Chapter 117 Ten Million Value Points, Xiao Yan was confused!!


As Qin Yu said the bottom price, everyone immediately took a breath of cool air.

Good guys, at the last auction, the starting price of the finale was only 1 million value points.

This auction, the first lot of goods, the starting price is 2 million value points, this price! Simply amazing!

Lord of the Palace really did what he said, saying that all the auction items this time were stronger than the last time, and they were stronger than the last time!

The people of the Kyushu Continent were talking a lot, and the faces of the people in the Fighting Qi Continent had all changed.

Without him, the price is too high!

If they didn’t understand it before, they would forget it, but now they basically know how the value point comes from.

It was to be exchanged for various heavenly treasures or divine secret methods.

2 million value points, basically a family poured out all the family heritage.

And this is just the starting price! But, is this price high? Definitely not high!

The alchemy industry in the Douqi Continent is at its peak, but the refining tool has always been relatively general.

And this thunderstorm boat, that huge destructive power, used well, even Dou Sheng can greatly enhance its combat effectiveness.

At a glance, 2 million value points is simply too cheap!

“2 million worth points!”

Finally, someone couldn’t resist bidding.

Qin Yu looked at the past and couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Is it them?” Yunlan Sect? ”

This bid turned out to be the overlord of the Garma Empire, and also the Yunlan Sect who was deeply involved with Xiao Yan, the protagonist of the fight.

Inside the Yunlan Sect’s box, Yunlan Sect’s former Sect Leader Yunshan Dama Golden Sword was sitting there.

At this moment, under the influence of the Soul Hall, he already wanted to become the master of the Garma Empire completely, as long as he had this thunderstorm, the royal family of the Garma Empire was like an ant in his eyes.

Yun Yun looked at the burning heat in his master’s eyes, pursed his lips, and said, “Master, do we really need this thunderstorm?” ”

Yun Shan snorted coldly and said, “Hum! You can also see the power of this thunderstorming boat, with it, the entire Garma Empire is completely up to my Yunlan Sect. ”

Yun Yun listened to Master’s ambitious words, and her brow couldn’t help but frown, and she found that Master seemed to have changed.

“2.1 million worth points!”

Yunlan Sect’s bid had just fallen, and the forces of the Kyushu Continent also reacted, good fellow, this auction actually let the forces of the fourth-order world bid first, this can’t stand it!

Zhu Houzhao directly followed.

This thunderstorm, he is determined to win!

He had already explored the detailed battle situation of the Three Continents Earth Immortals in the decisive battle of the Victory Regime, and he was very hungry for the dragon breaking the wave flying boat that was shining in that great battle.

Now, suddenly, there was a thunderstorm boat that was countless times more powerful than the Dragon Breaking Wave Flying Boat, and naturally it could not be missed.

“I have 2.5 million worth points.”

Qin Shi Huang stood in the box and said in a loud voice.

The people in the next few boxes, hearing him say this, immediately looked to this side.


Emperor Yuan snorted coldly.

“2.5 million? Yingzheng is really stingy, worthy of being the son of a prostitute, no, maybe it’s the son of his father-in-law, just a wild breed. ”

His words made everyone in Kyushu look sideways.

I couldn’t imagine that this Yuan Emperor was so rude that he would wantonly insult the Emperor of the First Kyushu Empire in this place.

I’m afraid it’s going to be a provocative thing.

“I’m out of 3 million worth points.”

Emperor Yuan was also not polite and directly quoted his own price.

“Hao Shou Pifu, who dares to speak so loudly, is looking for death!”

Qin Shi Huang looked angrily in the direction where Emperor Yuan was located, and his murderous spirit was exposed.

His mother Zhao Ji was originally Lü Buwei’s concubine of Maiji, but was later taken in by the Yiren, and Lü Buwei gave Zhao Ji to the Win Yiren, and according to rumors, when she was sent, she was already pregnant.

Therefore, the issue of Qin Shi Huang’s life has always been his taboo, and now Emperor Yuan has actually unveiled it in public, which is the rhythm of not dying!

“After the auction, we will definitely go north to Mongolia and completely destroy this pilgrimage!”

“4 million worth points!”

Yin Zheng directly shouted out the offer.

“I’m out of 5 million.”

Emperor Yuan’s tone was not good.

In recent times, the Central Plains Dynasty has continued to attack the foreign countries led by the Mongol Yuan Empire.

So much so that they are tired of coping.

This made Emperor Yuan already feel angry in his heart.

And the gap in equipment is even more a loss for Meng Yuan.

At this moment, seeing such a treasure appear, how could he not grasp it?

“I’m out of 5 million.”

Zhu Houzhao also struck.

Daming sits in the rich land of the Central Plains, with a mere 5 million value points, which is simply a drizzle for Emperor Ming.


