WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 54 - Epilogue - Return to America

After the battle of Wakanda Ray returned to his New York headquarters with a bountiful harvest of Vibranium. Ray had the only Vibranium remaining in the world. But Ray also had the Hand robots in space mining for Vibranium.

As for the dejected Black Panther TChalla, he had no home left or any resources left. The Black Panther TChalla was now residing in the Wakandan embassy in America with less than 50 of his people who had survived the battle with Thanos. TChalla had already made up his mind to join the Avengers to stop any future threats that may happen to Earth.

The Ancient One was rubbing her bald head in Kamar Taj. She was dying and she was dying because the residual energies from the Dark Dimension was killing her. If not for the Dragon Breathe provided by her step son Ray, she would have died long ago. The Ancient One wondered if she should speed up the progress of Dr. Stephen Strange to become the sorcerer supreme since she did not have much time left.

Meanwhile Ray was sitting down in his New York headquarters wondering how he can profit from the upcoming Thor the Dark World movie storyline. An innocent smile soon appeared on Ray's face he plotted to gain benefits from Asgard.

(Muthu's Hopes of Revenge)

Muthu would never give up his revenge, as long as there were breathe in his body he would never stop pursuing the truth of who killed his father. That's why Muthu reopened Raj's Deli again a third time. But this time since he has a reputation of being a pervert that likes women, old grannies and men, he could not get any help except for a young Indian boy by the name of Raj. Yes, Muthu's new ȧssistant in his shop is a young Indian boy named Raj.

As he looked at the young boy working in his shop, Muthu heaved a sigh of relief. He hoped with the boy here to look after the shop he could go out and spy on the penthouse where Oswald resides. Muthu would Congo talk to Oswald until he confesses to killing his father. Muthu was certain he could break Oswald. However Oswald always seems so happy to see Muthu and talk his ear off. Because of that Muthu was a bit hard of hearing in his left ear now. Muthu thought he was wearing a Oswald down because he knew how painful his ears hurt and how parched his mouth had become after talking to Oswald for more than 7 hours every time but he always wondered why Oswald appeared disappointed whenever he left the marathon talking session.

When Muthu looked at the demure young Indian boy sitting on the counter, he felt like hitting himself as he has scraped the bottom of the barrel in getting workers.

"How is everything Raj ?", Muthu asked the young Indian boy.

"Don't call me Raj, just call my English name Max. Ah. By the way my grandma is coming by today.", Raj/Max said to a Muthu with a sweet smile.

"Sure thing Boss !", Max shouted out and went to the back.

As Muthu looked around he could see the young boy Max was having difficulty taking the new magazines into the main area. Muthu decided to help him and walked to the back as he approached Max, Max pulled the stock of magazines hard and it fell on him and Muthu.

"Oops Sorry Boss.", Max said as he lied on top of Muthu in a somewhat compromising position.

"It's ok...", a Muthu said with a smile.

"You pervert ! What are you doing to my grandson Max ?!", Sari the old grandmother that worked for Muthu for a short while shouted out aloud. Sari was standing above Muthu who was in a compromising position with Max.

"What ?! What are you doing here Sari ?!", Muthu shouted out in shock as he saw Max was on top of him with Sari giving him a death glare.

"Boss this is my grandmother Sari.", Max said with a sweet smile.

"Oh shit !", Muthu shouted out as Sari started hitting him with her bag.

To be continued...

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