Show me the money (3)

人] Gold (砂金).

It refers to the fine gold mixed in the sand.

There is a'panning dish' as a tool for collecting these golds.

1. With a vortex-like groove

Puts a mixture of stone, sand, and gold dust in the center of a large plate and drops a drop or two of dish soap.

2. After that, half-filled the dish with water and shake it slowly, and the heavy impurities are thrown out of the dish by the centrifugal force (遠心力).

3. Fine gold grains and some impurities are trapped in the eddy groove in the bottom of the plate, and eventually only grains with high gold content are collected in the center of the plate.

In the end, it can be said that it is a process of filtering out impurities using the rotating force and selecting high-purity gold.

" I remember the old days after a while, this?"

I smiled with my eyes closed.

The concept of'holding even with closed eyes'.

Shortly after starting the game, I met a monster called'Crying Angel'.

A monster, a crying angel, was a hot topic in the Internet's ghost story community.

It is a monster that has advanced to the material of Drama because of the grotesque setting that it will attack if you take your gaze away even for a moment.

This crying angel evolves into a monster called Medusa, which is also a difficult monster to deal with.

This is because if there is a rule that a crying angel must not take his gaze, Medusa has a rule that he must not face the opposite gaze.


It doesn't apply to me.

I grinned with my eyes closed.


Gordicsa's dull-wielding

After avoiding the fist a few times, prepare for a real attack that will follow.


Gordicsa went back to the Nether, soaked in a swamp of gold and began to whisk her whole body like a dog soaked in water.

Puff Puff Puff!

Enormous amounts of golden droplets were poured out in a boiling state.

Burn damage spreading over a huge area!

Iron defeat I Cheolkuk I Cheolkuk] Cheolfur/ ... Cheolpuk I Iron puck/

Golden cannonballs the size of a human head flood all over the world.

All of them are boiling in a liquid state!

Drake and Yoonsol were astonished as they looked at me with their eyes open.

Oh my gosh! It's not a danmaku shooting game!"

"Kak! How to avoid that!"

Belat, the last Dwarf, also struck the floor with his fist while holding his teeth.

[Shit! I also had to lose all my colleagues in that attack! There is no way to deal with that!]


"Le4 e5, 2.f4 exf4, 3.Bc4

Qh4+, 4.Kfl b5.

With my eyes closed, I avoided all the golden shells that flooded.

Poop! pop! Poop!

With my backs of gold shards exploding from behind, I continued to zigzag forward and sideways.

" 5.Bxb5 Nf6, 6.Nf3 Qh6, 7.d3 Nh5, 8.Nh4 Qg5."

Every time I stepped on, the golden cannonballs brushed me all away and bursting within a close range.

Gordic's Aggro was 100% focused on me.

Drake and Yoon Sol, who fled behind the rocks, looked at me and opened their mouths wide.

"Uh, jin. The translator seems to be broken... ."

" So does our words sound right?"

Drake and Yoonsol look at my play with horror expressions.

Even the NPC, Belat, was showing an embarrassing expression.


I keep muttering alone.

"L.e4 e5, 2.f4 exf4, 3.Bc4

Qh4+, 4.Kfl b5, 5.Bxb5 Nf6, 6.Nf3 Qh,6 7.d3 Nh,5 8,Nh4

Qg5, 9.Nf5 c6, 10.g4 Nf6, ll.Rgl cxb5, 12.h4 Qg6, 13.h5 Qg5, 14.Qf3 Ng8, 15.Bxf4 Qf6, 16.Nc3 Bc5, 17.Nd5 Qxb2, 18.Bd6 Bxgl, 19. e5 Qxal + 20. Ke2 Na6, 21.Nxg7+ Kd8, 22.Qf6+ Nxf6...

Oh, are you crazy? No way.

Of course, it is not a translator's error.

This was the notation of'Chess'.


Gordixa once again prepared for a barrage shot while yong-trim in the swamp of the Nether.

In my memory, the countless golden cannon eggs it shoots recognize as a chessboard with a dozen meters in radius around the target player.

Chess recognizes the player who has the most aggressive aggro as a chess pawn

The barrages that narrow the distance with the pattern of horses.

The rules for characterizing and quantifying this as a notation are as follows.

Holding the lower left of the bag as the reference point, the vertical columns are from left to right, from a to h.

The horizontal column is a combination of Arabic numerals 1 to 8 from bottom to top.

For example, the upper left ear is a white ear

And it is a8. So, the ear in the upper right corner is h8.

Chess pieces are marked with initials.

K for king, Q for queen, B for bishop, N for night, R for look, and P for pawn.

The movement of the horse is indicated by adding the initial of the horse and the coordinates of the moving position.

For example, Ke2 means the king has moved to space e2, and e5 means that the pawn has moved to space e5.

With my eyes closed, I laughed at the Gordian chess pieces.

"Now, look. I already saw it right after the first attack. The next notation pattern will be Be7#. # Means checkmate, so I'm going to blow up a big one here. Ike! It was almost dangerous. Am I right? It's easy to avoid it if you just memorize the chess notation and move it as it is."

After listening to me, Yun-sol and Drake make hot expressions.

"Me, I'll just block with a shield."

Well. I can't understand this even if I hear it. Eojin, you are not sane. Going to the hospital... ."

" But isn't it somehow cool?"

" Go with you."

I laughed at the conversation between Yunsol and Drake.

In fact, just knowing that Gordian's attack pattern follows the rules of chess doesn't tell you what kind of attack will follow.

