Chapter 110 This script is not right!!

It begins with the disciples under the disciples and ends with the named disciples.

The entire list of gods alone is 365 gods, and there are as many as 14,800 other small gods.

Only with the interception of the Tongtian Sect Master could there be so many people.

If it were a different sect, it would be impossible.

When Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lao Tzu saw that the Master of the Tongtian Sect was really and sent all the disciples to the list of gods.

A smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

That’s it!

The two whispered in their hearts.

As everyone knows, at this time, the Tongtian Sect Lord’s heart was also full of sneers.

Laugh! Laugh!

Don’t laugh now, there will be times when you cry later.

When the Master of the Tongtian Sect had signed the list of gods.

Only then did he unhurriedly put down the Zhu Pen in his hand.

“The list of gods has been signed, please ask the master to decide.”


Lao Tzu nodded pretentiously.

And Yuan Shi Tianzun was also a little impatient at this time.

The next three sat cross-legged on the futon.

Sing the name of Hongjun.

Hongjun Daozu, who had originally disappeared, appeared in front of the three people again.

“Master, the list of canonized gods has been signed.

Ask the Master to look at it. ”

Lao Tzu, as the boss of the Three Qings, was the first to speak.

Hearing him say this, Hongjun Daozu was also a little surprised.

How long has it been since I signed it, is it too fast? What is the relationship between the three? Hongjun Daozu knew very well in his heart.

I thought that the three of them would quarrel over the signing of the list of gods.

In a short period of time, it was impossible to settle the matter of the list of gods.

But I didn’t expect it to be so fast, and the discussion was already completed.

Reaching out to summon the list of gods, when he saw the names on the list, Hongjun was even more shocked.

The disciples in this list of canonized gods were actually all interceptors.

In order to confirm this matter, Hongjun Daozu even looked at the list of gods several times, but he did not find the disciples of the other two sects.

This made Hongjun Daozu’s heart feel strange, when did Tongtian speak so well?

“Why are all the disciples of the Sect Interception all of them?”

“Master Qi, it is the disciple who is willing to let all the disciples of the Sect of Interception be on the list.”


Hearing the words of the Tongtian Sect Lord, Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help but look at him one more time.

“Do you know that once a disciple is on the list, he must obey the orders of the holder of the list for the rest of his life and not resist?”

Hongjun Daozu really couldn’t understand why the Master of the Tongtian Sect would be able to list all the disciples in the same way.

“Disciple knows!”

“Then why do you want to do this?”

“There is only one disciple of the Renjiao Sect, and although there are slightly more disciples in the Illumination Sect, there are only twenty or thirty disciples, and among the three teachings, I have the most disciples.”

“The disciple thinks about going and can’t bear that there is no one under the two brothers and masters, so I would like to let the disciples intercept the most appropriate on the list, and I hope that the master will be honored.”

After saying these words, the Master of the Tongtian Sect directly bowed down on the ground.

This made Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun a little moved.

This master and disciple of his own family will really plan for them.

Sanqing is worthy of being a family.

Although the family has been separated, the love and righteousness have not changed in the slightest.

The two of them were extremely touched in their hearts, and Yuan Shi even reflected a little on whether he had been criticizing himself as a disciple before, whether he was too harsh on Tongtian.

Even Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help but feel a little incredulous after seeing the actions of the Tongtian Sect Lord.

I couldn’t imagine that this Tongtian Sect Master usually looked reckless, but at this critical moment, he was so righteous.

It seems that in his heart, although Sanqing has separated his family, he is still a family.

What a good apprentice with great affection and righteousness.

Hongjun Daozu sighed a little at the series of actions of the Tongtian Sect Lord, and his heart was a little inexplicably uneasy.

Because in the future of the evolution of the Heavenly Dao that he saw, this was definitely not the case.

In the battle of the gods, Sanqing will fight hard.

And now, after the Master of the Tongtian Sect had sent all his disciples to the list of canonized gods, such a scene would no longer exist.

After all, without any conflict, there is no reason for the fight.

Logically, the Sanqing family is angry and rich.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

However, a series of actions of the Tongtian Sect Master seemed to be disrupting the future direction, and some of Hongjun’s plans were directly bankrupt.

This made Hongjun Daozu feel a little irritated in his heart.

Fortunately, the general trend of the flood world remains unchanged, and the small trend can be changed.

Therefore, the behavior of the Tongtian Sect Master barely made sense, and did not have much impact on the future of the entire Flood World.

Just weird!

