Worldly Stunning Blade

Vol 9 Chapter 366: legend

Chapter 366 Legend

"You have passed her test, this is what the predecessors just said." The voice looked at Ling Feng's eyes full of curiosity, a master level master, even able to pass the test of the **** level twice, in the language In the memory, this is really rare. The language at this time can only be the reason that Lingfeng can be attributed to Tonghu: martial arts!

After all, Ling Feng's martial arts have a very distinctive personal characteristics to a large extent, and even have the nature of vindictiveness, but the power is still strong. As for the energy, such as the lightning of the wind, the language can not think that the energy of the royal level can be powerful. Even if the energy is gram, for example, if the water is to be extinguished, the premise is that the amount of water and fire must not be too large.

Can a drop of water destroy a pile of fire?

Therefore, when the god-level master Michel-Uusian suddenly appeared in the domain of the gods, the heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Because, there is no such thing as Ling Feng at the side of Michel. Even Tong Hu, who has confidence in his own guess, only when Michelle is alone, his heart still has a trembling. Ling Ling almost rushed to Michelle Eucia to go to work with her.

Because everything in the realm of the gods, for the three Ling Ling people, there is absolutely no perception. If there is no Lingfeng, Ling Ling does not know what to do in the future.

Fortunately, Michelle-Eussia waved his hand and stopped the entire illusion. Later, when he glared at Lingling’s gaze, he said slightly: "The naughty and impulsive little guy is really a little bit. There is no patience, ... well, you are quiet, your brother is fine."

Seeing the language and the child tiger, after listening to the words are also a relieved expression, Michelle looks a little gratified, "Let's go see him." Michelle said while waving his own The hand, only seeing the surrounding illusion has changed. When Ling Ling was about to rush out, Michelle waved her hand and cut her down.

"You two go first, this little girl stays." Michelle said to the words and Tonghu.

Immediately, the language and the child tiger felt that the energy of the entire domain was disappearing rapidly, as if there had never been such a thing as a god-level master.

Even with this, when the gods evacuated, this silent and repressive feeling quickly spread to the Beast Valley in Bayan Hara and spread to the Kayu Islands in the East China Sea. ......

There is also a handsome old man who is coming to the Gaochang Kingdom. When he passed the chaotic area, he stopped his own steps. His hair was a bit whitish, but it did not damage his health. Only at this moment, he is gazing at the direction of the Gaochang Kingdom, his brows are slightly wrinkled! And all the plants around him suddenly stopped growing, and even Warcraft and the like, they felt the smoldering atmosphere of the moment, and they fled.

The old man hesitated for a while, as if he was thinking about what he was, and finally shook his head slightly and returned in the direction he came. ......

At the same time, after hearing the words of the language and the words of Tonghu, Ling Feng immediately asked: "Linger? Why didn't you see her?"

"Linger was left by his predecessors," replied in a sigh. When he saw Ling Feng's face changed, he said with a smile. "Do not worry, you can guarantee that she is fine." God-level master even wants to be alone. Shooting, but also categorically do not sneak a little trick behind the scenes. Since Michelle-Eussia has already indicated that she has let go of her and Tonghu, she will naturally not find Lingling’s trouble again.

However, in the end, Michelle Eusia wants to leave Lingling alone, what is it for? Is it really related to the identity of Ling Ling? The lingering mind suddenly emerged from the scene where Michelle-Eussia helped Ling Ling to make a breakthrough in strength!

Suddenly, the three people of Lingfeng looked at one direction at the same time. After seeing the shaking of energy, Ling Ling’s figure appeared immediately. Ling Ling's lovely pair of big eyes are aunts. When I see Ling Feng, I rushed over and the whole person rushed into the embrace of Ling Feng.

"Brother, Linger is worried about dying you." Ling Ling held Ling Feng's neck and said to Ling Feng's ear.