There was, in fact, a reason I could perfectly foresee the attack of Gordicsa.

'Deep Learning'

A technology that clusters and classifies a large number of data, discovers a certain pattern, and predicts the future through it.

AlphaGo's technology, which was hot in 2016, is a prime example.

The total body of Baduk artificial intelligence that collected the notation and data of numerous Baduk users that existed in history.

Like this, deep learning learns a number of opponent's patterns and

Collect songs and compete with accumulated data.


In the case of Gordix, there is no experience with players so far.

First Clear.

It is my first challenge to challenge Gordix and there was no challenger before that.

Therefore, Gordix's deep learning is a pure state that hasn't learned anything yet.

In other words, the cumulative value of the amount of learning is insignificant.

" In the past, it was the same when it was The Devils."

I muttered with my eyes closed, avoiding all Gordian attacks.

Gordix's AI had no experience with players, so it was playing a classic game based on the most famous game in the chess world.

21 June 1851. Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky's outstanding performance, aka'Immortal Game'

Gordixa changed the notation of this Immortal game in a pure blank state.

It is showing off an attack pattern made with tang.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

The golden cannonballs that Gordicsa shoots fly as king (K), queen (Q), bishop , knight (N), look ), and pawn (P) respectively.

The pattern was always consistent as long as I did not move against the notation.

"Now, it's check mate."

I grabbed the cut and stepped forward.

Bishop (B).

I jumped diagonally with all my might and ran myself with e7's coordinates.

It was the place to go to Gordicsa's chest.


I made a deep crisscross groove there.

[ Goo Wook!]

Gordixa is unprotected and hesitated to see if he was greatly surprised by the damage.

It was right now.

"He got stun! Gang, no, it's the timing of the hitting!"

As I said, Drake and Yoonsol,

Bellot rushed out.

"Oooh! How do you know what the hell do you think is such an extravagant thing!?"

"I won't let you know if I ask anyway! At least one more at that time!"

Yunsol and Drake quickly came to the sides of me.


Bang./ Bang./ Bang./ Bang! puck! puck! puck! puck!

Everyone eagerly squeezed Gordix, whether it was unfair for them to close their eyes and tremble.

I, too, continued to inflict pile damage on Gordicsa.

Give me money, asshole!

Gordicsa twisted and spewed gold.

I do not need!

I kept doing damage while avoiding it.

finally. Gor Dixa, who was sprinkling gold, was really angry.


His attack pattern has changed.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa /

Cannonballs emanating from the whole body at once!

It is dense, as if trying to fill the whole world.

Drake opened his mouth wide, looking at the spicy barrages full of sight.

"I think of a game called'The Bug Princess' that I played a long time ago. The final boss of the game also sprinkled a barrage like that... ."

As explained earlier, the chess

Notation is ####### .

It can be said that it is a state in which the check can be called indefinitely.

A massive attack where there is no way for the opponent to block or avoid.


"Ah, you know'Perpetual Check'! It's really. I'm scared.

I paroed the famous line of a game user and fixed the cut.

Then he shouted backwards.

"Stand in line behind me!"

Unsol ran first, followed by Drake, followed by Bellot.

I stared through the pouring golden barrage.

Then he rushed toward the small barrage in the corner.


I was struck by the barrage with authenticity.

It feels as if you were hit by a steel ball demolishing a building!

Your vision turns red in an instant.

Woo Ji-jik-

Heavy physical damage crushed my whole body like hamburger dough. In addition, terrible burn damage!

It's because it's a monster that appeared after the Cataclysm, or the damage level is different from the slime bullets of Theadables that you faced in the past.

I barely survived with 1 HP thanks to the angling trait.

"Ah!? Are you okay!?"

"Look! Wasn't it something that could be avoided!?"

Yunsol and Drake were startled, but I moved forward without worrying about it.

And surprisingly.

Shu shu shu shu

Since I was first hit by a barrage, I could never have been hit by another barrage.

The golden cannonballs deflect me at an exquisite angle and fly away.

He had only 1 HP left, but he didn't need any heels or potions.

I talked to Yoon Sol and Drake, who were looking blank.

"No matter how complex a barrage pattern in a normal barrage shooter game, there is a chance to avoid anywhere and the stereotype that it must be avoided is obsessed with it. But sometimes you have to be right on purpose."

Of course, all of these things are the things that many of the deceased people of the future have organized in the Internet community.

It was just memorizing it by following it.

'This is the power of collective intelligence!'

I cried out to the staggering Gordian.

Yunsol, who saw it, mutters a little behind him.

" Wow, that's cool."

Drake is that kind of Yunsol and me

He looked alternately and shook his head.


[Hey, you guys!]

NPC Bellot has moved next to me.

Is it due to the increase in likelihood? Her way of speaking was somewhat younger.

Fighting with Gordix and wiping out some of the old years

It may be because of it.

Belat asked as if he was embarrassed.

[The trick to avoid is quite useful... That's why it's not possible to fight, right?]

It was definitely what she said.

We were avoiding all of Gordian's attacks, and when Gordian took damage, he returned to the Nether and reapplied gold dust on his body to recover HP.

It was only this that it was obvious that the raid would be infinitely long.


do not worry. It's real from now on.

Now that we have sealed Gordian's attack, there is only work left to make our attack work.

I rolled my arms together (although I was naked).

And in the middle of the Nether, I looked at Gordicsa, who was applying mud mixed with gold dust all over her body.

"From now on, I will show you the essence of putting out gold dust."

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 320
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