Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue walked with the Santa clan for a full five days. During this period, he did not receive a reply from Su Yuzheng, did not see Hu Luner, and did not know where he went.

After the night fell, the people of the Santa clan found a place to rest. When Jiang Yingxue walked out of a tired place, and prepared to lie down in the tent that Hari Yinhan had set up, he looked up and saw an eagle hovering in the sky.

Jiang Yingxue looked stunned, quickly took out the whistle in his hand, and found a place where no one was blowing.

Xu Xun, the eagle in the sky flew straight down, fluttering its wings and stopped in front of Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue looked around and no one noticed her side, so he took the bamboo tube from the eagle's feet to open the message.

There was only a thin note inside, and only four vigorous words were written in the note. "Follow them."

"Follow them?" Hu Luner said, but it would take a month to reach the waste city he said. At that time, she went to Su Yuchen and said that she would give her a chance and she could divide the Rong tribe. In order to gain his trust, the courier ended the war here and asked him to take him back to the capital to take the blood of the emperor. Now he asked her to follow the people of the Santa clan. When can she return to the capital?

Jiang Yingxue tore the note, patted the eagle's head, took a piece of jerky from his body and fed it into his mouth.

After the eagle had eaten the flesh, it fluttered away and flew away.

"Little Snow, come over for dinner."

"Well, I'm here." Hearing Hari Yinhan's cry, Jiang Yingxue had to pack up and ran.

"Do you still get used to our food?" Hari Yinhan handed her a piece of beef the size of a fist.

Jiang Yingxue took a bite of beef and smiled, "How can I not get used to it? My favorite is beef."

"I heard Hu Luner say that you have a lot of things in Daxia that our Rong people don't have."

Jiang Yingxue was eating meat, and he didn't spare any time to fry the hard bread into the hot water.

"Well, every place has its own characteristics. The beef and mutton of your Rong tribe is much better than Daxia."

Everyone was tired. After they were full, they went back to the simple tents they had set up to rest.

Jiang Yingxue has n’t taken a bath for several days. Not only is her body smelling of sweaty smell, but also the smell of lamb, the Rong people have been unstable in their daily lives, and the lambs and goat milk have a smell. Already.

"Tap Tap"

After eating and drinking, Jiang Yingxue also heard a tremor on the ground when she was about to return to the tent. She stood up and looked at the sound source, and saw a group of people coming here.

The warriors in the clan are alert one by one.

"It's the king, it's the king back."

"Hu Luner, Hu Luner."

Soon, Jiang Yingxue heard a sound from the front, and when she walked over, she saw Hu Luner turning over from the horse's back.

There were many people behind him.

Jiang Yingxue looked at those people and looked different from the Rong people ...

The people of the Rong tribe are rude in terms of skeletons and facial features, giving them a wild feeling, or it may be because they live in unrestricted places all year round, making them have such a temperament.

This is clearly the appearance of the people of the Daxia Kingdom.

"You're just behind our team ..." Hu Luner found a helping hand and pointed him behind him after he dismounted.

It's a pity that Jiang Yingxue didn't understand those words, so he could only look at the people he brought back with curiosity.

After explaining the matter, Hu Luner came to Jiang Yingxue. "Xie Xiaomei, I'm back." After that, he smiled, his smile looked a little sloppy.

Jiang Yingxue froze and quickly returned to him with a big smile.

"Brother, where have you been these days?"

Hu Luner said as he walked, "I listen to you, and asked Su Yu to talk about the conditions."

"What?" Jiang Yingxue froze, and Hu Luner went to Su Yuhuan.

"Are you all settled?" Jiang Yingxue felt that he was asking something in vain. If he hadn't settled down, Hu Luner would not be able to talk to her here now.

But since the Santa clan has made peace with Da Xia, Su Yuzhen wants her to follow them! ?

"Well, that's it, so Su Yuzheng gave it to those people, and they will be members of the Santa clan from now on."

Jiang Yingxue did not know how Hu Luner talked to Su Yuzhang, and she would not ask.

The point is that her task has been completed, what does it mean that Su Yuzheng won't let her go back! ?

Jiang Yingxue was a little sullen. The man didn't say anything, and the old man in the dream didn't give her brother the exact time. What if he suddenly appeared again and said that her time was up, what should I do to let her soul fly away? ?

Thinking of this, she became a little manic.

No, she must ask Su Yuxuan the dog thing!

In the evening, after everyone rested, Jiang Yingxue once again took out the flute and tried to invite the eagle to send a message to Su Yuzhang, but strangely, no matter how she played the flute, the eagle did not appear again!

