Show me the money (4)

'The naturally formed public opinion resembles a genius' intuition.

-Edgar Allan Poe-

"This is the power of collective intelligence."

I've smashed up Gordic's golden barrage shooting pattern by putting together a number of strategies I've seen in the gaming community.

Ancient Person VS Deep Learning'

Just as Se-dol Lee beat AlphaGo, I also beat Gordicsa!

After Lee Se-dol, No. 1 in the world Go ranking, suffered his first defeat by AlphaGo, he said,

As if you left the word lost ... I also have something to leave.

"It's not that humans won, but I won."

What? What!

Nobody helped me in this era!

I decided to be a little brazen.

'By the way, if I catch Gordix in the first play, the latecomers

Could be a little difficult.'

But I don't have to think about it.

It's because there's no one who can catch Gordixa anyway without me.

Right then.

[You can't defeat him just by avoiding it like this!]

I heard Bellot cry.

I nodded to her words and agreed.

In fact, the best defense is offensive.

"From now on, I will show you the essence of putting out gold dust."

I widened my eyes toward Gordixa.


What I reached out and picked up was a sack hanging from Bellot's back.

ー Dwarf's Silver Peg / A

A stake that can pierce and fix anything.

It can only maintain its power in places out of sunlight.

There were a lot of silver stakes in the sack.

It was a tool used to drill a hole leading to the 3rd basement floor.

[Huh? This is a mineral mining tool. What are you going to do with this?]

Belat asks with a puzzled look. I beckoned at that bellot

"Now, you, who have high defense and HP, need to help me well. Using that hammer... ."

The sound of me whispering into my ear

Bellot nodded with a thoughtful expression.

[ Will that really be?]

There's a lot of suspicion, not like an NPC. Is it because the call sensitivity is not so high yet?

Still, how could he convince Belat.

The purpose of catching Gordian was the same.

Soon I and Belat quickly approached Gor Dixa.


Gordixa reacted immediately when Drake fired an arrow and dragged Aggro.

[Ooh uh uh uh!]

He throws a big fist at us.

I was looking at the fist and immediately reached out.

X cub!

What I aimed for as an X-shaped target was Gordian's'little finger.'

Die, you bastard!

It's not a curse, it means that it's a little finger.

I persistently inflicted reflection damage on Gordic's little finger.

I almost died several times, but I was able to survive by putting the heel at the proper timing of Yoon Sol.



Gordian's little finger was cut off.

A finger, made of soft gold, thumps down to the ground.

Just (斷指).

Now it has only three fingers.

[Ooh woo woo... !]

Gordicsa tried to regenerate her fingers with flowing gold, but that didn't happen so quickly.

Well, anyway.

When the little finger disappeared, Gordic couldn't make a fist.

This is because there is no force in the grip due to the structure.

He started attacking with his open palm instead of his fist.

And that was what I wanted.


The moment Gordix's palm hits the ground!

"It's now!"

I shouted to Belat.

Drake and I took out a large silver stake and put it on the back of Gordian's hand.

On top of it, a massive hammer, swung by Bellot, falls.


Silver stakes make a loud roar

Stuck in Gordian's palm.

As it is, it goes down through the thick palm of Gordicsa, penetrates to the ground, and goes deep into the ground.

Once more!

I shouted, pulling out another silver stake.

Bellot immediately retrieves the hammer and heads over the silver stake one more time.

Struck the hammer.


A hammer that falls down like a rice cake hitting rice cakes.

The second silver stake was also driven deeply by the heavy blow.

[Oh oh oh oh!]

Gordicsa hurriedly tried to withdraw his hand, but he couldn't.

It is a dwarf's stake that can hold and fix loose metal.

"Now, next is the other hand!"

I quickly moved towards Gordian's other hand.

Gordixa left one hand, immobilized, and reached out to grab us.

I went over to the other side of the hand that I held on the stake.

Gordixa again punched me at me, and in the same way, I destroyed the cub and the ring finger so that I could use the palm instead of the fist.

Kwakwang! Jijik!

Soon, both palms of Gordian were nailed to the ground.

Gordicsa, whose hands are fixed at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock, respectively, works hard to get rid of the stakes stuck in his hand.

"Fix the stakes so they don't fall out!"

I shouted at Belat and then moved again to draw Aggro.

Puff Puff Puff!

I approached the bank of the river, avoiding the pouring barrage.

Boogle Boogle...

The hot Nether is boiling loudly.

