Chapter 112 The Terrible Victory!!

This voice is exactly Qin Shi Huang who wins the government!

When Luoyang City was destroyed and the entire Han capital was about to turn into a purgatory on earth, Qin Shi Huang arrived!

Almost everyone looked up into the distance at this moment.

I saw a golden glowing dragon breaking the waves, flying towards this place at full speed, the speed was simply unbelievable.

In less than a few moments, Qin Shi Huang had already piloted the Canglong Breaking Wave Flying Boat to fly over Luoyang City.

Between flights, the Dao Dao light flickered and shot at the Yuan army below, which was killing the people of the Great Han.

In an instant, a large area of the Yuan Army was swept away by this pillar of light.

“In front of Yuan, you still can’t stop?”

Qin Shi Huang stood on the bow of the ship, quietly looking down.

Only to see that he had the Five Dragons Supreme Seal on his head, and his body was shining with golden light, as if the gods were under the heavens, sacred and inviolable.

At the same time, the cold imperial aura on his body also made people want to kneel.

“Great, Your Majesty, you have finally arrived.”

Liu Hong seemed to have lost the slightest self-esteem, and when he saw Qin Shi Huang coming, he actually knelt down directly in front of Qin Shi Huang in the eyes of everyone.

“Little King Liu Hong has met His Majesty the First Emperor.”

Ever since the moment Liu Hong bowed to Qin Shi Huang, he was no longer an emperor.

Even if he can later retake territory from the hands of the Mongol Yuan army.

Then he is only a king, not an emperor.


Seeing Liu Hong bow down to him, Qin Shi Huang immediately looked up to the sky and laughed.

Almost without bloodshed, he took down a country.

For Qin Shi Huang, it was undoubtedly a huge benefit.

After annexing the Great Han, he Great Qin was sitting in the land of the three states, and deserved to be the first empire under the heavens.

But now, first of all, we must solve these immediate problems.

Thinking about it, Yin Zheng’s eyes turned to Meng Chixing and the three of them.

“Yin Zheng, you are not staying in your Xianyang, what are you doing here?”

Emperor Mozong Meng Chixing had no respect for Qin Shi Huang’s identity at all.

Call him by his first name in front of everyone.

“Be bold! Barbarian people, don’t you kneel down when you see Yuan? ”

“If you want me to kneel, it depends on whether you have that skill.”

Meng Chixing’s eyes were cold, and he was bound to see the opportunity to kill.

Ba Si Ba and Si Han Fei also came to Meng Chixing’s side and looked at Yin Zheng with a cold face.

“If you want to find death, then I will fulfill you!”

“I just want to learn Your Majesty’s tricks.”


Meng Chixing shouted angrily, and the whole person rushed to the sky without hesitation.

Only to see Meng Chixing take four steps in a row in the sky, as if stepping on a ladder, he actually rushed directly towards Qin Shi Huang’s dragon breaking wave flying boat.

“Find Death!”

Qin Shi Huang looked frozen, and with a wave of his right hand, in an instant, the five flying swords of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth flew out like lightning and stabbed at Meng Chixing.

It is the combination flying sword that Win Zheng auctioned at the auction – the Five Elements Flying Sword.

Brilliant swords roared out.

Who knew that Meng Chixing actually did not dodge, so he raised his hand to greet him.


The white jade-like hands actually collided directly with the sword mang, without the slightest injury.

The land god realm, the horror is like this!

“Okay, come again.”

When Qin Shi Huang saw this, he not only did not get angry, but laughed loudly.

At this time, Si Hanfei and the two also killed from the left and right.

The four of them instantly fought together.

Only to see the flying sword running across the sky, the Yuan Qi exploded.

Four third-order peak masters let go of the battle in Luoyang City.

Such a battle is really terrible, and every move is filled with incomparably terrible power.

Ordinary people are either killed or injured just by being swept away by such a breath.

In an instant, there was no one around.

