Chapter 115 Iron Man is shocked!!

“Lord of the Palace, Lord of the Hall, please do me a favor!”

When Qin Yu looked at the group chat information, he couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

How come this guy is coming again?

The message was sent by Tony Iron Man again.

“What do you want to do when you’re in such a hurry?”

Tony: “Lord, you must help.” ”

Qin Yu: “You tell me clearly, what the hell is going on?” I don’t even know anything, what can I help? ”

“Lord, it’s actually not too much of a deal, I was just beaten.”

Not only were you beaten, but you were also thrown down the stairs, and if it weren’t for the power of your own Mark mech, you would have been on your knees by this time.


Qin Yu obviously didn’t believe his lies, and with his understanding of the plot, Qin Yu could probably guess something.

“If I’m not mistaken, you must have lost something, right?”

Qin Yu said calmly.

“Huh? How do you know? ”

Tony was a little incredulous.

“You don’t care how I know, if you have something to say, what’s going on?” Maybe if I’m in a good mood, I’ll really help you, and if you dare to talk again, just roll yourself! ”

“Don’t do anything else! I say! I say! I said not yet? ”

Tony was afraid that Qin Yu was gone, so he quickly said.

“Here’s the thing…”

Iron Man’s description is similar to the plot that Qin Yu understands.

It turned out that something big had happened in the Avengers world.

A god named Loki actually ran to the earth and snatched something called the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

The strength of that god is not very strong, but the ability is very strange, and it can actually control the hearts of others, Iron Man is caught off guard, he is beaten very miserably, and finally Loki snatches away the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

Therefore, he came here this time to ask Qin Yu to help snatch the Cosmic Cube back.

“Why do you want me to help you grab that thing?”

Tony’s request made Qin Yu feel a little ridiculous.

Although Qin Yu didn’t know what stage his strength would be in that world?

But Qin Yu knew very well in his heart that if he went to that world, with his current strength, he would definitely be at the top of the hand, even if it was against Thanos, as long as the other party did not open the Six Gods Suit… If he hadn’t collected the six Infinity Stones, Qin Yu would have the confidence to defeat him.

The strength of the Heavenly Immortal Realm can even swallow a planet.

Although there are many cattle people in the Avengers world.

But compared to the real world, that world is still too much of a dish to burst the stars of the few, count as a fart.


Tony nodded.

“The Lord of the Hall is powerful and will definitely be able to snatch the Cosmic Cube back from Loki’s hands.”

In the face of Tony’s request, Qin Yu thought for a moment, such a small thing must be done by himself, is it not very faceless, or let Tony solve it by himself.

Qin Yu would never admit that he had fallen in love with the value point of Iron Man, the richest man on earth.

“Well, in the near future, the Heavenly Temples will open an auction, and then you will have a good look at the auction to see if you can get some treasures and solve your difficulties.”

“Huh? Auctions? ”

Tony was a little confused.

He had obviously come to ask for help, so who knew what auction the lord of the palace actually wanted him to attend?

Who is he Tony?

The head of the Stark Group.

What have you never seen in such a lifetime? Auctions and whatnot, and I have participated in countless times.

But think that this is an auction held by the owner of the group, so let’s take a look at it.

“This… Well, I’ll take a look, though, how do I participate? ”

Qin Yu didn’t give a crap either, and directly gave him a Heavenly Order.

“You take this, and when the time comes, you can just send it directly to the auction of the heavens.”

“Well, Lord of the Palace, when the time comes, I will come to this auction of the heavens to have a good look.”

“Uncle, what is this auction of the heavens?”

Watching Qin Yu and Iron Man chatting hotly, and talking about the auction, Xiao Shi also spoke curiously.

For the favorite drink of animal milk, Qin Yu still liked it very much in his heart.

After all, this was the young age of the Desolate Heaven Emperor.

As long as you can have a good relationship with the Wild Heaven Emperor, there will definitely be many benefits in the future.

“It’s an auction that brings together the specialties of the heavens and the world.”

Favorite drink of animal milk (??? “Will the specialties of the world of the heavens be auctioned?” So in this auction, is there a lot of animal milk? ”

“Hahaha… You little fart, you know how to drink milk all day. ”

If he likes to drink animal milk, he makes Tony laugh directly.

Xiao Shi glutinous said, “Who… Who said I was going to drink milk? I don’t drink milk anymore. ”

Seeing him like this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but feel pity in his heart.

