WTF I Am In The Marvel Universe!

Chapter 71 - I Need A Hero

(It would be good to read this chapter with the Bonnie Tyler Song, Holding Out For A Hero)

Yon Rogg was having a bad day. A really bad day. After he had successfully fused the power stone to one of his gloves there were numerous ȧssassination attempts on his life by his own loyal crew. You Rogg never found out why they tried to kill him. He only knew that his crew wanted to kill him. Yon Rogg also knew he treated his crew well. Was it the instigation of Ronan the Accuser ? Who knows ? But one thing was certain, Yon Rogg was dying. Ever use of the power stone was killing him slowly and causing him tremendous pain. And Yon Rogg had to use the power stone every time to prevent his crew from ȧssassinating him. Yon Rogg knew he could no longer use the power stone without killing himself. Yon Rogg swore to reserve the use of the power stone for Ronan the Accuser. Yon Rogg would kill Ronan the Accuser for turning his crew into a bunch of ȧssassins that wanted to kill him.

Somewhere in a planet somewhere Ronan the Accuser was sneezing non stop.

Meanwhile the Guardians of the Galaxy together with 10 Nova Corp members that won the lottery to kill Yon Rogg will infiltrate the Dark Aster space ship to kill off Yon Rogg. Whoever kills off Yon Rogg will get a bounty of 1 Billion units ! Ray, the person giving the 1 Billion units bounty was also going along to see the performance of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the 10 Nova Corp members.

The Dark Aster was careening off its trajectory and not flying in a straight line due to all the internal damages inflicted upon it. It was caused by all the failed ȧssassination attempts on Yon Rogg. A small Nova Corp ship containing Ray, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the 10 Nova Corp members all eager to kill Yon Rogg was flying leisurely to the open hatch of Yong Rogg's ship the Dark Aster. Once inside the Nova Corp ship opened up with Ray, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the 10 Nova Corp members stepping out. Meeting them at the hanger of the ship was Nebula.

"Welcome boss.", Nebula said happily with a sweet smile.

"Oh. Nebula, good job. When Yon Rogg is dead, give me your account and I will transfer the 5 Billion units. If you manage to kill Yon Rogg, I will add another 1 Billion units.", Ray said in a girlish voice.

"Yes boss. Can we kill Yon Rogg now ?", Nebula said with a sweet smile.

"Yes. Of course whoever kills Yon Rogg will get 1 Billion units.", Ray said in a girlish voice with a happy tone.

Next to Nebula was a blue Kree alien that was smiling happily.

"Boss. Next to me is one of Yon Rogg's most loyal servants Att Las. He has placed bombs all across his deck. If you say it's time then he will kill Yon Rogg immediately.", Nebula said with a smile.

Att Las the blue Kree alien was fiddling with his remote control happily next to Nebula.

"Wait. This isn't fair. At least give us a chance to kill Yon Rogg.", Gamora said angrily.

"Do it Att Las.", Nebula said with a smirk.

Att Las the blue Kree alien pressed the remote control for the detonator for the bombs placed around the command centre in the Dark Aster. There was the sound of a huge explosion as the Dark Aster command centre blew up making the ship fall down.

"Well. Let's see if you succeeded in killing Yon Rogg.", Ray said happily in a girlish voice.

"Very well boss. Att Las let us see your handiwork. We will activate the anti gravity safety device so the Dark Aster can land safely.", Nebula said with a sweet smile as she led Ray,the Guardians of the Galaxy and the 10 Nova Corp members into the ruin that is the command centre for the Dark Aster.

Ray, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the 10 Nova Corp members, Att Las and Nebula moved to the control room where they expect to find the dead body of Yon Rogg. Peter Quill started to play his new digital music player given to him by Ray. The sound of the song, "I need a hero !" by Bonnie Tyler, can be heard playing as they rushed towards Yon Rogg's location.

There lying on the debris was the half blown body of Yon Rogg. As they approached, Yon Rogg pushed his head up. Yon Rogg awoke to the sound of, "I need a hero."

"Why ? Why did you all try to kill me ? Was I not a good leader ? I need to know before I die.", Yon Rogg asked pleadingly with the sound of "I need a hero" playing in the background.

"It's because of the 1 Billion units bounty on your head. No hard feelings right.", Nebula said with a cold smile as she pointed her gun at Yon Rogg.

"What ?! You bastards betrayed me for money. 1 Billion units. Pity I cannot kill myself and claim the bounty. But I won't let you bastards have the satisfaction of getting the money !", Yon Rogg said in anger as he activated the power stone on his glove.

You Rogg screamed as the power stone activated and his body disintegrated into nothing.

"Right, now who exactly killed him ?", Rocket Racoon asked he looked on with a sad face.

"Sigh. 1 Billion units. And he had to be selfish and kill himself.", Gamora said sadly as she put away her giant gun.

"What a waste ! You Rogg didn't die by my hand.", Nebula said angrily.

"Wait. Does my bomb still count as killing him ?", Att Las asked curiously.

"No !", the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula and the 10 Nova Corp members shouted at the same time.

Ray just had a smirk on his face as he looked at the ruined control room of the Dark Aster.

To be continued...

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