Those trapped in the sky (3)

April 4, 3522, Belpegol calendar

Someone is looking at my diary.

Only this text did not turn brown.

Red and bloody.

The writing that seems to flow down right now.

It was writing in real time in front of our eyes at this moment!


I heard a eerie beep in my ear.


You have found a hidden quest

Hidden Quest'A letter sent 500 years ago'

Hidden Quest Occurrence Condition: Reading the'Rotten Diary'

Conditions for completing the hidden quest: Kill all monsters within the time limit

The ghost ship's'Impossible' status will be canceled upon completion

At the same time, translucent numbers floated in front of me and Drake.

Time limit: 01 00

It's a countdown that tells you an hour.


The view of the deck came into my eyes as I kicked and smashed the rotten door in the captain's room.


I can hear the cracked planks

And something creeps out from under it.

The bone is covered with only leather, and the body is dry like a dried fish.

Two deeply dug eyes were filled with only stinky darkness.

It is a common mummified undead.

Dead Mummy -Level: B / Characteristics: Poison, Darkness, Undead, Minions

-Habitat: Flight route (飛行路)

一 Size: 2m.

-"Look at the miserable words of my subordinates. Rubbed skin. The rancid smell of the intestines from the mouth. It is truly a mountain pineapple!"

-Blackbeard Edward-

Mira (山夕).

It is different from a zombie, but it is also an undead monster.

It is much faster and more powerful than a zombie of the same level, and has high artificial intelligence.

Drake swept his chin as he watched the swarm of mummies creeping up the deck.

"Hmm. Is it a monster wave? It's been a long time."

Monsters come in waves

This is called a monster wave.

Usually, quests against monster waves often take a limited time, which is exactly that.

I, too, relaxed and stood next to Drake.

"I get this normal quest in a short time."

Water monsters within a limited time


What a typical, obvious and fun element!

Before the ghost ship collides with a meteorite and causes a traffic accident, you have to deal with all the mummies here.

"Since the settings have been opened up a lot, it hurt my head, but I will fight coolly in a matter of hours."

right. It must be so simple that it actually tastes like playing."

Me and Drake faced each other and nodded.


There was nothing to say first.

The two of us ran straight to the deck.

"Now, Monster Wave is actually my specialty."

I remembered a long time ago.

The first dungeon I went to after returning was the'Labyrinth of Shaky Ears' in the Central Continent.

It's a habitat for sludges, and I went around the dungeon and faced numerous sludges at once.

It was the same way to deal with mummies here and now.


I slid on the floor and swung the shears to scratch the mummies' bodies.

The floor was all rotten wood, so there were a lot of sharp wood debris, but it doesn't matter because my body is covered with The Devil's mucus.

[Gee eh eh eh!]

When mummies open their mouths and vomit vicious venomous intestines

It was small.

But I lightly ignored such poison.

The basilisk's heart that is planted in my body pumps even worse blood in real time.

Dare to say that the poison of mummy is not something that can be rubbed!

"It's still disgusting."

Poison damage is negligible

It was Jun, but it was hard to bear the stench.

In addition, the feeling of hot vomit touching the skin was also felt.

"You work hard today."

I rubbed the ring on my finger and pulled out the pet.


The mummies that came out after a long time shining their yellow eyes

I stare at it.

Iron Puck/ Iron Puck./ Iron Puck/

The double-horned jet black moved a huge body and struck all the mummies' vomit.

Drake, who was passing by, climbs up the body of a double-horned hump.

"Let's borrow some hair."

Drake stood on the head of a double-horned pitch black and fired rapid fire at the mummies.

puck! Poop!

The heads of the mummies that ran into it were struck by a strong battle.

The mummies approaching Drake's square were hit by the double-horned pitch-black tail whip and had to be shattered.

"Well, it's easy. A little

There are many."

I scratched the back of my head.

Originally, when dealing with monster waves, it is most effective to use natural disaster characteristics such as earthquakes.

In order to do that, I had to switch to the Madong King meta... .


This ship cannot be destroyed in the usual way

If you tried to cause an earthquake, the manifestation of the characteristics was canceled, so it was impossible to use the Madong King meta.

Earthquake written to attack the mummies seems to be considered a threat to the ship.

"In that case, it means that you have to catch each one in the end

With an annoying expression, I stabbed a mummy in front of my eyes to kill me.

If you calculate the damage, it seems to be a little over an hour.

If you go this way, there is a possibility that you will not be able to clear the quest.

"You have to move faster uh!?

Right then.

There was something that caught my eye.


Cross the rope tied to the railing

I can see the coming silhouette.

Yoonsol. She was coming over this way!

Huh!? Sol! You can't come here!

I shouted in surprise.

The quest time limit is quite reasonable.

There was no room at all to fight while protecting Level 1 Yunsol.


Drake was also surprised and turned his head.

However, in the vicinity of Yunsol, the mira are already crowded like bees.