This little guy’s life is so miserable.

In addition to enjoying a few good days in Ishimura when he was a child, he has been fighting for the Terran race since he grew up.

In the end, even his wife and son died in the war.

When he arrived at the holy ruins, he was written to death by the famous ominous author, and he really gave everything for the sake of the people.

Such an epic and sad life is really regrettable.

I just don’t know if his fate will change after meeting him.

“Lord, can I attend that auction of the heavens?”

At this time, the orphans of Caomiao Village also began to speak.

This made Qin Yu can’t help but look at him more.

At this time, how poor the orphans in Caomiao Village really were, although Qin Yu was not sure, he was definitely a poor jingle.

Did this guy go to the auction of the heavens, was he going to sell his ass? Thinking about it, this guy is also the son of luck in the Immortal World.

Although the strength of that world was not strong in the first place, it was fortunate that the world simply regarded this boy as his own son.

So after thinking about it for a moment, he said directly to the orphans who loved to drink animal milk and Caomiao Village.

“If you are willing to go to the auction of the heavens, it is not impossible, but the things at the auction are more expensive… Forget it, if you are willing to participate, then go ahead, even if you don’t buy anything, it is good to increase your knowledge. ”

As soon as he spoke, Qin Yu directly threw the two Heavenly Orders to them.

However, Tongtian and Han Li did not give, after all, people did not ask themselves to want, Tongtian do not count, Han Run Run You are not a bit of a dog? Is this still indifferent?

Two days later, the Heavens Auction finally opened.

Inside the main hall, a flash of light flashed, and a figure came out.


The people of the Fighting Spirit Continent came to the Heavens Auction for the first time, and in an instant, they were shocked by the situation in the auction hall.

This starry sky-like auction hall looks like a high-end atmosphere!

Gu Yuan appeared with the people of the Gu Clan and Gu Xuan’er, and his face changed instantly.

“Such a thick Heaven and Earth Yuanqi is even stronger than our Ancient Realm!”

Gu Xuan’er also looked around curiously, such a magnificent and mysterious building, she couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Is this where the mysterious lord of the temple possesses?”

Gu Xuan’er sighed, and suddenly her eyes lit up and she shouted out to a teenager.

“Brother Xiao Yan.”

Over there, a thin teenager was also looking around with surprise on his face, it was Xiao Yan.

Thanks to the fact that Qin Yu had casually thrown him a Heavenly Order before leaving, Xiao Yan could also have the honor of participating in this auction.

As soon as I came in, I was shocked, this place is simply the land of immortals! However, before he could finish his feelings, he heard Gu Xuan’er’s shout, and suddenly turned his head, knowing the purpose of Gu Xuan’er’s coming to Xiao’s house, Xiao Yan had a deep resentment towards her.

Seeing Xiao Yan’s situation, Gu Xuan’er frowned slightly, and he was kind enough to say hello, Xiao Yan was also a little too faceless.

Gu Yuan saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he ignored it and said directly: “Let’s go, enter the box.” ”

After saying that, Gu Yuan directly activated the blinding Heavenly Orders in his hand, and in an instant, the people of the Gu Clan disappeared in the same place.


Xiao Yan saw this, snorted coldly, and also found a place to sit down.

Well, although he was the minority patriarch of the Xiao Clan, he really had no money, and naturally he couldn’t go to the box.

The Soul Clan, the Yan Clan, the Danta, the Canaan Academy, the Yunlan Sect and other large and small forces also appeared in the Heavens Auction Hall.

When the people of the Kyushu Continent saw these strange people appear, they all talked about it.

“Are these the strong men of the Fourth Order World?”

“What a mighty cloud!”

“Can we compete successfully in the Kyushu mainland?”

“There are so many people!”

Everyone was talking about it, and the powerful people of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Ming Dynasty, and the Great Sui Dynasty all looked bad.


Another flash of light flashed, and Iron Man Tony appeared in the Heavens Auction Hall in a civilian suit, and as soon as he saw the situation inside the venue, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

“My God, are these people all gods?” Can you fly without a steel suit? ”

“Oh, my God, they still have wings on them?” Are they all angels? ”

“But why is there such an ugly old man among the angels?!”

Seeing several Fighting King-level people flying in the air in the form of Fighting Gasification Wings, Tony was directly stupid.

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