Emperor Yuan snorted coldly.

“I’m out of 6 million.”

“6 million worth points, what a big breath.”

Qin Shi Huang looked at him with a sneering face.

“I doubt very much whether your Mongol Empire can come up with 6 million value points.”


Qin Shi Huang’s words made Emperor Yuan a little annoyed.

Isn’t that a clear mockery, are they a bunch of poor people?

Rao was a well-informed Emperor Yuan, and he was not alarmed, and when he heard these words, his heart was also extremely angry.

The other people in the hall also looked at the drama after hearing Qin Shi Huang say this.

6 million points of value, such a huge wealth, absolutely many people present dare not imagine.

However, with such a huge fortune, Emperor Yuan even pulled it out without blinking an eye.

This made people have to wonder what great wealth Emperor Yuan really controlled.

Especially those who came from the Douqi Continent couldn’t help but look at the box where Emperor Yuan was at the first time.

I thought that the world was extremely barren, but I didn’t expect that someone could come up with such a huge amount of value points in one go.

It doesn’t matter if this person can come up with such a huge amount of value points in one go.

It must also be given sufficient attention.

“Ying Zheng, do you believe that Shuo will immediately let people step on Xianyang?”

“If you really have the ability, then let people come.”

Qin Shi Huang’s face was full of disdain.

“Don’t say that Shuo looks down on you, just like the way you are in the Mengyuan Empire now, if you still want to swing your division to the south, then Shuo is simply unattainable, and I will work hard in the province again, and the Laoshi expedition will run to you Mengyuan to kill the ring.”

At this point, Emperor Yuan’s face turned red with anger.

“Damn Yingzheng, I will never let you go.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Qin Shi Huang did not take Emperor Yuan’s words seriously at all.

On the side of the Douqi Continent, Xiao Yan, who had participated in this auction of the heavens, was already stupid…

What did you hear? Win politics? Qin Shi Huang wins the government?

Xiao Yan, who was shocked in his heart, looked up at the box where Qin Shi Huang was located.

As soon as his gaze landed here, he quickly attracted the attention of Qin Shi Huang.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air in an instant, and then flashed away.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But even so, it still made Xiao Yan’s heart tremble.

Such a strong imperial majesty, such a strong momentum!

Is this person really Qin Shi Huang?

However, when Qin Shi Huang saw Xiao Yan’s gaze, he did not feel anything.

An ordinary person in the fourth-order world, there is nothing worth caring about.

“I’m out of 7 million worth points.”

Emperor Ming also opened his mouth at this time.

“I’m out of 8 million.”

Emperor Yuan seemed to be holding his breath in his heart at this time.

When he quoted the price, there was a fierce glint in his eyes.

At the same time, he unconsciously looked at everyone in the hall.

That was very obvious, and whoever dared to fight with him was to make enemies with him.

But this threat is equal to no to the dynasties of Great Qin and Daming.

“8 million value points, a lot?”

Qin Shi Huang smiled disdainfully.

“Ten million out.”

The 10 million value point quotation has just been exported, and almost everyone can’t help but be stunned.

Without him, the offer was too scary.

You must know that the reserve price of the Thunderstorm Boat is only 2 million value points.

In such a short period of time, it has increased by 5 times.

Such a terrible value is really incredible.

Ordinary people are even more directly desperate for this auction of the heavens.

The price was raised so high at the beginning, it is conceivable that the next items are definitely valuable.

In this case, let alone photographing the treasure, they didn’t even have the opportunity to shoot.

Tony was even more outright stupid.

Although he is known as the richest man in the world in his own world.

There are also many kinds of assets.

But even so, after he sold all the technical information of scientific and technological weapons, it was only a few hundred thousand value points.

Compared with these big guys who are tens of millions of people when they open their mouths, they are simply younger brothers.

Not only him, but even Xiao Yan, who participated in the Heavens Auction for the first time, was extremely shocked at this moment.

His family’s piece of ancient jade was only worth a few hundred thousand yuan, plus other resources that were cobbled together, adding up to less than 1 million worth points.

Such wealth was not worth mentioning at all in front of Qin Shi Huang and these people.

Is this the power of the big powers? Xiao Yan’s heart was bitter.

“10 million value points, now Qin Shi Huang won the government bid 10 million value points, is there anything higher?”

Qin Shi Huang’s offer made the entire auction hall silent.

Qin Yu looked at the silent crowd and said in a calm tone.

“If there is no one higher than 10 million worth points, then this thunderstorm ship belongs to Qin Shi Huang’s victory.”

“Is there anything higher?”

“10 million at a time.”

“10 million…”

“I’m out of 11 million worth points.”

An abrupt voice rang out in the auction hall.

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