I put one of the king's gunlets on my hand and soaked it in water.

- Mawfish Catfish Thisel Knuckle / One-Handed Weapon / A+ / (Voryu)

'Vortex' characteristic. It is the power to create a giant small dragon on the field.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa 一

I began to stir in a circle, holding the water of the Nether in one hand.



Gordixa also has her own'Voryu' special

Sex was expressed.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa-

The vortex I created collides with the vortex created by Gordian.

Two fiercely tumbling golden tornados!

Drake and Yunsol were looking at the scene with nervous expressions.

" Excellent."

"Who will win?"

However, the situation does not go astray as they expected.


The two vortices collided and did not cancel each other.

Rather, they merged into one and began to gain more and more power.


Yunsol and Drake were embarrassed, but... .


I wasn't.

In the first place, I had no desire to compete with Gordian's vortex characteristics.

The vortex I created is in exactly the same direction as the vortex created by Gordian!

In other words, it was a concept that added more, not against his power.

character! Turn!"

I grabbed the entire lake with my hand and started spinning it round and round.

The vortex created by the fusion of the powers of Gordix and the angler catfish was truly violent.

Kwa一 Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa. !

Would it be like this from an ant's point of view when the toilet was flushed?

A massive vortex swallows up all the space.

Drake and Bellot, who entered Yunsol's shield, looked at this side without even opening their eyes properly.

Only I was standing in the heart of this twisted Nether, facing Gordian.

Turn it around, turn it around!

I shouted, turning the Nether.

Kour, rush, rush./

The rotating current with tremendous momentum swallows up the whole world.

Surprisingly, the Gordicsa standing in the center was slowly taking damage.


The rotating current was slowly shaving his waist around Gordicsa!

It was possible because both his arms were nailed to the shore and fixed.


I took refuge on the ground to avoid the rushing currents.

The vortex has already gotten on the flow.

The powerful whirlpool was born by adding the power of the deep sea monster to the power of Gordian Bonin, and it was impossible to prevent it with the power of Gordian.

The current is getting more and more acceleration.

The body of Gor Dixa, trapped in the center of the twisted Nether, is gradually being cut off by the blade of water.

Panning dish by centrifugal force

Like impurities bouncing out.


Gordian looked at me and screamed.

However, that doesn't mean that you can prevent your body from being shaved by the eddy currents.

...Scratchy! Chubby! ...Chupper duck!

The gold mixed with mud and stone splatters here and there.

"Quick! Look at the placer splashing."

I made eye contact with Gordian and laughed.

Now, there is no need to worry about turning to gold even when we make eye contact.


[Boo Woowoowook]

Gordixa was closing her big eyes and dripping tears.

Kwakwang! Rumble... !

However, the cries were swallowed up by the fierce roar of So Yong-dol.

"Haha! Die, it's a monster!"

Throughout their lifetime, gold coins were provided to humans for free, and eventually, even as a spirit king.

You couldn't be selected, and you should pay the price that has been sealed in the underground gang here for hundreds of years!


Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa... !

The interior of Gordixsa's body, which was almost completely shaved by the whirlpool, began to be seen clearly.

There was a dark red metal lurking inside it.


That is the essence of Gordic's core.

In terms of humans, it was a part of the heart.

'I finally found it!'

I lit my eyes.

'The Core of Gordicsa'

That, in addition to the Nether's'Fever Time', was one of the real purposes I came to this dungeon.


thud with a splash!

The prisoner who was trapped in the middle of the Nether knelt.

Gordixa fell with all the golds of her entire body peeled off, and then the storm of the Yellow Gold Lake sank.

At the same time, the long-awaited messages began to appear.


You have succeeded in the world's first'Inmate of the Nether, the Corrupt Spirit Gordic Human Raid!

Reward is paid!

The first conqueror's name is recorded on the Akashic Records.

Would you like to leave your name? YES Deceased water

Raid ranking is being compiled... 1st place/ Number of Tries: 1 time

'Inmate of the Nether' died. The morale of the demon camp'Burning Legion' is reduced.

All players gathered in the disputed area became known to the name'The Deceased Water'.

The amount of gold mined in the conflict zone will be reduced by 50% until the'Nether inmate' is resurrected.

The two great kings who are confronting in the conflict zone express interest in'the deceased water'.

After catching Gordian, several perks began pouring out.

One by one is not light, indeed tremendous benefits.

But even if you say anything, the benefits that are far superior among them... .

く Fever time starts again!

That's it!

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 321
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