Those trapped in the sky (2)

The overwhelming darkness as if thrown into another world.

And a huge shadow over the dark cloud veil.

Kwakwang./ Rumble...

When thunder struck, it appeared and thunder

When it stops, it disappears.

However, it was clearly present in its place, with or without thunder.


The shadow of a huge ship was seen alongside the meteorite!

" Viking ship?"

Drake is in the middle with his mouth open.

I sang.

Almost comparable to the size of a meteorite, a large ship is sailing vigorously over a sea of clouds.


Lightning like melting platinum.

When the cracks of hot, brilliant light broke the black storm, the ship spewed out a fierce breath through the clouds that swarmed like a tsunami.


It was certainly the sound of the belly beating.

Oh my gosh! There are ships in the sky!"

Yoonsol gave out stretching elasticity.

This mysterious ship, which appeared out of nowhere, was piercing through several layers of cumulonimbus clouds.

Patter! Patter! Damn it!

A chunk of hail the size of a basketball hits the meteorite's head.

Drake and Yunsol were watching the ship hiding behind a half-collapsed stone wall.

The giant viking ship.

It is the largest of all the ships I have ever seen.

It was much larger than the'Devil's Supper', which was controlled by Chi Kai of the North Continent, Lehrak's'Tomb of the Poison', and Atlandum's'Eighth Battleship'.

A large sharpy sail was flapping like a wing, but it was almost completely torn and did not seem to do its job.

The keel was twisted, and the ribs of the ship were almost crushed.

Under the hole in the floor

The dried-up barnacles and seaweeds are seen crumbling.

A large skeleton was attached to the prow, but it was difficult to guess the original because it was mostly damaged by wind and hail.

It seems that the word ghost ship (幽靈船) could not be more appropriate than this.

Drake looked up as he watched the ships flying side by side next to the meteorite.


"Looking at it, it looks like a special event. Is it a hidden dungeon?"

Until now, it has not been eaten as a hut.

Drake was aware of the fact that the airship in front of him was not common.


Is it because you're too used to the game?

Rather, the realistic sense seemed to be less than that of Yoon Sol.

"Huh? By the way Isn't that coming too close?"

" Hmm!? That, it turns out."

Yunsol said that he was anxious as he watched the ships approaching gradually.

After listening to her, Drake looks at me as if he wants to miss it.

I bite my lips.

Yoonsol is right.

That ship is now slowly approaching the meteorite.

Unfortunately, that ship and we were on board

The meteorite's flight trajectory is quite similar.

"If you go like this, you will crash."

It was difficult.

Suddenly, where did it pop out like an elk? There really is no barney.

'I heard that the probability of meeting that is extremely low... It's because it's my first entry.

Wake up.'

It is still difficult to judge whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. After I cleared up my thoughts, I stepped forward.

'I can't do it. I have no choice but to cross over to that boat and make it impossible to fly anymore.'

I don't think there is any way to avoid a traffic accident unless you destroy that ship.

The moment I just opened my mouth and tried to talk about my plans for the future.

Yunsol opened his mouth first.

"How do you do it, it's so scary. Is there any way to go over there and smash all the boats?"

It's pretty cool to grasp the situation for a kid who is scared.

Newbies, who started playing games for the first time, can't think of this as well, right?

It seems that Yunsol's ability to adapt to the game is quite high.

Rather than-

I tried to dock using the ropes and hooks I had prepared in advance.

Drake went to the highest point of the meteorite and shot an arrow tied with a rope and a sharp blade.


An arrow tied to the rope approached the airship, but soon bounced off by the wind.

I slapped Drake on the shoulder.

Give me, I'll shoot.

" no. It was just a zero point."

Drake recovered the arrow with a sulky expression.

Then, immediately turn the angle a little and try to fire one more time.


This one flew properly.

The arrow poked a hole in the wind and flew, stuck between the railing and the railing of the airship.


A sail rope, fed with salt to the limit, securely connected the meteorite and the ship.

Dagak- Dagrock!

Drake pulled the rope a few times to confirm that the hook was well engaged,

I turned my head.

"How are you?"

But already I am not there.

I was already grabbing the rope and trying to cross it.

" Groan."

I rode the rope, being careful not to be blown away by the rushing wind.

I hang on a rope that swings like crazy, and slowly crawls forward.

It seems that the guerrilla technique I learned in the military helped me a little in this case.

Before long, I was able to crawl through the railings of the ship.


A sigh of relief comes out of the temple.

As I looked up, I saw a deck made of rotten planks.

The inside was ghostly.

It is truly a skinny appearance.

It was too wide to catch a glance, but a quick glance at several places revealed that this ship was on the verge of breaking down.

The barnacles and seaweed vines all over the boat were very dry.

