheng felt inexplicably embarrassed while standing in the room with the news. His reaction seemed a little excited?

After a while, Su Yuzhen dropped his pen and raised his head. "Say it."


"Miss Jiang said that the Santa and Tribal tribes and the Tarot tribe were divided. On the night when the Santa tribe retired, the Tribal and Tarot tribe intended to send troops to attack the Santa tribe. Decided to withdraw from the war and leave. "

After Ding Zheng had finished speaking, he did not wait for Su Yu's response for a long time. He carefully looked up at Su Yu's glance, only to find that Su Yu's expression looked a little ... 懵 ……

Ding Zheng swears that he has been with Wang Ye for many years, and for the first time he saw such an expression on Wang Ye's face.


Su Yu frowned. "You just said the news from Jiang Yingxue?"


"Is the situation over the Rong tribe true?"

"Royal Lord, the great prince of the Sang tribe Hu Luner went out of the city and said that something had happened to ask to see him." The guard reported from outside the door.

"How come Huron came at this time, how many people?"

"Go back to the king, only Hu Luner."

Su Yuxi raised his eyebrows lightly, only Hu Luner was alone, and he was not brave.

"Bring him to my king. My king is here to see what he is going to do."


The corner door under the gate of the city opened, Hu Luner was put in, and Ding Xiang personally took him to the King's Palace.

"Prince, the great prince of the Santa tribe is here."

"Please come in."


Ding Xiang pushed the study door open. "Please, Prince."

Hu Luner walked into the study without any expression on his face.

Su Yuzhang sat before the case and looked at him without speaking.

"I'm here to talk to King Zhan. I will give King Zhan what I want, but I also have my conditions."

Su Yuzhen suddenly remembered that Jiang Yingxue said to Hu Luner that he was stupid, and asked him to negotiate the conditions when he came to peace, thinking of her dancing, her lips could not help but want to rise.

Hu Lun'er looked at Su Yuzheng's expression without wanting to laugh and didn't know what he meant.

"Tell me what you can give my king."

"Where are the Tribe and Tarot tribe?"

Su Yuxi laughed softly. "You don't have to say that this king also knows."

"Also, where are the traps they set."

Su Yuzhang's expression gradually changed, and every time the Rong clan retired, all of Su Yuzhang's failure to pursue was also because they knew that they would set traps.

"How does the king trust you?"

Hu Lun'er looked at Su Yuchen slowly and said, "Didn't Xiao Xue tell you?"

Su Yu's dark eyes froze, his body exuding a dangerous chill.

Hu Lun'er always knew that Jiang Yingxue was arranged by Su Yuzhang, but it is undeniable that Jiang Yingxue's words moved him.

"Speak out what you want."

Hu Luner took out a booklet from his body. "These are the things I want."

Su Yuzheng took the book and looked at it. What was written on it surprised him a little bit. The seeds, the people who planted flowers, grass and food ... many are things that can make people survive.

"In addition to the above, I need to be alone."

Su Yuchen raised his black eyes. "Who."

"Little Snow, I want her."

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