Chapter 114 The auction is about to be held, and the Fighting Spirit Continent is crazy!!

“The First Emperor won the throne in Luoyang of the Great Han Dynasty to fight the Three Continents Earth Immortals, Wu’an Junbai lifted out of the world, the sword slashed the land immortal Si Hanfei, and Meng Chixing Ba Si Ba was seriously injured and defeated.”

The Mongol Yuan army was thwarted in its attack on Luoyang, and the land god Si Hanfei was killed by Bai Qi in the Great War!

As soon as this headline appeared in the hall of the Heavenly Shop, it instantly exploded all over the place.

“Sleeper! The First Emperor is so strong? One against three! Can you actually fight the Three Continents Earth Immortals? ”

“What’s this, you must know that the First Emperor has already photographed the Cultivation Immortal Gong Fa, and now he is also the peak of the Third Order, and he has auctioned so many treasures at the auction, it is very reasonable to use one against three!”

“Wu An Jun Bai Qi actually re-emerged from the world, and also killed Si Hanfei of the Land Immortal Realm?” So Bai Qi is also a land immortal? ”

“Si Hanfei is actually dead? Will land immortals also die? ”

“It’s terrible, the world is terrible!”

Everyone was talking about it, and this information instantly flew like wings to all the countries and forces on the Kyushu mainland.

The first time they received the information, everyone was surprised, and no one expected that the war would actually lead to the fall of the land immortals.

That’s a land god! Before the appearance of the Heavenly Temples, the people of the Kyushu Continent even thought that in this world, the Heavenly Human Realm was the peak.

Zhang Sanfeng was nameless, and they were the peak combat strength of this world.

However, soon, they found that there were actually martial saints in this world, and above the martial saints, there were actually land immortals?

The three views of the people of the entire Kyushu continent were refreshed.

However, now, the great war between the dynasties has actually fallen again! It’s horrible!

What was even more frightening was the strength displayed by Qin Shi Huang in that battle, which made everyone feel inexplicably frightened.

One against three.

Qin Shi Huang’s strength alone could actually oppose the Three Continents of Mongolia and Yuan.

Such strength is simply terrifying.

Although there were treasures to help throughout the battle, it could also explain from the side how strong Qin Shi Huang’s strength really was.

After all, external forces are also part of strength.

And the rebirth of the killing god Bai Qi, the slashing of Han Fei, made the world shake.

The Mongol Yuan army also retreated to the grassland.

At the same time, the Liao-Jin coalition army also returned to the north in a hurry after being defeated by the Ming army in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The momentum of the steppe alien dynasty invading the south completely collapsed.

At this time, the Central Plains Dynasty seized the opportunity to unite and advance northward.

In a short period of time, it advanced hundreds of miles to the territory of the alien dynasty.

This put the Mongol Yuan and Liao, Jin, and Qing countries under tremendous pressure.

Some of them suggested continuing to retreat north and wait for a few years to come back.

But there were also those who wanted to stay and fight against the Central Plains Dynasty to the death.

There were even people who made the decision to make peace, but it was directly rejected.

Are you kidding? It had always been their northern steppe peoples attacking the Central Plains Dynasty.

One by one, those dynasties in the Central Plains were looking for teeth, and they had to bow down to their subjects, pay tribute and kiss.

Now, in turn, let them make peace with the Central Plains Dynasty.

It’s a pipe dream.

Suddenly, the alien dynasty was also in a dilemma.

However, the Central Plains Dynasty was not calm either.

Great Qin annexed the Great Han in his previous life, Daming annexed the Northern Song Dynasty, and the remaining Southern Song Dynasty, Great Sui, and the Great Xia Dynasty were also tense.

You two are so fierce, our sense of security is very weak!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire Kyushu Continent continued to tense, and all the forces on all sides were desperately trying to improve their strength, develop the first-order world bought from the Heavenly Shop, and frantically collect resources.

This actually made the income of the Heavenly Shop soar again.

In the midst of an intense arms race, a month has passed, and the fourth auction of the heavens is about to be held.

For this auction, Qin Yu had said it very clearly before.

In this auction, not only people from the current world will appear, but even people from the fourth-order world will participate in the auction.

This made the people of the Kyushu mainland feel obvious pressure.

The major forces frantically collect resources, tap everything of value, exchange value points, and prepare to participate in the auction.

Not only that, on the Douqi Continent, the top forces of the Ancient Eight Tribes, Danta and other parties were also actively preparing.