The tide and rust were scattered everywhere, and the broken or torn ropes and sails screamed like a ghost, moving around.

A collection of things not only old and old, but also bizarre. How long on earth did this ship have been wandering through this network of voids (茫茫空虛)?

"Now, I have to break this boat and drop it ."

I looked at my stomach with my eyes narrow.

Even if it wasn't me, this boat looked like it would soon turn into dust and crumble, but in fact, if you pay attention a little, you can see that it is not.


This boat is usually

Cannot be destroyed

If you try to break your stomach by raising your fist, a notification sound will pop up without fail.

'Of course, what the rankers said in the past was correct.'

I wasn't particularly embarrassed because I had knowledge of the future that I already knew.

But Drake, who followed, seems quite surprised.

"What, an indestructible object? The whole ship!? If so, isn't it a frustration? You can't break it!"

Moreover, if it is indestructible, horrific results are expected if it collides with a meteorite.

I scratched the forehead once.

" There's nothing in the world that doesn't work."

To destroy the ship, simply

It is said that it is not just that force is needed.

I stepped over the deck and headed to the captain's room inside.

Good job

The inside of the captain's cabin is visible as the decayed door leaf is removed.

The head of a giant black horse was stuffed down, and there were a lot of damaged items.

The blood spots that were discolored and turned into the woods at all.

On the floor where they are scattered around, these missing swords and crumbly gunpowder are rolling.

And in the middle of all the clutter was a book.

A book made of parchment, not even paper, very old and old.

- 'Blackbeard's Diary /D

It's a record that doesn't look good.

In the old diary, a black aura was spewing out smalsmally.


I picked up the diary.

First page.

Texts like brownish bloodstains were written as if they were engraved.

March 21, 3021 of the Belpegol calendar

He went out to sell the plundered slaves to the market and heard a funny news.

Far away... It is torn It is said that there is a treasure chest that is so huge that it cannot be said.

Made a treasure... It is torn Is the treasure too huge because the size of the people is huge?

It is a sailing ship that seems to have been described by pirates.

I turned over the next page one after another.

September 7, 3021 of the Belpegol calendar)

Matryoshi, the cursed ice island... It is torn While exploring, I found a clue about a rumor I heard about half a year ago (Tear)...

We are deep inside the ice cave

... (torn) I found it, but no matter how much I analyze it, it's like a treasure map... It is torn

January 1, 3022 of the Belpegol calendar

Work proceeds in a flash... (It is torn) Drive the boat to the place indicated by the map... It is torn

April 4, 3024 of the Belpegol calendar

At the end of thousands of years (torn) It was close to.

The inhabitants of this land all have this unique appearance, but the appearance... It is torn

July 21, 3025 of the Belpegol calendar

The compass is broken. A rebellion broke out and 37 people including the Vice Captain... (It is torn)

Belpegoal power 3 .. (torn)

Around 4 am, I found a treasure. Success in getting your hands... It is torn But (torn) Got caught.

Now run away... It is torn I can't

Tomorrow is Kobe.

Belpegoal power 3 .. (torn)

... (torn) Held our ship firmly and lifted it up and threw it towards the sun... It is torn In the end, we fail, but we succeed. I got the treasure, but... It is torn I'm under the terrible curse of... It is torn Because it became...

" What the hell is this talking about?"

Drake frowned while looking at his diary.

I asked him.

"Is there anything I don't understand?"

"Hmm. First of all, it is also the case that it is torn in several places. I grabbed the boat and lifted it, and I don't know what it means to threw it into the sky."

I listened to Drake

I laughed bloody.

"It's literally."


"Literally. He picked up the boat and threw it away."

Drake listened to me and opened his eyes wide.

"No, you picked up a big boat like this and threw it into the sky?"


"Huh . It's hard to set it up. In 3021 of the Belpegol calendar, it was almost 500 years ago in terms of game time. So, is this ship being thrown by something and knowing me for 500 years?"

I nodded at Drake's words.

right. More importantly, like this

There's a monster somewhere in the world that's scary enough to make a big ship fly for 500 years."

Drake was silent at my words.

What kind of monster is it that it has such power?


I kept flipping through my diary.

The diary recorded in detail what kind of life the pirates lived after being thrown into the sky.

Pirates who survived by receiving hail or rainwater for drinking water and roasting beans or meat over lightning.

However, of course, it was impossible to withstand 500 years of time.

Each one of them died miserably, and after death,

Didn't get out of the state.

Palak... Palak... Palak...

I kept flipping through my diary.

Then, I finally see the end in this thick diary.

The contents of the diary written at the end were as follows.

April 4, 3522, Belpegol calendar

Someone is looking at my diary.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 234
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