Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 9 Chapter 365: Dreamlike

Chapter 365 is like a dream

"Is the **** domain so broken?" When Ling Feng’s eyes noticed that the surrounding environment was gradually changing, there were some unrealistic feelings in his mind. Like some kind of entrenched power in Ling Feng's heart, suddenly collapsed, and the kind of sudden loss that occurred, the expression on Ling Feng's face did not show a little pleasure because of the fragmentation of the gods. On the contrary, it is full of wonders and full of doubts.

However, the woman in white standing in front of Ling Feng suddenly revealed a complex smile and taught people to look at it. Especially her actions, after the destruction of the gods, with the ability of her god-level master, shouldn’t it be a horror or continue to attack the Red Letter Snake violently? How now it seems that everything is in her expectation, her reality is calm and not like words.

Ling Feng once guessed with his own mentality. If his own field was suddenly broken, it would have been indifferent to the white woman.

The woman in white was reaching out to the void, a red snake that appeared in her hand when she was awkward.

It is the red letter snake!

Ling Feng clearly can clearly see that the Red Letter Snake at this time is exactly the same as the one originally wrapped around his left wrist, and even with some lazy eyes, it is also the same. Where is this just a sigh of anger, breaking the red letter snake of the god-level master? !

"What do you want?" Ling Feng looked at the white woman in front of her eyes, the weak hand, gently grasping the action of the red letter snake, the heart is a trembling, to say that Ling Feng is true to this red letter snake. I don't know what it is.

If there is no feeling, this red letter snake can be regarded as a bridge between him and Li Mengyao. Moreover, when Ling Feng was in deep danger, the Red Letter Snake had saved the Lingfeng twice, and it was considered to be the best.

You should know that Ling Feng has forgotten the existence of the Red Letter Snake more often. Only when it is hungry, he pops his head and looks at Ling Feng with pity. Ling Feng will think about giving him a few pieces. Magic core to add energy. In normal times, Ling Feng is more neglected about the existence of the Red Letter Snake, and will not actively feed it.

Of course, at this point, Ling Feng is also very skeptical. After the red letter snake wrapped around his left wrist, it was such comfort and nature that Ling Feng’s daily life could hardly feel the slightest awkwardness.

Therefore, this time suddenly saw the red letter snake was caught in the hands of a white woman, Ling Feng could not help but open the inquiry, and there was a slight tension in the tone.

"Oh, how can I still do it." The white woman was an uncharacteristically white-eyed look, and Ling Feng suddenly fell into a dizzy situation. It seems that in front of the white woman, Ling Feng faced the resistance of the beauty, and it suddenly reduced a lot.

Is this the reason for the collapse after the battle?

Ling Feng’s mind was very malicious and despised himself. To tell the truth, this white woman's appearance is not so beautiful to the level of obsession, but always has an indescribable style, as if bit by bit in the heart of Ling Feng's desire. And, people are willing to indulge in it.

Even if Ling Feng discovered the charm of the white woman, she wanted to resist it, but she still fell into her temptation inadvertently. At this time, if you think in your mind that the other party is a **** level, the other party's age is already infinite, and so on.

Ling Feng had no time to make any preparations, and his eyes seemed to fall into the face of a white woman...

The white woman looked at Ling Feng’s appearance, and there was a glimmer of color in her eyes. However, when she saw the red letter snake in her hand, the silky intentions immediately decreased, and even the look was somewhat Helpless and bitter smile. The look of the red letter snake also reveals a subtle resentment, as if to tell: Are you satisfied with this?

The Red Letter Snake was excited to vomit his own red letter to the woman in white, and then, in the end, there was a faint spot on his head, as if there were two horns that wanted to break out. The red glow flashed away. Under the interference of this red glow, Ling Feng suddenly woke up, but saw a scene that made him extremely surprised.

The Red Letter Snake actually showed a sly look at Ling Feng.

Yes, that is the kind of nasty, make you want to hit it a meal, but some could not bear feeling.

