Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 509
One more step from the last


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In the middle of hearing Belpegol's unknown murmur.


The world of nightmares collapses.

I rolled hard from the air to the floor.

" Wow!?"

I don't know how long I've rolled it like this.

Since it fell from a very high place, the fall damage was considerable, and I almost died.

'Hugh, since HP is poor, even this is in danger of death.'

If he had died, it would have been a trivial death with the number one level of escape from crisis.

" here is?

I quickly looked around.

This is the 5th floor of the Tower of Murderers, the floor that Zodiac abandoned.

The fifth floor, which used to be an animal forest, was now empty in white color.

Now that I have ownership of this map, I think I should design it anew.

Not surprisingly, a semi-transparent notification window was floating in front of my eyes.

  You have become a manager of 5 loyalties.

You can change the appearance of the map.

Basic space expansion: -100,0000 per +3.305785 square meter

Increase a specific space: -i,ooog

Lower specific space: -l,000G

Office addition: -10G

Addition: -10G

Add fence: -10G

'Well, I don't have time to design a map right now.'

When you are about to turn off the notification window in front of you

[ Hoae-eng.]

I had to get up from my seat, amazed by the cries from under my hips.

Judyloffe was a little flattened and weeping.

He seems to be crying because of the pain of being laid down and the damage to his face as a queen.

Well, where is the queen lying under the servant's ass.

"But I lived thanks to you."


" I really care about getting a small face."

When I'm holding Judyloffe and soothe it with slime jelly.

., thud./

Another person falls next to me.

It was Yoo Da-hee.

Ahh! I'm dying! Suddenly Sky Daheebing... !"

Yoo Da-hee, who struggles even more because it's from her head.

Unconsciously, even playing with a strange pun, she quickly got up from her seat, rubbing her head.

An awkward silence flows between us facing each other.

Is it because you have mixed your body once? Something is unfamiliar to you.

It was Yoo Da-hee who opened her mouth first.

"Hey, pervert."


"What we've been through, what are those?"

You would be asking about the Awakened Dreamcatcher.

There is nothing to hide, so I briefly explained the specs and characteristics of this eerie monster.

" So, we create an instant dungeon using the darkest and most unpleasant memories the player has."

"Wow, crazy. Do you have anything like that?"

After hearing my explanation, Yoo Da-hee scratched her head with an embarrassing expression.

"Hey, but what if you get serious damage to your mind?"

How do you do it. In the future, there will be a lot of complaints.

But I just shrugged. It was because it was cumbersome to explain in more detail.

When I shut up, Yu Da-hee narrowed her eyes.

Then he muttered alone.

"No, even if you say yes to the past. What was the future?"

That's what I'm curious about too.

As far as I know from the future knowledge, the Awakening Dreamcatcher shows us from the past to the future.

From creating unpleasant illusions by searching through unpleasant memories of the past like a normal nightmare, does it use big data to show the future that is most likely to come realistically if you live the way you are now?

In the case of Yoo Da-hee, the body, which was in the middle of a chogal mode, was separated and bounced off, not seeing the future.

(However, it seems to me that he believes that he has come to see the future by interlocking with my memories of the past.)

But I clearly saw.

The last moment when the game ends.

' There is no fire spirit to ask.'

The Fire Dung Spirit and the Ice Dung Spirit also disappeared wherever they were.

I should also ask about the existence of the'owl' that brought me out of the stomach of the Awakening Dreamcatcher.


Yoo Da-hee asked me.

Hey. But what else was that?"

"Well, it keeps. Why?

" No, I keep asking what I do. I haven't asked you a few times."

Yoo Da-hee became a little timid, not like that.

Then he asked a question with a wriggling bird somewhere.

Your future? Your past? Anyway, why am I appearing in your fantasy?

At a moment, I was speechless and shut my mouth.

How do I explain this?

I cannot say that I have returned.

If you tell me, you won't believe it

What do I have to say when my brain is running full.

Yoo Da-hee took care of providing the correct answer.

" When are you? Have you ever broke money from a girl who looked like me?"

right. It's a similar person. I thought so?