It is too late to save her.


I shouted with a blue tired look.

If Yunsol dies here, all of my plans will be in vain.

Even if I died, she had to keep it.

I ran on the deck with all my might.


[Kick Kick Kick-]

[Geek, ugh!]

[Gyaah ahhh!]

Numerous mummies were already blocking her and me.

" Ugh!"

I raised my head with a sad expression.

Expecting the appearance of Yunsol who will face a terrible death by countless mummies


The situation proceeds completely different from what was expected.

Yunsol closes her eyes and notices that she grapples with the memories of the angel girl.

" Um, let's see, can I do this?"

Yunsol pulled out the half he was carrying on his back and lifted it up.

-ring Ding Dong)

Let her play the harp.


[Gyaah ahhh!]

[Hii profit!]

The mummies that were running at once fell to the floor and struggled.


Around Yunsol's body,

There was a bright hemispherical barrier spreading out.

All the mummies that touch it freeze, shaking their bodies.

" Ah!

Why didn't you pay attention to that?

I finally recognized the identity of the harp that Yoonsol was holding.

- Baby Angel's Cooing Both Hand Weapons / A

A memento of a baby angel who did not lose its integrity until the last moment of extinction.

-Attack +12

-Attribution (special)

Convergence (special)

-Use of characteristic heels (special)

-Can use the characteristic'sacred impervious' (special)

A two-handed weapon with poor attack power that is unbelievable as A grade.

Even what was created was poor, so even I hadn't recognized it for a while.

But that was definitely a great hidden piece for a healer meta player.

'Sacred inviolability' is a monster with very strong physical and dark properties, even hitting elemental shields.

It is a fraudulent trait that puts an unconditional abnormality on the person.

1st state abnormal'paralysis' that enters with a 100% probability

'Fear' more than the secondary state that enters with a 50% probability

Hallucinations of more than 3rd state with a 25% probability

12% chance of entering the 4th state or'real name'

'Overload' above the 5th state with a 6% probability

More than 6th state'permanent deterioration' that goes into 3% probability

'And 1% chance to enter

Until the 7th state or more... .'

I am alone

And approached Yunsol.

I blamed myself for why I couldn't figure it out earlier.

Meanwhile, Yunsol gossiped at me with a voice that seemed embarrassed.

"Ah! Eojin, I'm sorry if I interfered. I'm just worried about you... .

"No, no, what's in the way. I was very helpful. What did you think about playing the harp?"

44 That... There was a video in this girl's memory of playing harp and sending bad monsters away. So I was wondering if I could help... ."

I turned my head and looked down the railing.

The rope connecting the meteorite and the ship was shaking like crazy in the typhoon.

Yunsol just came across a place like this

will be. Right for me.

And she was giving me a tremendous amount of power I never thought of.

-Ring Ding-dong, Ring Ding-dong

Every time you play the harp, a brilliant sound resonates.

[Gyaah ahhhhhh!]

The mummies struggled as if the red had all been broken.

The mummies that touch the golden barrier that surrounds Yunsol have a firm body.

The mummies are noticeably slower, but that's not the end.

The mummies affected by the 1st condition were immediately caught in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th states.

It was fortunate that it was simply paralyzed and it was over, but most of the mummies were exposed to more than that.

Raid difficulty quickly became several times easier.

Me and Drake took the mummies that had fallen on the floor behind and grabbed the mummies that were still intact first.

Anyway, those struggling on the floor can be killed so easily.

what!? It's so easy! Turning on the half makes the difficulty so low!"

Drake chuckles and pulls the bow.

Yunsol was also playing the harp with a happy expression, thinking that it was helpful.


Only I knew.

These mummies here aren't such easy opponents.

Patter- patter-

As the ship crossed the thick dark cloud barrier, heavy raindrops began to fall on the deck.


The mummies, which had been sobbing and moving, suddenly stopped moving.

" Um?"

"Oh? What is it?"

Drake and Yunsol also stopped hunting and raised their heads.

Shoot ah' ah ah...

The raindrops that fell one by one

Soon it became a huge rain.

It is beating the entire ghost ship fiercely.

Gulp Gulp Gulp

The pouring raindrops coldly wet the mummy's entire body.

The mummies' flesh, which had dried to the limit and twisted, began to swell up firmly.

Pudeuk- Pudeuk- Pudeuk-

At the same time

A notification sound came in our ears.


Torrential rain begins to pour

The skin that had been dried up by the wind soaks up water

The mummies return to their original state

The appearance of the mummies that have been fighting over the years changes.

An indescribably terrible pervert.


That wasn't all.

Each... Gagagagak ,

A creepy sound like scratching the deck with a fingernail.

Something huge was crawling over the mummies transforming in the rain.

A gloomy beep again flowed over the deck where we were all holding our breath.

The mummies lower the body

The'thirsty master' woke up


Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 235
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