Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 510
One more step from the last (4)

Yoo Da-hee has been staring at Jin Jin since before.

"Hey, hey hey hey hey. But that woman looks very similar to me. Even if I'm a little old."

"What? Do you like a glamor type like me? Sorry, this older sister likes a strong and strong man~"

She was thinking about putting the words'for example, like Ma-Dong-sama' at the back, but she shut her mouth because she wanted to miss it.

Without knowing the reason why he shut himself up.

'By the way, really me and respectfully... No, I like a girl who looks exactly the same

Oh did you? Do you really like me? Um. Well, where's a guy who doesn't have a type like me who doesn't like it? But if it comes out to the subconscious, it's really... . Hmm, convincing

Yoo Da-hee thinks this and that by herself.

At the same time, her lowered self-esteem a little higher.


Yoo Da-hee looked up again and looked at the back of Eojin walking ahead.

Since I almost died in the emergency exit of a hotel in Shanghai in the past, I keep getting my eyes on it.

The back that gave himself up.

Strangely, his back and Eojin's back keep overlapping.

'Ah-oh! What else do I think...

Yoo Da-hee tapped her cheeks with her palms.

Haven't you decided not to think about it now?

But I keep seeing only my back.'

How do I keep seeing what I like about that naked body?

At best, it's a little wider than others, it's tighter, has fine muscles, and the two erect muscles stand tall. .

Yu Da-hee shook her head to shake off her work in Shanghai.

Then I tried to think differently.

'Wow, but that woman I saw in a nightmare at that time. It was a very bad bitch. How did he get caught by a woman like that? You look 10 years old too. Is it an older taste?'

Yoo Da-hee was thinking that the woman in her thirties who was still in the memory of Eo Jin was a different person.

Even though it is an illusion that reflects one's own unconsciousness, the conversation communicated as if it were talking with oneself, it is certainly the other person who remains.

Maybe there were many other ten-year-old girls with really similar faces.

It was also a woman's choke.

Eojin, the woman that the deceased person liked.

It still remains a painful memory

That girl.

When I remembered the woman, Yu Da-hee was in a subtle mind.

'If that shameless pervert hurts like this... I guess she wasn't really an ordinary woman.'

Yoo Da-hee was annoyed for nothing.

'Except for the face, it's nothing but nothing. At best, a little more mature than me? But after a few years

It is a level that can be grasped.'

Since she looked just like her, she couldn't lay her face, so Yu Da-hee started breaking everything except her face.

'I felt like a really bad villain. My skin is sagging, my eyes are unlucky, I don't like my voice, and I don't like my voice. How the hell can I be so loud? There was also a lot of temperament as a scammer. It's really the personality of the world! Oh, just one

I'll beat it with my fists.'

It's time for questionable self-reflection.


It was Ju Da-hee, who feels a little bit sorry for Eojin, who is still in pain from such a woman.

Then she suddenly finds herself feeling sorry for her and is amazed.

'Ahh! Who is pitying who now!

You're crazy, you're crazy!'

Yoo Da-hee flutters by herself.

She soon cleared up this confused mind desperately.

'Let's calm down, this is it. That There's a thing like that I'm going to do it. okay. not a big deal. It's everyday. Because I am that sniper.'

In the first place, it wasn't very common that it was routine... Yoo Da-hee is calm about such things right now.

I couldn't figure it out.

For her, always calm and calm, it is the only moment in which numerous variables arise.


" Hey, do I have this item?"

Eojin, who was rooting the monster's body in front of him, said.


Hmm. Big.

Yoo Da-hee nodded her head in a calm and cold manner as much as possible so as not to get caught in her thoughts.

uh? Uh Uh yeah. Do as you wish.

Then Jin-jin continues the work she was doing without saying anything.

'Good. It was natural. It's me too.'

I didn't make any fluctuating tee. Yoo Da-hee thought that this was a success.



Yoo Da-hee found another item in the distance.

It was a book that looked black.

It seemed like an item protruding from the vortex of confusion caused by the Awakened Pit-Maw.

Hey! transformation! One more item here "

Yoo Da-hee just opened her mouth.

However, it was faster to open the door to the 6th floor than that.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

Before long, a huge battle between the Zodiac and Belpegol began to produce its aftermath.

I bite my lips.