Well, it was in the illusion of a self-aware nightmare, so what do you know if you look around.

It's Yoo Da-hee's personal information. If it's because of the result that her unconsciousness was also reflected, then stop. Isn't this a super rare monster that doesn't have much known data in the first place?

As I nodded, Yu Da-hee nodded as if he knew something.

" Right. So to me like that."

She seems to be thinking about what has happened in the past, and she seemed to be mistaken for something, but she didn't dare to take it right away.

Before long, Yoo Da-hee struck my shoulder.

okay. I understand to some extent. Okay, I'll give you some feelings. I'm angry even if I'm

It's me, yeah yeah yeah, you know everything dude! uh?

"By the way, he really resembled me."

When she finished speaking, she pouted her lips and banged my shoulder once.

"Ya, however, no matter how similar you are, you shouldn't be so angry. Don't do that next time. then

All of these things become karma and come back. You know karma?"

When I wasn't talking for a while, Yu Da-hee turned his head with a humble expression.

"Okay, what am I talking about to a gemchang like you? But I guess you liked it quite a lot? As long as I give you everything I have. It would be very sad if the next girlfriend knew it?"

What are you saying next to me?

The eyebrows frown at the nonsense.

I picked my ear once and turned my head.

In fact, this wasn't the most important thing right now.

As I walk forward, Yoo Da-hee follows me.

"Hey, hey hey hey hey. But with me

That woman looks very similar. Even if I'm a little old."

"What? Do you like a glamor type like me? Sorry, this older sister likes a strong and strong man~"

I decided to completely take care of her.

What's important now is the nightmare

It is the zodiac Belpegol raid taking place on the 6th floor of the tower of the murderers and confirming the rewards that were caught.

I looked at a large body in front of the door to the sixth floor.

The corpse of a lucid nightmare is left unattended, half burned and half frozen.

Perhaps it was like the actions of the Fire Dung Spirit and the Ice Dung Spirit.

' Both spirits were A+ grades, so they wouldn't have the power to kill the Awakened Pecking Maw. After all, the existence of that owl intervened?'

The title was not given because I was not hunting.



One item is sprinkling light from the place where the corpse of the anglerfish is placed.

I saw it.

Let me turn my head and look at Yu Da-hee.

"Hmm. greatness.

Yoo Da-hee is not interested in what he is thinking alone.

I'm just turning my gaze away and rubbing the floor with my shoe nose.

" Hey, I have this item?"

Let me shout.

uh? Uh Uh yeah. Do as you wish.

Yoo Da-hee responds in a frightened surprise.

It was a shame that she gave up the item dropped by an S-class monster so easily.

'Won what are you thinking?'

I shook my head and checked the item.

It is a piece of paper that at first glance looks like an order form.

-  Proof of'Omuamua' nightmare

Seo / Order Sheet / S

571596102511365251123571 5936987147748569856622225 0161127541262853101067961



一Prove that what you have experienced is not a dream, but a reality.

Or prove that what you've been through is a dream, not a reality.

A strange item, whose current purpose is unknown, has fallen.

A spellbook for the black aura to bloom.

It's an overwhelming ominous appearance.

I had an intuition that if I had it, it would have more harm than good.

'But that doesn't mean you can't throw it away.'

Isn't it an S-class item in its own way!

I once stored this order in my arms.

'So it turns out that Karma's dropping items must also be recovered.'

My mind is in a hurry.

I hurried to the door and opened the 5th floor door.

Since I became a manager on the 5th floor, I couldn't go to the 6th floor, but I could just watch a fight.

In addition, if you make up your mind, you can find any number of tricks to interfere with the fight upstairs.



I didn't have to intervene, and I intervened first from that side.

"Fooss Suss! die!

Zodiac was putting a deal on Belpegol like crazy.

A corps of skeleton soldiers raging countless times.

And Mad Dog's gang is working hard.

And at the center of all that chaos.

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Belpegol, a fixed S+ grade monster, was groaning in pain.

With the HP bar that has been almost completely cut off, stained red.

  Worn and Worn Newbies

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