Wrong Love

5 chapter 5~ his first move

Mixue received late night shift which is not a norm but no complain as there is additional work allowance given. She was given Airline P duty again, the only different is that Terry did not turn up which was a relieve to her. Little did she know that Terry was hiding at the corner looking at her. He was confused and been thinking about the dream and feeling that Mixue gave. He wanted to know her more.

A week of late night shift was over and Mixue back to her normal day shift.

"Mixue ~! Mixue~! I heard that you are on late night shift recently, is there any gossip to share?" Lin Ying asked cheekily.

"what are you asking about? What got to do with late night and gossip?" Mixue was confused as she normally did not pay any attention on gossip.

Lin Ying rolled her eyes and replied "Don't tell me that you didn't know Terry and Linda broke off and I wonder who broke off with who. Share with me if Terry is upset or not when you are doing his flight"

" Seriously?! They broke up? Hmm... he didn't even turn up at his flight recently. Your question I can't help to answer. "Mixue was still in shock after hearing it but what got to do with her.  She knows that she did not have any more special feeling toward him but the news still leaves an impact in her heart.

She was deep in thought while walking. " Ouch~!" Mixue felt she have bang into someone. She quickly looks up and it was Terry. Terry was holding on to her waist to prevent her from falling back. Blush appear in Mixue face.

"Hey…. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Terry see her not answering him and carry on asking her "are u having fever? "he placed his hand on her forehead.

Mixue took a step back away from Terry and finally compose herself and replied "I'm so sorry that I bump into you. I'm well and thank you. I have to go" Mixue's heart is pounding fast and she wanted to escape. She felt that her face is burning hot.  A weird feeling that Mixue have not been experiencing, she want to escape.  She went to toilet and wash her face, hopefully will cool down the heat.

"What wrong with me?" Mixue asked herself in the mirror. It is not love. He is married. Mixue stepped out of the toilet and tell herself that to stop thinking.


Terry saw Mixue from far. She didn't seem to be attentive to the surrounding. Terry saw his opportunity and walk toward her. At the corner, Terry waited for her to turn in so that he can dump into her "accidentally "to hope to able to create some chances to talk to her. He need to know what is his feeling toward her and what is her feeling toward him. Initially, he though he will be affected by the breakup with Linda as he had put in effort in maintain the relationship with her. He was depressed that the relationship does not go well. But not for a long time. Until he met Mixue at the gate. 

As what he is expecting, they bump into each other. He quickly holds on to Mixue waist, at the moment he has the urge to pull her toward him and hold her tight but he knows he cannot do that. He wants to get closer to her. The wanting of her by his side is growing in his heart. she is toxic.


"hello, who is that?" Mixue puzzle who will call her at this timing.

"how are you? Are you feeling ok? "Terry replied ignoring her question.

It must be some crazy fellow that make prank call. Mixue told herself that but she decided to carry on playing with him.  "I think you are the one that are not feeling not well. Who are you and why are u calling me?"

"you can't recognise my voice? Indeed, I need to see a doctor to see my chest. Are you going to accompany me? since you are the cause." Terry replied her jokingly.

"why should I recognise your voice. What are you talking about? You must be crazy… "the thought of the incident in the afternoon flash back in Mixue's mind.  "wait… you are Terry? "

" Bingo~! You have guessed correctly."

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