“Ahem! A barbarian is a barbarian, and even if the three of you go up together, in Yuan’s view, you are just a chicken and a dog. ”

During the conversation, Qin Shi Huang actually directly put away the dragon breaking the wave flying boat.

Just like that, he was holding the Five Dragon Supreme Seal on his head and holding the Five Elements Flying Sword.

Engage in a fierce battle with the three of them.

At this time, the first emperor Yingzheng, after practicing the Immortal Cultivation Method, had already reached the Mahayana realm.

It was also the peak of the Third Order, facing the three land immortals, Yin Zheng did not fall behind at all, and even had more than enough.

The terrible sword was moving wildly between the four of them.

The air made a screeching sound in such a sword.

Even the earth was cut straight open.


Si Hanfei roared angrily, and the whole person actually jumped up, and the spear in his hand instantly stabbed at Qin Shi Huang.


With a crisp sound, Si Hanfei’s spear condensed the peak of his martial arts, and the power was still above his spear to kill the Northern Gun King Tong Yuan.

The speed was so fast that it instantly stabbed at Qin Shi Huang’s body and made a loud noise.

The surrounding bricks are directly turned into powder under such impact.

For a moment the dust was so dusty that it was almost invisible.

However, Si Hanfei did not have the slightest smile on his face.

Because at that moment, he didn’t feel any touch on his body.

Instead, it was like being photographed directly on a layer of cowhide…

When the surrounding smoke and dust dissipated, I saw that Qin Shi Huang was still standing quietly in the same place.

There was not the slightest injury on his body, not even his clothes.

Around him, a golden light loomed, and Si Hanfei’s spear was actually blocked by the golden light of the protective body.

“How can that be?”

The three were shocked to see this.

How could they not have imagined that when Si Hanfei went down this spear, Qin Shi Huang was actually unharmed.

Half a moment later, Meng Chixing suddenly noticed the Five Dragon Supreme Seal on Qin Shi Huang’s head.

He immediately realized that the reason why Yin Zheng was able to block this blow must be because of this seal.

“I didn’t expect that Win Zheng would have such a treasure, which is really a big surprise!”


For Meng Chixing’s words, Qin Shi Huang did not care at all.

“Now the three of you kneel down, and it is still too late to return to Mengyuan since you have abolished your cultivation.”

“Dreaming! Give me death! ”

Si Hanfei roared angrily and killed Qin Shi Huang again.

Compared with the other two, Si Hanfei, as a royal family, could not hear this sentence the most.

“Today I will give you death.”

Faced with Si Hanfei, who had been killed again, Qin Shi Huang was not in a hurry and swung his sword to greet him.

The other two also killed Qin Shi Huang at the first time.

The battle of the four men began again.

It’s just that compared to Qin Shi Huang, Meng Chixing seems to be a lot more tied up in their hands and feet.

Without self-defense treasures to protect them, they simply could not give up defense like Qin Shi Huang did.

The battle of Qin Shi Huang was much simpler.

With the Five Dragons Supreme Seal on his head, he had no need for defense at all.

The Five Elements Flying Sword transformed into a heavenly sword shadow in his hand.

Kill the three people with great speed.

Let the three of them be a little tired for a while.

“I don’t believe it, I can’t kill you.”

Si Hanfei roared angrily, and the spirit of his body and body completely melted into one, pouring into the spear in his hand, and once again killed Yingzheng.

However, at this moment, a sharp sword light suddenly occurred around him.

This sword light is so stunning, and it is so desperate, full of endless killing intent and terrifying death breath.

Ordinary Sect Master Master, just seeing that sword, the whole person will have a mental breakdown and go crazy!

Except for Qin Shi Huang, everyone else was stunned by this sword light.

No one expected that someone would actually hide in the shadows and sneak attack.

Si Hanfei felt a creepy feeling at the first time, and rushed towards him.

“Hide! You must avoid it, or you will die! ”

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