In the wide field in front of him, the Zodiac was pouring attack magic on Belpegol without any reason.

A corps of skeleton soldiers raging countless times.

And working hard

Zodiac gang.

And at the center of all that chaos.

[3o21\27i0621^99o26 589180625910321691601Q 135 826214572116*)522 226658%58477417896395 \7532115256311520169 5Y15!]

Belpegol, a fixed S+ grade monster, was groaning in pain.

It seems that the HP bar is on the verge of getting caught.

'How can I do that?'

I couldn't hide my surprise.

Belpegol is a famous boss monster that does not cause damage no matter how much deals you put in it.

However, the Zodiac was losing Belpegol without any reason with an enormous burst deal.

It was thanks to the two items in his hand.

- Hellfire Core Half / Material / S

A piece of red beads split in half.

It's so hot that even the devil wears a thermal image, and Manda contains the flames of the east side of Hell.

Item obtained from Balrog and Demogorgon.

It was spewing out a column of fire powerful enough to burn even Belpegol.

And there is an item that amplifies the firepower of such a hellfire core by dozens of times.

- Juchu's Slime Jelly / Ingredients / D

Gray City's specialty slime jelly. As a jelly made of slime, it is well influenced by the surrounding environment.

It was Gray City's famous slime jelly!

As mentioned before, slime is basically a monster that is well influenced by the surrounding environment.

Slimes living in the ice area have the properties of ice and the lava area

Slimes living in the forest have a fire attribute, slime living in the forest has a grass attribute, and slime living in a poisonous zone has a poison attribute.

It was similar in this case.

The slime jelly, which was left next to the Hellfire Core and aged for a long time, naturally absorbed the heat of Hellfire Core, which became a powerful weapon that conveyed the heat to Belpegol, the devil constellation.

So to speak, what about the low-end hellfire nose?

"Haha! Take it!"

The Mad Dog gang, including Kim Jong-un, were also throwing slyme jellies that had become hell-fired at Belpegol.

The amount of jelly the zodiac gang has stocked is so great that it won't be reduced no matter how much you throw it.

Meanwhile, the zodiac saw it and honed its teeth.

"Fuck. If I had one more Hellfire Core, I could double the damage of one Jelly!"

As soon as I heard that, I learned about the use of Hellfire Core.

'That's why the zodiac guy killed Chuchen, Juchu's brother, and stole the jellies.'

Unexpectedly, I discovered a pretty big secret.

Half of the Hellfire Core is currently in my inventory.

And I learned the recipe for slime jelly through Juchu

Now that you got a tip from the zodiac, it's time to think about how to apply and apply it.

' But right now that's

It's not important.'

I clenched my teeth and looked at the sixth floor.


One of the seven demon constellations that rule in sloths and nightmares.

He is twisting his body with his HP significantly reduced.

But I knew.

That there is no one who can catch Belpegol at'current time'.

' Belpegol is a demon constellation with many subordinates secretly.'

First of all, in that it has'Karma' as the middle boss under the command, it can serve countless Kao users.

It's not long since the game was released, so if there were a few more years, the level of Kao users would have risen tremendously.

The goal would have grown to a level that was impossible to attack at all.

In addition, the existence of'Awakened Heartbreaker' is also a tremendous burden.

It is impossible for a person to have lived without being hurt once, but the ear of the self-aware chest dream picks out the deepest, unhealed one of the wounds and scatters them.

And last.

The third attack pattern that made Belpegol the worst difficulty.


Belpegol, the demonic constellation of sloth, bites back to see if it's annoying to fight himself.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and pulled out a large mirror from inside.

"Oh? What else is this?"

The zodiac frowned.

Until now, Belpegol's unusual attack pattern has been hit hard, so we have no choice but to be on the lookout.


Belpegol's brutal miracles are embodied in this world.

In the mirror in Belpegol's hand

Monsters began to be summoned.

I clenched my teeth.

"It will affect us as well. No, even to everyone in this tower."

"What impact?"

After listening to me, Yoo Da-hee turns her head in an anxious gaze.

I touched my forehead with my hand.

Chae-jeok- Chae-jeok-

Belpegol's mirror cracks.

It soon broke, making a loud noise.


At the same time, something began to crawl out of the mirror.

There are very familiar faces that I and Yoo Da-hee know well.

  Worn and Worn Newbies

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