Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 708
Episode 708: The Second Cataclysm (5)

-  Red Potion / Consumables / D

A healing agent made from red herbs.

It is a basic potion that is the basis of all potions in the world.

-HP +100

An item mainly dropped by bees and ants, which are D-class monsters.

This is a potion that is treated as a complete basic item as the lowest level recovery agent.

It was used a little when the HP was too low, but now a lot of better potions have been released, so the touch of the jjorep users has been cut off, and it was truly a memorable item.

If you often wander around the hunting grounds,

There are many cases where these red potions are dumped on the street in large quantities.

The same is true of its sister product, Blue Potion.

-  Blue Potion / Consumables / D

A healing agent made from blue herbs.

It is a basic potion that is the basis of all potions in the world.

-MP +100

These potions, which restore health and mana, respectively, were practically garbage.

For users who have become stronger over time, the recovery effect is also very minimal, and it is a nuisance that occupies an inventory for nothing.


But what about now?

Invasion of bees and ants

Now that all NPCs and shops are gone, these kinds of consumables that allow you to recover even a little bit are like life water.

Akisada asked Black Hood with a trembling voice.

"Hey, are you giving me this?"

Black Hood nodded indifferently.

Akisada took over the glass bottle carefully, as it would go out if blown and would break if held.

A bright red potion glistens in front of her.

Akisada closed her eyes and drank it.

The sweet and tangy taste cools the throat.

dust on the wall of the throat

It feels like all the trees and thorns are being washed away.

At the same time, HP, which was hitting the floor, also rose slightly.

It was a really valuable part for a wizard who was already weak in stamina.

Akisada drank the red liquid that had pooled up to the bottom of the glass bottle.

And regret the empty potion bottle

I look at you with a lucky expression.

Memories of when I was a beginner come to mind.

'Yeah, right. There was a time when each bottle of potion like this was precious to me.'

Those days when I was hard at bees and ants slaying with a wooden sword, when I was not sure what kind of job I would change, so I picked up all the items I could see.

I wanted to hunt, but I didn't have the money, so I had collected all the items dropped by monsters, no matter how trivial.

Material items were sold as quest materials, or in stores, and the only potions needed for hunting were red and blue potions.

Memories of the New B days, when we cried and laughed at one of them, were faintly blurry.


The black hood, who had handed the potion to Akisada, opened his mouth.

" What did you say before?"


"What you just mumbled before."

When Black Hood asked again, Akisa Da understood what he was saying.

Ah. Did I just mumble to myself?"

What did you just say?

Akisada tilted her head.

Black Hood patiently remained silent.

Soon, Akisada remembered the words she had just muttered unconsciously.

"Hey, are you giving me this? said."

" no. Previously.

"Collock! Cologne?"

Akisada was actually restoring the previous conversation as if she had pressed CTRL+Z.

When the black hood touched his forehead, Aki Sada finally gave him the answer he wanted.

"....dedicated this trophy to

you, the one who came this far. I give it to you with all my love. I dedicate this trophy to you who have come this far. With all my love."

"What is the English in front of you?"

"It's the same thing. Korean translation later.

Let Akisada respond kindly

The black hood stands still and does not move.

" I dedicate this trophy to you who have come this far. With all my love."

I just quietly followed Akisada's words.

Soon, the black hood asked Akisada.

"Hmm, this line

Do you like it?

" I don't like it, so I'm asking.

As the Black Hood replied cynically, Akisada looked at him with a bit of a frown.

"That's what the pot game winner said in an interview."

yes i know that saw the contest

just because.

Black Hood asked again.

"As far as I know, you would have won runner-up there?"

Yeah. It was."

Akisada nodded her head as if proud.

But Black Hood asks the next question as if he's not very interested in Akisada's runner-up.

"Do you not hate him?"

Yeah? Why do you hate me?"

"I stepped on you and climbed up."

Hearing the words of the Black Hood, Akisada's eyes widened.

It's like I've never thought of it before.

Soon, she tilted her head and said.

"Now that I think about it, it's a little daunting."

" Is it too?"

Yeah. But it's okay."

Akisada smiled brightly.

"Because I stepped on the stairs, he got to that position."

"If you stepped on me and the results were not good, I would have been really upset. But he made it to the top, didn't he?

The black hood is silent.

Akisada wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear either.

she said with a promise.

I think it was only because I was there that he could shine in the heights now. Did I have a so-called honorable death? Well, it might be a mental victory, but... ."

"Anyway, there is one thing I have learned for sure from participating in the pot game competition."

After speaking, Akisada shook her head.


