Chapter 113 Wu An Jun Bai Qi, Sword of Killing!!

Si Hanfei’s heart was ringing with alarm bells.

The whole person moved half a foot in mid-air.

However, that brilliant sword light locked him firmly like a maggot attached to the bone.

The sword light is as bright as snow, stunning the world.

With the fierce momentum of the indomitable momentum, he killed Si Hanfei.

The sword came so fast that everyone couldn’t react.

Even Meng Chixing and Ba Siba couldn’t stop it.


In the blink of an eye, Si Hanfei was hit by this sword light.

The right hand is broken shoulder to shoulder.

The severed arm was thrown away, the blood was splattered, and the scene was extremely tragic, and people could not bear to look at it directly.

With a successful blow, the visitor quickly approached Qin Shi Huang, and then gathered his sword and stood.

I saw that the person was wearing a black gold-rimmed robe.

There was a fierce killing intent surging up and down his body, and when he saw him, it was as if he had seen a sea of corpses and blood, and endless beings wailing!

That bloody and terrifying look was like the Shuluo Ghost King who had rushed out of hell!

When Ba Si Ba and Meng Chi Xing saw each other clearly, they were immediately surprised.

Si Hanfei covered his broken shoulder and exhaled directly.

“Wu An Jun Bai Qi? Aren’t you dead? ”

The person who came, it turned out to be Wu An Jun Bai Qi! The one who killed 400,000 soldiers of the Zhao army in the first battle of Changping.

In today’s world, there have been many times in the world, and no one has a murderous spirit as strong as his.

It can even be said unceremoniously that this person is in the Kyushu continent, and he can definitely be regarded as the existence of a child who can stop crying at night.

It is conceivable that Wu An Jun Bai Qi has a terrible reputation in the Kyushu world.

Such a person appears here, just thinking about it, makes people feel that the scalp is numb.

“None of you are dead, so how can I be willing to die?”

“Amitabha, I didn’t expect that the strength of the benefactor had reached such a level, and Lao Gu really didn’t expect it.

The benefactor killed too much, and when he fell into the boundless hell, today, the old man had no choice but to sacrifice himself to exorcise the demon. ”

Ba Si Pa pronounced the Buddha trumpet, and behind him, a large wheel slowly rose.

White laughed disdainfully.

“Vulture donkey! Just by you, do you want to get rid of me? Have you thought about it? How are you going to die today? ”

“Want to kill me? It also depends on whether you have this ability or not. ”

Si Hanfei covered the wound, and his eyes were filled with a thick color of resentment.

An arm was directly removed.

Such a deep hatred can be said to be uncommon.

“Then try it, a certain retreat for many years, and now break through the realm, just to sacrifice your sword.”

As the first general of the Great Qin Empire, Bai Qi was already the peak of the Martial Saints, and the King of Qin would only self-destruct the Great Wall if he was crazy.

It was only when Bai Qi killed 400,000 Zhao troops with the help of the pit, that the Killing Dao Realm finally loosened and was ready to attack the Land Immortal Realm.

However, he was afraid of being attacked and destroyed by someone taking advantage of the opportunity, so he joined hands with the King of Qin to perform a double reed, blow up the retreat, and deceive everyone.

The purpose was to attack the Terrestrial Immortal Realm.

It was only in the recent period that he finally broke through the bottleneck.

It was just pulled by Qin Shi Huang.

At this moment, the five third-order peak masters were facing each other, and the momentum was rising steadily, and even the air seemed to be frozen!


Si Hanfei roared angrily, and he couldn’t help it at first, killing Bai Qi with the only arm he had left.

Ba Siba and Meng Chixing wanted to besiege Bai Qi together, but they saw five flying swords running across and directly blocking their way.

“Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death!”

Ba Siba roared angrily, and the Yin and Yang Life and Death Wheel in the air directly hit the five flying swords.

“Yuanshen Magic Sword!”

Meng Chixing shouted angrily and directly used a trick.

Meng Chixing’s cultivation was thorough, and he could even interfere with matter with his spirit, and at this moment, he directly condensed the sword of the Yuan God to cut through the Yuan God who won the government.

“Five Elements Sword Array!”

In the face of the siege of the two masters, Win Zheng roared in anger, and the five flying swords formed a sword array, and in an instant, the Dao Dao sword qi swept through, blocking the attack of the Yin and Yang Life and Death Wheel and the Yuanshen Law Sword.

At this moment, several people had already hit the real fire, and every move and style was extremely terrible, as if even the heavens and the earth would be shattered.

On the other side, Bai Qi looked at Si Hanfei, and his face also showed a strong killing intent.

“Even if you have two hands, you are not the opponent of so-and-so, let alone one hand now, today, you will undoubtedly die!” Kill! ”

With a roar, Bai Qi held a bronze sword and directly killed Si Hanfei.

Bai Qi’s moves are very simple, open and closed, simple and unpretentious, so that people can see the moves behind him at a glance.

But it was also such a sword move, combined with his incomparably powerful strength, that made Si Hanfei unable to dodge at all.

Every time he appeared, he could firmly lock Si Hanfei, forcing him to only carry it hard with himself.

After a few swords, Si Hanfei was beaten to the point of defeat.