Then, with the red wind snake watching the wind, suddenly felt the red letter snake staring at his eyes a bit dazzling, then, his mind suddenly appeared a very exaggerated light and shadow scene, it is The scene of the red letter snake and the white woman attacking the attack, although it is only a moment, Ling Feng knows that such a scene, whether it is for the pursuit of the **** level in Lingfeng, or for the cultivation of martial arts in the future, Great benefits.

At the moment, Ling Feng first surprised the white woman. At this time, the white woman stood in front of Ling Feng, but she did not mean to do it. She was also aware of the behavior of the Red Letter Snake. There is no stopping. Ling Feng did not go deeper, temporarily re-filtering these pictures again, first write down and say.

Look at the Red Letter Snake. At this time, the slender red snake, but curling his body, swayed for a while against Ling Feng, and slipped into the sleeve of the woman in white.

Why, it won't come? Ling Feng’s eyes widened and looked at the red letter snake. When it was unknown, the white woman’s voice rang in his ear. “It stayed with me for a while.”

Very simple words, it is to make Ling Feng ups and downs.

It seems that in order to give Ling Feng a little more stimulating, in the space of the entire **** domain, gradually fade away, when the smoke disappears, the white woman suddenly stepped forward and put her head in the ear of Ling Feng. Speaking softly: "Remember my name is Michelle Eucia...."

Lingfeng's nose soon felt a good smell, just like the woman's elegant body fragrance, so that Ling Feng's consciousness is somewhat buzzing. Just, isn't this the fragrance of a woman in white?

As the fragrance gradually becomes richer, Lingfeng's heartbeat is gradually faster, and as the fragrance gradually fades away, all the feelings are gradually drifting away! At this time, there was still a figure of a woman in white, with a red letter snake and even a **** domain, all of which suddenly disappeared at this moment. It disappeared and disappeared. The whole sky is a piece of blue, in front of Ling Feng, it is the endless sea.

The sand under the feet is as solid, warm and humid.

It’s not going to be a white woman again, oh no, is Michelle’s fantasy?

When Ling Feng was pondering, Michelle seemed to be able to feel his thoughts. The whole elegant and chic face appeared in the vast sky and smiled at Lingfeng.

That face, like a white cloud, naturally piled up, looks so pure and innocent, slowly came to Lingfeng: "I will come back to you...." When the voice falls, the clouds gradually Spread out, fade away, and then slowly blend into the whole sky, as if nothing has happened.

The kind of empty and agile picture makes Ling Feng's mind a quiet. No reason, Ling Feng's heart appeared Michelle's face, and was deeply marked by the cloud.

What is this all about!

Ling Feng felt that everything in front of him was not real. Even if the ear is listening to the stretch of the sea breeze, breathing the humid air with salty sea water, Ling Feng does not feel where he is, is the real space. The action of the white woman Michelle Eucia made Ling Feng completely unpredictable. This is good, even the Red Letter Snake has also entered. Ling Feng slammed his left hand and his wrist was empty, so Ling Feng felt that the struggle between the former Red Letter Snake and Michelle was so real and intense! ......

"Ling Feng!" A voice came from far away. Ling Feng suddenly turned back, just to see the language and Tonghu, walking in the sand and heading in the direction he stood.

"Are you okay?" When Ling Yu rushed over to him, Ling Feng still stood still, his face was awkward, and he couldn't help but stare at Ling Feng. The look on his face was quite concerned.

"Nothing." Ling Feng said in a subconscious way to his eyes. However, his heart is still immersed in the shock of what happened just now. "Right, how did you appear here?" Ling Feng thought of the wrong words and Tong Hu in the illusion of Michelle, how can he talk to himself?

"You don't know?" Tong Hu and Yu Yan, but at this time they said the same thing in unison, and then both of them looked at Ling Feng with a weird look, so that Ling Feng felt that he was a little uncomfortable.

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