And I looked at the tower of spiral stairs that stretched endlessly above and round and round.

"If you are not afraid of failure and do not give up on the challenge, one day you will be able to reach a higher place than when you failed."

She sees failure and challenge as almost the same thing, and fear and abandonment as almost the same thing.

seems to be dealing with

The challenge that follows after failure is quite natural, and the only thing you should be afraid of is yourself giving up.

The black hood stands silently.

With the weak physical strength barely recovered with a bottle of red potion, Aki re-challenges the endless march again.

Looking at Sada's back.

* * *

A little more time passed.

"I can see the pole lamp."

" If only I had one bottle of red potion."

"Thirst I feel like my leg is going to break...

The stamina of the refugees has now really reached its limit.

..Pick [Pick_]

In a situation where there is no water, food, or potions, users fall down one by one.

Akisada was also going up the stairs with strenuous steps.

The HP bar turned red, and it's clear that it won't last long.

But nevertheless, the stairs are long, round and round, stretching upwards like a never-ending pilgrimage.

It didn't seem like he could ever reach the ceiling like this.

It is doubtful whether it will be possible to climb even if I challenge myself in full condition, but much less, with my now exhausted body, it is a dozer lake].



A strange landscape began to appear through Akisada's blurred vision.

Numerous illusions seen above the endless stairs.

"It's time to die, so you can see everything in vain."

Akisada put a dry smile on her lips.

And it was said.

"One or two of the red potions I ate earlier Three blue potions, four... Again, red potions are five, six Another blue potion is seven, eight Is it the oasis mirage I saw in the desert? I see a lot of potions. Why?"

Then, the black hood that came from behind passed her by and said as if tossing it.

Why is it? It's right in front of you.

How is that?"

Akisada's eyes widened at those words.


It was not a mirage or hallucination.

Numerous red and blue potions that really exist were lined up on the stairs!

Refugees cheer enthusiastically at the enormous amount of potions.

"Three, my God! Really!

Huh! Are those real potions?

" Hey, this must be a miracle!"

Japtems that I usually didn't have even if I gave them

Users were enthusiastic about the red and blue potions that were just lying around like garbage in the hunting ground.

I was disappointed that it was Japtem and had no time to do anything.

People hurriedly ran to pick up potions and started to drink them.

Fortunately, as we climbed the stairs, the amount of red and blue potions increased greatly, so people could pick up and eat them and climb the stairs naturally.

"Kya, was the red potion originally sweet like this?"

"I didn't know that, but the blue potion is really good. Be cool!"

Oh yeah It's something I didn't have even if I gave it to you, but I think you'll be so happy with it."

"Come to think of it, in the old days, everyone lived by eating these things. All this while, I forgot this taste."

"Once you really catch bees and ants,

When a bottle of this ran out, I picked it up and collected it. I collected them and ran a boss raid."

"There was a time when I was really happy with a bottle of this red potion."

Users started to recall the taste of those memories that naturally lingered on the tip of their tongue when their stamina was to a certain extent.

Doenjang soup that my mother made when I was young, and a low-level potion that I bought with extra money when I was at a low level.

Its taste naturally made users recall their initial feelings.

The innocent self when I just started the game.

right at that moment.


Suddenly, a white light began to appear from the stairs.

The path indicated by the red and blue potions lined up turns into a silvery white light.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise.


Something was created in each section that went up and turned around.

It has countless monsters

It was.

"Is it an attack?!

"Maybe a trap!?"

"Ready for battle!"

Refugees who had recovered their stamina and mana to some extent were tense.


When people realized that the monsters that appeared in front of them were merely illusions that were mere holograms, people began to slowly

Break the boundaries little by little.

Even those that appeared with the illusions of monsters were very familiar.


When I first started the game in the past, I was floating as a hologram right after I had just created a character.

" Is that me?"

"Oh, I'm so wretched!"

"Yeah, I used to be like that too. When you are a complete newbie."

"No, but what kind of device is in this tower that makes it appear like that?"

Scenery of catching low level monsters when you are at low level.

And every time you go up one floor by going around the stairs, the illusions level up.

When you level up, you become a higher level

of catching monsters.

And when you go up one more floor, the scene where you level up and catch the monster with the higher level.

Each time he went up, he leveled up in the illusion and was getting closer to his current self, and the monsters he caught were also getting bigger and stronger each time they changed.

Then at the top of this tower

What happens when you reach

Users have strange aspirations and curiosity.

So, with more strength in both legs, he kicks the stairs and climbs up.

Hope (希望).

To find something to stop destruction at the top of this tower.


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