Chapter 111 The Great Song Died?!!

“Daming defeated the Liao-Jin coalition army, killed 100,000 enemies, and captured countless cattle and sheep.”

“The Northern Song Emperor Zhao Xu abdicated the throne and gave way to Xian, and Zen gave way to Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, and the people were shocked.”

Looking at the information in the news, Qin Yu was slightly surprised in his heart.

“It seems that this Daming’s strength is good.”

Killing 100,000 enemies in one go, this can be regarded as a big victory. ”

Qin Yu knew very well how difficult it was to kill so many enemies in one fell swoop in the Cold Weapon Era.

That’s why my heart is so surprised.

“It’s just that this Northern Song Emperor abdicated the throne and gave way to Xian, what kind of ghost?” The newly appointed emperor was actually the emperor of Daming. ”

“Is it true that two countries have merged after a war?”

Looking at such information, Qin Yu was extremely confused in his heart, constantly rubbing his chin.

Then another message appeared in front of Qin Yu’s eyes.

“The Emperor of the Han Dynasty was willing to declare himself a vassal of Great Qin and ask for Great Qin’s support.”

This information immediately made Qin Yu interested, the current Han Emperor is the Han Ling Emperor, right? Liu Hong? This is enough to be bullied by the family, and the poor ones have personally gone down to sell the official knight at a clear price.

In the hall of the Heavenly Shop, this headline information Qin Yu did not engage in any exclusive supply, the news, of course, is for people to see, stimulate and stimulate the consumer group to make the business better.

At this moment, seeing these two pieces of information, the store exploded in an instant.

“7*24 hours hot news? What is it? ”

“Is this an online melon?”

“Emperor Ming is so fierce? Kill the Liao-Jin coalition army! ”

“Emperor Zen of the Northern Song Dynasty gave the throne to Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty?” This…… Am I dead? ”

“Brother, don’t be sad, although the Northern Song Dynasty is dead, the Southern Song Dynasty is still there, and your Great Song is not dead.”

“Emperor Han declared himself a vassal of Great Qin?” Isn’t it, Great Qin, that wants to dominate the land of the Three States? The world under the Kyushu to take the third, I Great Qin will send ah! ”

“Don’t be too happy too soon, Meng Yuan has three land immortals, whether Great Qin can stop it, maybe not.”

“Ahem! How can it be the opponent of my Great Qin Iron Horse, I Great Qin, the world is invincible! ”

Everyone was talking about it, and this information quickly spread throughout the Kyushu mainland.

At this time, outside Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the Mongol Yuan army was already waiting for it.

The army of black oppression could not see its head at a glance.

The mighty war horse did not even make a single hiss.

The heavily armored cavalry sat on horseback, holding a machete and looking solemn.

The whole battlefield was silent, but the murderous qi that soared into the sky made the clouds in the sky dissipate.

The soldiers at the head of Luoyang City watched all this nervously.

Everyone held the weapon in their hands tightly.

Looking at the black oppressive army in the distance, I felt a sense of breathlessness in my heart.

The dull and murderous atmosphere almost drove people crazy.

On the outskirts of the battlefield, three majestic figures were standing quietly here.

If anyone in the jianghu sees it, they will be surprised.

Isn’t this the top three masters of Mongolian Yuan?

When the first person, tall, imposing like a mountain, fair complexion, from a distance, it looks like a crystal carved deity.

It is full of all the beauty of all beings in the world.

Those dark eyes, the essence flickering, seemed to be able to see through everything in the world.

The bridge of the nose is high and the corners of the lips are distinct.

The black and white skin dressed him up made his body full of a strange charm.

It’s chilling.

This person is none other than the Demon Sect Meng Chixing, the three great masters of the Mongolian Yuan!

His cultivation had already spread to the heavens and the earth, and even Pang Ban, a famous magician in the rivers and lakes, was his disciple.

In front of the Demon Sect, the appearance of both Guoshi Ba Siba and Emperor Si Hanfei looked ordinary.

But the mountain-like momentum still makes people shudder.

