WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 55 - Ancient One’s Blues

The Ancient One was dying and she knew it. Her fate was to die after she had taught Dr. Strange to be the next sorcerer Supreme but she knew she had little time left even with the Dragon Breathe provided by her step son Ray. The Ancient One was dying because of the residual energies in her body from the Dark Dimension that gave her Immortality in the past. Now it was slowly killing her. There was nothing anyone can do about it. Even Ray looked at it and said it was fated.

As the Ancient One stood on the edge of her balcony she couldn't help but manipulate Dr. Stephen Strange's life to speed up faster so he would become a surgeon earlier and be famous earlier. Now that Dr. Stephen Strange was a famous neurosurgeon, he had become arrogant. The Ancient One thought it was the perfect time for Dr. Strange to have a little car accident so his hands could be ruined. As Dr. Strange met Christine Palmer earlier and got rich earlier, it was time for him to lose the use of his hand earlier. The Ancient One started to cast a spell that would result in Dr. Strange having a car accident that would injure both his hands. As the spell was finished, the Ancient One released it as she smiled at her own work.

Just like in the Marvel movie Dr. Strange after the car accident, Nicodemus West the surgeon ruined Dr. Strange's hand through his surgery. It was following just like the script in the movie with Dr. Strange trying his best by using all of his wealth to find a cure for his hand. And just like the movie, Dr. Strange used all of his wealth only to fail to improve his hands. It was then Dr. Strange learned of Jonathan Pangborn, a paraplegic who regained the use of his legs magically. Dr. Strange decided to make the trip to Kamar Taj to see if he could regain the use of his hands just like Jonathan Pangborn regained the use of his legs.

Once the younger Dr. Strange arrived there once again just like the movie Dr. Strange he managed to find the Ancient One. And the Ancient One accepted him as his apprentice. The Ancient One enticed Dr. Strange by letting him know she knew he had 7 procedures done on his hands. Dr. Strange just like in the movie ȧssumed that the Ancient One is a scientist that found a new way to heal the body. After that the Ancient One told Dr. Strange she could heal through belief, Dr. Strange went into a rant. Then the Ancient One showed Dr. Strange a glimpse of the universe. And just like in the movie Dr. Strange begged the Ancient One to accept him as a pupil.

Thus the road was set for a new sorcerer supreme named Dr. Strange at an earlier date. Ray smiled as he looked into the vision of the Ancient One accepting Dr. Strange. After all his manipulation of the Ancient One's mind through his medicine the Dragon Breathe has sped up the creation of Dr. Strange. And the world will need Dr. Strange if this cosmic God that is snacking on the infinity stones comes to Earth !

(Muthu's Dog)

Muthu was once again at Raj's Deli in New York, his new ȧssistant for his shop now was a dog, he was known as a pervert, a pedophile, a rapist, a lover of old men and women, so now the only thing he could get to take care of his shop was a pet dog.

As Muthu was stroking his dog, he thought of his revenge against Oswald. He would never give up or waver. This was just a small hiccup in getting his revenge. As Muthu continues to stroke his dog, he began to realise his pants zipper was stuck to the dog's fur and it seems the dog's buŧŧock was stuck to his zipper or his pėnɨs.

Just as Muthu was trying to get the dog's fur untangled from his zipper, Max his erstwhile young boy ȧssistant walked into his shop.

"Hi Muthu !", Max shouted out happily as he waved at him.

".......", Muthu was speechless as he continued to struggle to get the fur detached from his pants zipper. It began to look like Muthu was sodomising the Male dog from the behind.

Suddenly Sari, Max's grandmother walked in.

"Oh shit !", Muthu shouted out as he continued to pull and push the dog's buŧŧȯċks away from his zipper in his attempt to release the dog's fur that was stuck to his zipper.

"You beast ! How can you fuċk a dog ! You dog shagger ! Shame on you doing this in front of my grand son !", Sari shouted out aloud as she started hitting Muthu with her hand bag.

Muthu ran out of the shop with the dog's buŧŧȯċks still stuck to his pant's zipper while Sari chased after him while shouting, "You beast ! You are even sėxuȧŀly ȧssaulting a dog ! You beast ! Can no one satisfy your perverted sėxuȧŀ urges !".

They ran into a policeman.

One week later, Sari was putting up the sėxuȧŀ offender posters of Muthu for sodomising a dog around New York.

To be continued...

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