In the view of Ling Feng, I am afraid there is no more beautiful voice in this world. After holding Lingling, the feeling of being at the bottom of my heart made Ling Feng feel refreshed, and at the same time, all the depressions that I had previously suffered in front of the god-level masters were scattered. God level, after all, it is higher than the strength of Ling Feng, there is no need to defeat her.

What's more, when Ling Feng and Michelle Eucia confront each other, they really have to work hard, but also count the red letter snake.

I just refused to leave his half-step red letter snake. In the last moment, I followed Michelle Eucia, which made Ling Feng’s heart always feel a little weird.

"Linger, are you okay?" Ling Feng took a good look at Ling Ling and found that the little girl had a red face in addition to the small face. Others didn't seem to have anything. "She left you, what have you done?"

"Nothing." Although Ling Ling was a little taller and taller, still in the arms of Ling Feng, still unwilling to come down, a pair of arms around the neck of Ling Feng tightly, the mouth is very excited Said, "Sister in white makes me follow your brother in the future, and, can't let your brother fall into danger, can't let many beautiful sisters be with you, can't let your brother sleep alone, can't let..."

"Hey, wait, is this what she said?" Ling Feng looked puzzled at Ling Ling. The white sister in her mouth naturally referred to Michelle Eucia. For Ling Ling, he called his sister so quickly, and he was so intimate. Ling Feng didn’t care, but Ling Ling’s mouth said that Ling Feng frowned and his heart was funny. Thinking, is this like Michelle Eucia?

Not only Ling Feng, but also the language and the child tiger, when I heard this, they also looked at Ling Ling. If this is what Ling Ling wants to say, it may sound more realistic.

The lingering heart is to look at Ling Ling. It seems that after the little girl grows up, her thoughts gradually mature. I know that other women are together with Ling Feng. Fortunately, Ling Ling is still the sister of Ling Feng. I want to be more tired for a while, but it is normal. The language will not think too much. After all, Ling Ling and Ling Feng really want to talk about it, as well as the relationship between blood.

This is no matter how much I care, it is useless.

"Yeah, my sister in white is good. She also told Linger to listen to her brother." Ling Ling’s head was the same as the chicken glutinous rice. He said, "But brother, Ling Ling is not always very jealous. Is it?"

"Oh, yes, Linger has always been the most embarrassing." Ling Feng casually said with a head, his mind at this time is not in Ling Ling's body, Michelle and Ling Ling said what it means ? Moreover, with Lingling's personality, Michelle-Yousia must know what Lingfeng asked, what Lingling would say.

So, should this statement be prepared for him to say to Ling Feng?

At this time, the singer looked at Ling Feng with a weird look. Even Tong Hu was on the side and smiled slyly. This child tiger does not look older, looks like it is older, but looking at Ling Feng's eyes, it is to let Ling Feng have some goose bumps. This person’s thoughts are really hard to say. ......

"I will come back to you...." Michelle Eucia's voice seemed to drift into Lingfeng's ear again. Ling Feng subconsciously looked around, and then looked at the language and Tonghu, the two of them are being confused by a series of weird movements of Ling Feng.

"Don't you hear anything?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Yes. This tide of the tide has always been there." Ling Yu replied to Ling Feng, "As for the rest, what sound can you hear?"

Ling Feng heard a wordless speechless. When Michelle Eucia left, he left some trouble. Wouldn't this sound stay in Ling Feng's mind?

"Right, Ling Feng, talk about your test." Compared to other, Tong Hu seems to pay more attention to the battle of Ling Feng in the realm of the gods. You must know that even if you haven't experienced it yourself, Ling Feng himself repeats it himself. For a person like Tong Hu, it is equivalent to his own personal experience. The experience of fighting in the gods is not something that anyone can have.

"This, in fact, is not so mysterious." Ling Feng heard that he could only smile awkwardly and said, "Because I have never fought."

"What do you mean? Didn't you fight?" The slang screamed at Lingfeng and said, "Bad boy, don't be fooled."

Of course, although the language is so vocal, the tone is actually just to eliminate the child tiger suddenly asked about the battle, a little nervous atmosphere at a time.

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