Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 707
Episode 707: The Second Cataclysm (4)

" My parents are 'dead people'."

The black hood in front of the 'ark' muttered a muffled remark among the refugees.

The owner of the Black Tower was clear.

I don't know how one player built such a gigantic structure, but anyway, in order to escape inside, you must get his permission.

All the refugees gathered in front of the ark with eager expressions on their faces, hoping to go inside.

right then


Something appeared in front of the ark.

It shone a great vision in front of the refugees, like a hazy aurora.

In the holographic image, the face of the deceased was floating and floating.

Some of the children who saw it began to cry, saying they were offended, but that didn't matter now.

The dead person in the hologram opens his mouth

started to

[If you climb to the top of this ark, you may find a way to stop the apocalypse.]

At those words, cheers erupted among the refugees.

hurray! Now we live!"

"After all, you're a dead man!"

" But this tower looks so high

Is this?"

People are excited that there is a way to prevent the end, while looking at the height of the tower reaching up to the sky, they put on a gloomy expression.


The black hood at the front of the refugee procession asked in a low voice.

Before that, let's go into this tower

Aren't you supposed to tell me how to do it?

Then the deceased's welcome responded with a kind smile.

[Good question. This tower has no entrance. However, if a qualified person approaches, the tower will automatically open the entrance.]

That means you can't just enter this tower.

Numerous refugees all looked nervous at once.

Soon, the deceased's mouth opened.

[If you look at the old Bible, Noah's Ark, which was built to withstand the great flood, could only be boarded by animals in pairs.]

Hearing this, the faces of some of the refugees brightened.

Everyone put their lover's arms next to each other

These were those who were

On the other hand, the faces of those who have come this far, struggling with their own strength, become pale.

Where did you find a mate in this mess?

However. Their expressions had to change at the words of the deceased.

[But I will not do that. Oh, from now on, I'm going to have to use a sultry body because I don't have a lover.

Joe. Couples cannot enter this ark. Only solo can enter.]

Then, the couple's expressions turned blank.


"Ah, Eight! You have to go down to see it!"

A furry man at the forefront of the refugee procession took a deep breath and strode into the tower.




The black top swallows the hairy man so softly, like putting a spoonful of sweet vanilla ice cream between his lips.

It was a very smooth position.

A couple at the front who saw it spit

Swallowing it, he went out with a wretched expression.

"Oh, let's go too!"


The moment the couple touches the black tower.

Kaak! Whoa eh!

Black Top spit out the couple as if they had chewed shit.

In the end, this made it clear.

Paired ones are not allowed to enter the ark. Only solo survives.

Then some people came forward and tried to negotiate.

"We are a male and female couple, can't we?"

"We are a female couple

But the welcome of the deceased is resolute.

[Ah, no matter what, you can't be a couple. It just doesn't work.]

Then everyone who was attached to the pair became dull.

As a result, all couples among the bloody refugees gathered in front of the ark fell.

"I'm sorry, Jagi Let's say good-bye for a moment."

I love you. No matter where you are, that will not change."

Baby aaaah! I can't fall for a second! I'd rather die than that!

"Let's finish the Second Cataclysm and put it back together. We are waiting for each other."

Most of the refugees had their teeth cut because of them weeping and giving each other one last hug, but anyway, all the survivors got into the ark.

ready to go

Soon, one by one, they began to enter the ark.

Schoolboy Akisada also entered the Black Tower.

"I am a single mother!"

While holding up one hand bravely and shouting.

The illusion of the deceased gave her such a face.

[You don't have to say that.


Akisada's face, which was dyed bright red, bowed down.


"Me too."

Indifferently, took solo authentication

Someone was coming in.

black hood. He enters the black tower as if there is no particular inspiration and strides into the interior.

Akisada stared at him after such a black man for a moment.

With a very curious gaze.




The survivors who entered the ark had to be taken by surprise.

The interior space of the Black Tower was much wider and more spacious than it looked from the outside.

An empty central square with nothing. And on the wide wall of the square, there were spiral stairs that could go up and round and round without end.

It seemed obvious that the end of the stairs was connected to the ceiling invisible to the naked eye.

" Oh my gosh.

All the refugees opened their mouths.

I had never seen a dungeon of this size before.

Even though this is not the original dungeon, it was created by one player!

It was an incredible achievement.

"Stupid, how high is that person?"

Akisada muttered aloud without realizing it.

I've known for a long time that I'm an unusual Pioneer, but I hope I've reached the point where I can build such a structure.


" etch!"

Black Hood, who was next to Akisada, suddenly sneeze.

Then he looked around shyly and strode up the stairs.

As the black hood opens its doors for the first time, the refugees, who have only looked at each other for a while, slowly move towards the stairs.

"Oh, come on. How do you climb this height up the stairs?"

"Still, there is a way to prevent the second cataclysm above this."

"Can't you go up by magic?"

"I don't have a mana potion, so it will go up and fall?"

Players climb up a spiral staircase that goes round and round.

A very long and high climb.

It was a long, monotonous, and even tedious odyssey that surpassed the blood pressure marathon of the jar game.

But players persevere. No matter how long, arduous, and arduous road, it endures and perseveres.

Everyone who has come this far loves this game and this world.

These are the warriors who gathered up the courage to protect their precious daily life and knocked on the door of the ark right now.

Although there were some who collapsed or could not stand it and logged out in the middle of the march, most of the players were going up and down the stairs with a determined expression.


Follow the endless stairs to the top of the Black Tower, reaching up to the sky.

Akisada walked up the stairs, wiping the beads of sweat.

One step at a time, it gets heavier and heavier.

As her stamina levels dropped, her body became increasingly silent, but nevertheless, she did not give up.

Suddenly, a memory from the pot game comes to mind.

An extremely difficult and exhausting race, a desperate system in which if you make a mistake, you fall to the floor and have to start over.

But in the end, Akisada persevered.

The experience of that day was making her one step possible now.

to be.

,I think this competition will be of great significance for those who bump into each other without bleeding despite the harsh challenge, and those who have the will to climb up again despite falling into the abyss.'

Standing water.

Had he foreseen this situation earlier?

Climbing the tower, Akisada silently recites what the deceased had said after winning the pot game that day.

.....dedicated this trophy to you, the one who came this far. I give it to you with all my love. I dedicate this trophy to you who have come this far. With all my love."

However, Akisada didn't say that.

I couldn't finish it.

"Collock! Cologne!"

His dry throat from not being able to drink anything crackles like dust.

After coughing a few times, the dust on my throat quickly turned into thorns, causing sharp pain.

Fatigue was extremely accumulated.

Stamina hitting the bottom now has HP

I was even shaving.

' So far.'

Akisada tried to move her legs, but her body was already out of her control.


Akisada knelt in the middle of the stairs.

Some who went ahead or came after

They glanced around, but that was the only interest.

Soon, the refugee procession passed the fallen Akisada and climbed up.

I couldn't resent them.

Because Akisada did the same to the stragglers in the harsh snowy mountains in the process of finding the ark.

She felt a burning thirst in her throat and closed her eyes.

Now it was really the last.

Did you think so?


Someone puts a cold glass bottle to the cheek of Akisada who has fallen.

Akisada, startled by the moisture condensing on the surface of the glass bottle, raised her head.

black hood.

he was there

When Akisada saw the glass bottle held out towards him, his eyes widened in disbelief.

It is in a glass bottle, and at this point in time, it is as good as the water of life.

It was the 'red potion'.


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