“Damn! I can’t lose, I can’t lose! Yes! Iron-blooded spear, kill! ”

Under the defeat, Si Hanfei roared angrily, and the iron spear in his hand exploded with an invincible momentum, and stabbed at Bai Qi.

“Good to be here! Sword of Killing! ”

Bai Qi roared in anger, and the bronze sword light in his hand soared, and with the indomitable killing intent, he greeted Si Hanfei.


The two men staggered past, Bai Qi stood still, and blood dripped from the bronze sword in his hand.

A crack appeared on Si Hanfei’s tall body, and then the body suddenly separated, and it was directly split in half by the bronze sword.

Blood and internal organs spilled instantly.

The three top masters of Meng Yuan, Si Hanfei of the Land Immortal Realm, were actually killed by Bai Qi like this!

When Ba Si Ba and Meng Chi Xing saw Si Hanfei killed, they were all shocked, and the moves in their hands could not help but slow down by half a beat.

Seeing this situation, Qin Shi Huang urged the flying sword and did not hesitate to kill the two people, and Bai Qi also seized the opportunity at this time and killed them.

This instant of cooperation is simply wonderful.

Ba Si Ba and Meng Chi Xing had no way to escape.



The sword wind is fierce, and the killing intent is rampant.

The Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death and the Yuanshen Magic Sword in the air shattered directly.


Under this attack of Ba Si Ba and Meng Chi Xing, they were defeated in an instant, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and both of them were seriously injured.

“Good, very good!”

Meng Chixing quickly stepped back and looked at the anger in the eyes of the two men.

Compared to him, Ba Siba’s look was more relaxed.

“Immeasurable Life Buddha, the divine feats of the two benefactors, Lao Gu has learned today, and the next time he has the opportunity, he will learn the next two masters.”

“Don’t use the next time, let’s all stay here today!”

Qin Shi Huang sneered, and the Five Elements Flying Sword in his hand rose again, attacking the two of them.

Bai Qi next to him also killed the two at this time.

However, at this time, Ba Si Ba and Meng Chi Xing, the two of them had obviously retreated.

As soon as the two of them moved, Ba Siba and Meng Chixing quickly split into two sides and fled.

It’s so fast, it’s lightning-fast.

Win Zheng and Bai Qi want to catch up, but it is too late.

“Your Majesty, do you want to chase them?”

Bai Qi stood next to Qin Shi Huang and asked.

“No, the Three Continents Earth Immortals have died one and seriously injured two, and Meng Yuan has lost his wife and folded his soldiers this time.”

“Just as the so-called poor Komo chase, these two people will let them go.”

After saying this, Qin Shi Huang turned and walked towards the Great Han Palace.

At this time, Liu Hong was already waiting at the gate of the palace.

When he saw Qin Shi Huang coming, he immediately dressed up and ran towards Qin Shi Huang.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty, Your Majesty Hexi, this time you have fought against the gods and immortals of the three continents with one enemy and three enemies, and you have not lost the wind in the slightest, and you will certainly be able to spread your majesty’s prestige to the four seas and make the world surrender.”

Liu Hong said as he knelt down for Qin Shi Huang.

No regard for face.

Compared to his own life, what is a little face?

As long as he can save his life and keep the ancestors in Jiangshan, even if he pays a big price, he will not hesitate.

However, after listening to his words, Qin Shi Huang couldn’t help but look at Liu Hong more.

I can’t imagine that this person is not very old, and the kung fu of bragging about horses is not small.

“Okay, put away your skill of sneaking around and patting horses.”

Qin Shi Huang continued, “From today onwards, you are the King of Han, and you must not be called Emperor again.” ”

“Yes yes yes!”

Liu Honglian nodded.

“In addition, move all the door valve clans in your Han Kingdom to Xianyang, small Han Kingdom, what do you want so many family door valves to do?”

“If these door valve families don’t obey, just slaughter it, since they are disobedient, there is no use in keeping it.”

When talking about this matter, Qin Shi Huang’s tone seemed particularly relaxed.

There was no sense that his order would involve tens of thousands of people.

“Yes! Be! Xiao Wang will do it. ”

Liu Hong did not dare to be idle at all, and after hearing Qin Shi Huang’s orders, the local government began to order the surrounding civilian and military generals to begin to purge the major families.

He had long hated these family door valves, the name of the big Han was Liu Shi Tianxia, but the power was basically controlled by the family door valves, and Liu Hong was even poor enough to rely on selling officials and lords in the West Garden to maintain his life, and he had long wanted to do something to these family door valves.

Now, with the support of winning politics, Liu Hong has finally hardened!

Therefore, Luoyang, which had just experienced a great war, the blood on the ground had not yet dried.

Liu Hong once again set off a killing in Luoyang.

Such a decisive attitude made the family door valves in the Han Kingdom cry out one after another.

Who could have imagined that the family door valve, which was still in a dominant position in the Han Dynasty before, would actually encounter such a situation in an instant?

This is simply unacceptable.

They wanted to resist, but the Great Qin Iron Horse didn’t care about it at all.

Those who resisted, all of them were summarily executed.

Everyone was extremely sad and indignant in their hearts, but they could only obey Liu Hong’s orders.

He began to drag his family with his mouth and rushed to Xianyang.

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