Damn it!

Even the eagle bullied her!

"Xiao Xiaomei, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yingxue was frightened, and when he looked back, he saw Hu Luner standing behind her.

She calmly put away the flute and said, "Nothing, I just feel a little homesick, miss my mother."

Hu Luner came to her and sat down. "Do you miss your mother?"

Jiang Yingxue nodded. "Yes."

"Your mother must be nice to you?"

Wen Yan Jiang Yingxue almost sneered and laughed, how is her mother treating her? Would a woman who had left her and her dad for money be good to her?

But it's also blame that her dad is useless, isn't she just a woman? If she doesn't leave, she will just leave without jumping ...

Later, her mother took her to the mansion of her golden turtle husband, and lived the life of a thousand-gold lady who everyone admired.

Some relatives flattered them, but they didn't know how many unpleasant words were said on the back, saying that her mother had climbed up the high branches, and even turned her chicken into a golden Phoenix.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the peaceful night, she suddenly disappeared, maybe it was a relief for that woman ...

"My mother left the world shortly after I was born. I don't even know what she looks like."

"True God will bless her."

Jiang Yingxue laughed. "I would rather believe in myself than in any god. Jiang Yingxue is my own god! Hey ..." She stretched a lazy waist. "It's so sleepy. I'm going back to bed. Big brother, you should go to bed earlier. You have to hurry tomorrow."

"it is good."

Hu Luner watched Jiang Yingxue's back disappear and then slowly returned to the tent.

Jiang Yingxue closed her eyes while lying on the quilt, but she didn't know if there was something in her heart. She slept very restlessly.

In front of her was a white mist that could not be seen. She stood in the white mist and looked around in confusion.

"Where is this?" She waved the white mist with her hand, but the white mist was too thick, no matter how she waved her eyes, it was still white.

"Wow, wow!"

There was a sudden sound of water in her ears, the picture in front of her turned around, the white mist suddenly disappeared, and a wooden house appeared in front of her eyes.

The sound of water came from the wooden house.

Jiang Yingxue slowly walked into the wooden house, came to the window of the wooden house, and took a look inside, sitting alone in the bath tub and taking a bath.

The man suddenly turned back and saw Jiang Yingxue standing outside the window, "ah", screaming in fright.


Jiang Yingxue was startled, and turned quickly.

"Oh, hot eyes, hot eyes!"

"I said that you little girl is also bad. Even if I am handsome and personable, you can't peek at me to take a bath!"

When Jiang Yingxue opened his eyes, the uncle wearing a loose robe appeared in front of her.

"Uncle you're greasy."

"Go and go, will you speak?" The uncle found a stool and sat down, took off his shoes, and began to be willful ...

"I said you didn't tell me clearly last time!"

Uncle forgot his feet. "What's to say, what else is unclear, why is your child so stupid?"

"Is that true dragon blood the blood of the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, and what are the remaining two artifacts, and where will I find these three artifacts in order to let my soul fly?"

The picking feet fairy looked at her with a wrinkled face. "You asked me so many questions at once, how do you want me to answer."

"Then you pick the most important answer!"

"Three months."

"You must find the first artifact within three months at the latest. Otherwise, you will lose your soul ..."

Jiang Yingxue frowned deeply. "Three months ... I have only three months left ..."

"Snowy girl, are you awake, Xiaoyue?"

Jiang Yingxue woke up in a shake, opened his eyes and met Hari Yinhan's brown face.

She rubbed her head and sat up. "Is the sky outside already bright?" Why does she look dark outside?

"Hu Luner said he wants to get to the place as soon as possible, so now we are ready to rush."

"Oh." Jiang Yingxue had to get up.

Now she can't go to Su Yuzhang continuously, she can't ask clearly, she doesn't know what Su Yuzhang asked her to continue to follow Hu Luner, what is it that she wants to continue undercover?

But she only has three months and she can't afford it!

No, you have to find a way to leave.

"Little Snow."

Jiang Yingxue looked up and saw Hu Lunran running over.

"Early brother."

"It's very early, come on the horse, I will take you away." Then Hu Luner reached out to her.

Jiang Yingxue shook her head without hesitation looking at the hand that was as big as her three hands, even if she no longer wanted to go on horseback.

"No, I'm going to teach you a quick tutorial. You can take your child. The child can't go fast."

"The horses have been given to them. Come on up. Our horses are limited. We can't take them one by one. I'll take you there first to check."


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