“Let’s start with the two.”

“Immeasurable Buddha, all beings are suffering.”

Ba Si Ba Kou proclaimed the Buddha’s trumpet, with a look of pity for all sentient beings.

Instead, Hulagu who gave himself the Chinese name Si Hanfei was full of viciousness and fierceness.

“Let’s get started, kill them all.”

Si Hanfei’s voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience in an instant.

The Mengyuan army seemed to have received an order at this moment, and the originally silent army rushed to Luoyang City in an instant.


“Kill them all!”


For a time, the shouts of killing and screaming were endless, one after another.

The entire city of Luoyang had become a Shuluo Hell.

After countless Mongol Yuan troops rushed to the head of the city, they were quickly killed by the soldiers in the city.

Mutilated corpses fell from the city.

Soon a thick layer was laid under the city.

However, such a loss did not attract the attention of those in power.

The Mongol Yuan army still rushed to Luoyang like a tide.

“Two, I’m going to do it.”

Meng Chixing said to Si Hanfei and the two of them.

Then the whole person disappears in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already ten feet away.

Compared with others, Meng Chixing’s appearance and figure are too dazzling.

As soon as he rushed into the crowd, he was instantly recognized by the people at the head of the city.

“Kill, kill him.”

The city guards recognized Meng Chixing and tried to stop his attack.

However, how could he, a mere defender, stop the land immortal-like figure?

Only to see Meng Chixing jump up at the head of the city, and the whole person rushed up to the head of the city like a goshawk.

Before anyone could get closer, a terrifying force came at him.


Just listening to Meng Chixing’s cold hum, the guard’s body suddenly exploded.

The scene was so tragic that it was simply shocking.

With Meng Chixing’s actions, Ba Siba and Si Hanfei followed suit.

The speed of the three people was too fast.

Ordinary soldiers simply could not resist in front of them.

Often a slap down, you can blast a terrible palm print on the ground.

Within the coverage, all the soldiers exploded.

There was no chance of survival at all.

Under such an attack, the entire Luoyang City was quickly torn open.

The originally closed gate was also shattered by Meng Chixing’s attack.

The surrounding people are scared to see all this video.

Others don’t know, but they know it too well in their hearts.

This gate weighs 10,000 pounds.

Each switch requires dozens of people to exert force at the same time.

At this time, such a heavy door was actually slapped open by the other party.

Such a terrible combat power is simply unbelievable.

“After today, the great man will perish.”

Meng Chixing sneered, and when he looked at the soldiers around him, his gaze was as if he were looking at a group of dead people.

As he blasted open the city gate, the tide of Meng Yuan’s iron horse rushed into the city.

Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, could no longer withstand such an attack.

An atmosphere of panic continued to spread among the crowd.

Even at the moment when the city gate was blasted open by Meng Chixing, some people had already lost their fighting spirit.

You can just kneel down and beg for forgiveness.

After all, such an attack is really terrible.

No normal person would be willing to face it.

What’s more, they were just ordinary soldiers.


At this moment, Si Hanfei suddenly jumped down from the head of the city, and then slapped his backhand at the head of the city.

The thick city walls collapsed in an instant under such a terrible palm force.

Hundreds of Han soldiers died under such an attack, without even a chance to scream.

“From today onwards, the capital of the Han Dynasty will be our territory.”

Si Han Fei stepped on the broken bricks and walked through the smoke.

At this time, the Han Emperor Liu Hong, who was in the imperial palace, was completely desperate.

No, it’s gone.

The foundation laid by his ancestors was actually dissipated in his own hands.

This made him feel extremely frightened.

At the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Because not long ago, he had already decided to submit to the Emperor of Great Qin.

As long as the Great Qin Emperor came fast enough, then he would still be saved.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the distance.

“The Emperor Liu Hong of the Great Han Dynasty has already bowed down to the Emperor, and now that the Han Dynasty is all Qin soil, who dares to make a rash move?”

The sound roared in the distance, like rolling thunder.

Everyone in the whole Luoyang City was stunned.

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