Wrong Love

6 chapter 6 ~ confession?

Mixue could not believe that Terry had called her.  After putting the phone, Mixue still unable to understand why. She has received a lot of calls from the office to ask her to appear at work early to cover other people but never once she thought Terry will give her a call to check if she is well. In fact, none of her friend shown much concern to her.

Mixue grow up in an incomplete family. Her father having an affair and my mum decided to leave him for good, bring all of us out of the family. Since young she has not received any love from the parents. She does not trust love but at the same time she hoping for love. She dares not committee in relationship as she is scare of being hurt. She always pretends to be strong but deep inside she is timid. 

After the call that night, Terry once a while will send her some greeting message. She will occasionally reply to his message. This is the first time that someone shower her with care and concern. she also notices that when she was on duty even it was not his time to start his shift, he will be in office early. He will have appeared to have coffee with his peer, Parker who was on duty during the day time. As Parker was in charge of the Airline that she always works for, he will look for her at the counter for chit chat with her. 

Mixue was not feeling well and she receive an urgent call to meet the aircraft. She need to run to the gate as the flight has already landed. Without hesitating, she picks up her stuffs and ran to the gate. While the passenger was leaving the aircraft, she suddenly sees black and fell backward. She was ready to tolerant the pain but nothing. She was like floating in the air, a citrus smell entered her nostrils. She felt that she was place on the chair and her surrounding get very noisy. She tired to open her eyes, but only manage to have a glimpse before knock off. That second, she saw Terry was beside her holding on to her hand. 

She woke up in the manager room, she heard Parker and Terry was talking about her. She decided to use this opportunity to skive from work and listen to what they are talking about so she pretend sleeping. 

" Bro, are you serious this time? She is just a young and innocent girl. You sure you want to make move? She is not like the rest and she can be your daughter, don't ruin other people life for your own lust" Parker said jokingly to Terry.

Terry pause for a while and replied "if I have not considered, she will be mine by now."

Mixue was confuse by their conversation and as if she cares about it. All she wants now is to get some sleep. Suddenly, she felt that someone was holding on to her hand.

"never did I feel so comfortable with someone before and the feeling is strong. She filled the emptiness in my heart."

"I better leave the officer now and do my round. I leave her with you. Don't mess around in office" said Parker.

"what should I do to you to make you understand how I feel" Terry mumbled and let go of her hands, afraid that she will wake up anytime.


Terry meeting Parker for coffee before his shift. He reached office 2 hours earlier and from far he saw Mixue. She is not looking very well. He decided to follow her to her duty, dragging Parker with him. When he saw that she is shaking and falling back, he quickly run forward to hold on to her to prevent her from knocking onto her head. He carried her and place her the chair and called for wheelchair to bring her out to his office. Parker sense that Terry treat Mixue differently. Knowing both of them, he feels that he should remind Terry.  Terry do know that Mixue is too young for him, but when his lower body take in control, everything seems to be logical.  When talking to Parker, he senses that Mixue might be awake, he purposely said things to make her feel move.

Did Terry love Mixue? Terry also cannot tell but for sure, he will do all mean to make her his.

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