In fact, when they first received the news, they still had some doubts.

But soon, when they found out that the people of other families were also preparing, they began to prepare.

Regardless of whether this so-called decree of heaven is true or false, others have prepared, I must prepare, what if it is true?

Even if it is useless to prepare, it is better than not being prepared, in case it can be used.

Fighting Spirit Continent, Saint Dan City, Dan Tower!

As the headquarters of the Douqi Continent Alchemist Association, it is definitely a first-class holy place in the Douqi Continent.

At this moment, the three giants of Danta were nervously busy inside Danta.

“How’s the resource gathering?”

Xuankongzi, one of the three giants, asked the two people next to him.

“We have prepared a large number of heavenly treasures, as well as various Dan medicines, and even the seventh and eighth order Dan medicines, originally wanted to prepare the ninth order Dan medicine, but the value of this Dan medicine is too great, even if we Danta want to take it out, it is very difficult.”

Tianleizi thought for a moment before taking over the conversation.

“If not, there is no way, and it is not bad to have the seventh and eighth orders.”

Genkiko said.

One of the Big Three, Xuan Yi’s face showed some concern.

“In recent times, the movements of the Ancient Eight Tribes have been very frequent, and they have been collecting all kinds of valuable things on the mainland.”

“Even in order to compete for something valuable, it seems that everyone attaches great importance to the so-called auction.”

The Ancient Clan, the Soul Clan, these are the great clans that belong to the Ancient Eight Clans, and although the Xiao Clan of the Ancient Eight Clans has been ruined, the top forces in this world, when calling these big families, are still accustomed to being called the Ancient Eight Clans.

“This is normal, the origin of that heavenly temple is mysterious.

It is better to believe in its existence than to believe in its non-existence. ”

“If it’s as magical as the introduction, even if you have some trouble preparing resources, it’s worth it.”

“Even if these resources are useless at that time, they are still in their own homes and will never lose.”

Xuan Kongzi was old and sophisticated, and he didn’t care much about the actions of the Ancient Eight Great Families.

Xuan Yi and Tianleizi both heard him say this and also nodded.

Xuan Yi smiled and said, “Recently, I heard that some people are even ready to exchange the strange fire for value points.” ”

“It is not impossible to exchange this kind of thing for money, but the premise is that there must be something of sufficient value in that heavenly temple.”

Genkuko didn’t feel strange about taking out the fire to exchange for such a thing.

Things are used for use, and if such things cannot exert their own value, then even if his value is high, it is just a decoration.

Although, the value of this thing is really too high a point.

“Then are we…”

Tianleizi did not finish speaking, but the two people around him still knew his meaning instantly.

“If there is really something in the Heavenly Temples that is worth our different fires, it is not impossible to exchange our treasured different fires for them.”

When Genkuko said this, the meaning was already obvious.

The remaining two then stopped talking.

Zhongzhou, Hall of Souls.

The soul destroyer’s face changed and he sat in the Lord’s seat.

Beside him, the Soul Purifier respectfully retributed.

“Lord of the Palace, all kinds of heavenly treasures, precious spiritual objects, and a large number of alchemist souls are all ready, ready to wait for the clan elders to collect them.”

Soul Destroyer snorted coldly, “Hum! The patriarch is also true, for an inexplicable auction, actually want my soul hall to take out most of the collection, I think the patriarch is…”

“Lord of the Palace, be careful!”

The Soul Purifier was so frightened that he hurriedly opened his mouth to stop the rest of the Soul Destroyer.

The face of the soul destroyer also changed, realizing that he had lost some words, and hurriedly said, “Okay, let the things be put here, waiting for the patriarch to collect it.” ”


The Soul Purifier said respectfully, and then withdrew.

On the throne of the Lord, a cold glow appeared on the soul-destroying face.

“Heavenly Temples, ahem!”

At the same time, the Gu, Yao, Yan and other major forces were also carrying out the final collection.

Qin Yu didn’t care about the situation of the major forces in the Douqi Continent, anyway, as long as they wanted the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Shard, they had to give me honest resources to collect resources and exchange value points.

This kind of thing of relying on auctions to harvest a big world, Qin Yu was already familiar with it through his operation in the Kyushu continent.

“Then it’s harvest season.”

Qin Yu thought comfortably, and looked forward to the next auction.

At this moment, a message suddenly came from within the Heavens chat group.

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