This is indeed in line with the plan of the Heavenly Dao, after all, the Heavenly Dao just wants the flood land to operate regularly, but this is different from Hongjun’s idea!

After all, he proposed that they sign the list of canonized gods, and now that these three disciples and the harmony have been signed, do they still have to rebel as a Daozu? Let’s start with that.

Hongjun’s thoughts were full of thoughts, but there was no change on his face, and he nodded and said.

“Since this is the case, it is up to you, and from today onwards, Er Wait will begin to prepare for the consecration of the gods.”

“Obey the Master’s orders.”

The Master of the Tongtian Sect and the three of them knelt down again.

When they got up, Hongjun Daozu had disappeared again.

Moreover, they had no idea that when Hongjun Daozu finished saying those words, the uneasiness in their hearts was a little stronger.

It seemed that something heavenly was about to happen in the midst of the flood, but no matter how Hongjun Daozu calculated, there was no way to know.

Seeing that Hongjun Daozu had disappeared, the Tongtian Sect Master and the three of them also quickly withdrew from the Purple Heaven Palace.

Because the matter of canonizing the gods has nothing to do with the exposition of the religion and the religion of man.

Therefore, they held the list of gods in their hands, and it was useless, so they simply gave it to the Tongtian Sect Lord.

Back on the Golden Turtle Island, the Master of the Tongtian Sect immediately began to gather his disciples and prepare to arrange for the sealing of the gods.

When the Master of the Tongtian Sect summoned his disciples, in the chat group, Zhang Xiaofan began to ask questions again.

“Lord of the group, I don’t know if you know?” Who are the people who wiped out Caomiao Village? ”

“Of course I know.”

Qin Yu admitted directly.

“If you want to know, you can send a task in the group.”

After receiving the task, I will tell you who the murderer really is? ”

Qin Yufa’s instructions for joining the group just now have said that if the group members have any problems themselves, or need help, they can publish tasks in the group task space.

Whoever is interested can directly access it, of course, since it is a task, the publisher will naturally give some rewards.

So the question is, does Zhang Xiaofan have something to reward?


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Zhang Xiaofan was stunned.

He is now an orphan, who has just entered the Qingyun Gate, and can be said to be a poor jingle.

What is the valuable thing to use for sending tasks?

“Is there really no other way to know who the murderer is?”

Zhang Xiaofan was not willing in his heart.

Obviously, the information of the murderer is in front of him, but he cannot come up with the corresponding remuneration at all.

This made Zhang Xiaofan feel a little mad in his heart.

“If there is no corresponding remuneration, then there is no way.”

Qin Yu said with some embarrassment, “In this chat group, there are rules that cannot be destroyed casually. ”

“If you want something, you can only exchange it for something.”

“Even in our world, even a consultation fee is paid.

Boy, since you want to know who the murderer is, give something, what’s the big deal? ”

“Even I paid a great price to get the group leader to help me heal my injuries.

If you want to know who the murderer is, naturally there is a price to pay. ”

Tony also spoke in the group, but what he didn’t say was that many times the consulting fee for the congressmen was too high.

As for what to consult? Who knows, maybe they have a meal together, talk about some family business, the congressman’s grandfather will get a large consulting fee, and then happen to pass some policies to the consultant.

Don’t ask, ask is my beautiful country has its own national conditions!

“But I don’t have any.”

Zhang Xiaofan was very helpless.

“Turned out to be a poor ghost?”

Tony’s character is on display again.

“If you’re a poor ghost, there’s no need to know these things.”

If you really want to know, try to make money. ”

“Oh, by the way, there’s no need for money here.

But do you need some technology or something else as a reward? ”

“This… I know, I will definitely work hard to come up with a reward that can release the task as soon as possible. ”

Zhang Xiaofan was very disappointed in his heart, but at the same time, he also ignited some fighting spirit.

And Qin Yu looked at the information in the chat group, and he no longer paid attention to the things here, although Zhang Xiaofan was the protagonist of the Xuan Immortals, the protagonist could not be a white prostitute! We’re not licking dogs.

Young man, try to earn value points to go!

After thinking about it, Qin Yu closed the chat group, opened the system, and checked the hot news function that had just appeared.

I have to say that the 24-hour hot news launched by this system is really interesting.

You can actually see the big events in various worlds here, and you can also publish them directly to the Heavens Shop.

This made Qin Yu return to the days of brushing headlines and brushing Douyin every day in his previous life.

Suddenly, a message caught his attention.

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