Chapter 118 The Ancient Eight Clans Fight!!

Qin Shi Huang originally thought that the victory was in his hands, but he did not expect to kill a Cheng Jin halfway through.

I couldn’t help but look at the bidder, not only him, but others also looked over.

The person who only saw the words was a person from the Tianzi Private Room, the Fighting Qi Continent.

However, these people from the Douqi Continent could identify their identities at once.

“Soul Clan.”

Gu Yuan’s face was black, and the relationship between the Gu Clan and the Soul Clan could not be said to be bad, it was simply very bad!

Among the Ancient Eight Tribes, the Xiao Clan was destroyed, and now the most powerful are the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.

It can be said that as long as the two can destroy each other, basically in the Douqi Continent is a monopoly situation.

And now, the Soul Clan had actually snatched this treasure weapon, and Gu Yuan naturally couldn’t sit idly by.

“Who is my Dao, it turns out to be the bugs of the Soul Clan.”

Gu Yuan looked cold and unkind.

“Ahem! Gu Yuan, I can’t imagine that your mouth is still so smelly, how, do you want to grab the treasure with us today? ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor heard Gu Yuan’s words, but he didn’t buy it at all, and he directly shrugged it off.

A few days ago, when everyone was in the Xiao family, they had already torn their faces, and there was no emotion to talk about.

Gu Yuan sneered with a sneering look on his face.

“Grab? Oh, heaven and earth treasure, naturally there are powerful people to get! Hall Soul Patriarch, is there only such a point of value? I’m out of 12 million value points. ”

“Even if my Soul Clan doesn’t have as much wealth as your Ancient Clan, this little money is still taken out, 12 million, and I followed, 13 million.”

When quoting this price, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s color when he looked at Gu Yuan had obviously changed a little.

Because he could feel that Gu Yuan was on the bar with himself.

What happened next, however, surprised everyone.

“13.5 million.”

The medicine patriarch Yao Dan suddenly made an offer at this time.

This made the other Ancient Eight Clans react instantly.

At the same time, after hearing his offer, both the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan suddenly turned their eyes to the Medicine Dan.

Both were well-informed people who understood Yaodan’s idea almost instantaneously.

The Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan were already so strong, if they could still get this kind of attack treasure, I was afraid that their secret realm small world would not be safe, and they would be blasted away in minutes.

In an instant, the other members of the Ancient Eight Clans all made a decision.

The offer of Yaodan had just fallen, and Yan Patriarch Yan Ember also suddenly opened at this time

“14 million value points.”

Yan Yan’s tone seemed very calm.

It’s like saying something very ordinary.

But everyone can hear the-for-tat confrontation.

When the people of the Kyushu mainland heard such an offer, they were all directly stupid.

These people who came to the auction from other worlds were probably a little too rich.

That’s 14 million worth points.

Even if the vast majority of the logarithmic forces in the Kyushu Continent smashed the pot and sold iron, it was impossible to make up so many value points, but they casually pulled it out.

Are the people of their world so rich?

Compared to the people of Kyushu, Tony was even more uncomfortable.

I thought that I was the richest man in this world, even if I went to other worlds, it was definitely not bad.

But after he actually participated in this auction of the heavens, he finally understood what a mountain and a mountain were high.

Look at the few hundred thousand value points you have in your hand.

Tony couldn’t cry tears.

“I never expected that my Tony, the richest man in the world, would be so poor!”

In fact, not only him, but also other people in the Kyushu world, many of them also have such thoughts.

No way, this group of people from the Fighting Spirit Continent was really terrifying.

Such a rich and powerful means really makes people feel numb.

“15 million value points.”

At this moment, Lei Ying, the patriarch of the Thunder Clan, opened his mouth.

Compared with the Medicine Clan and the Yan Clan, he directly raised the price of the Thunder Boat by 1 million in one go.

It gives the impression that it is richer than the other two races.

As his voice fell, the Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly stood up from his position.

The fierce gaze stared dead at several other people, including Gu Yuan.

When his gaze fell on Gu Yuan’s body, Gu Yuan also noticed it instantly.

Raising his head, he looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor without giving in.

“What, does the Soul Patriarch want to use strong here?”

“There is no hurry, there will always be a time of reckoning.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor dropped a sentence, and then looked at Yan Ember and the Medicine Dan.

The horrible gaze made the scalps of the two people tingle.

But when they thought of the role of the Thunder Boat, they quickly stabilized their mood.

Because the thunderstorm boat is so terrifying.

If it was really obtained by the Soul Heavenly Emperor, it would be an absolute disaster for them.

Not only the Soul Heavenly Emperor, but even Gu Yuan had to guard against it.

Although compared to the Soul Clan, the Gu Clan was obviously much better, it was also a wolf ambition.

Such a terrible equipment, once it was obtained by the two of them, the other Ancient Eight Maps would inevitably have trouble sleeping and eating.

Qin Yu looked at some scenes of the Ancient Eight Clans of the Fighting Qi World, and the corners of his mouth were also slightly hooked.

Ancient Eight Tribes, no one trusts anyone!

Also, although it is written in the Dou Break that the Soul Clan has destroyed the rest of the Ancient Family.

However, he and Qin Yu didn’t think that the ancient clan that was almost the same as the strength of the Soul Clan was the White Lotus.

If they had the strength, they would not hesitate to strike and seize the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragments of the other clans.

No one can resist the temptation of becoming an emperor!

Didn’t you see this old silver coin of Gu Yuan, in order to plot to seize the Xiao Clan’s Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment, even his own daughter was willing to give?

Therefore, the other six major families, looking at the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, are basically no different.

Anyway, a consensus absolutely cannot let the Gu Clan and the Soul Clan be visible to the naked eye to continue.

After half a day, the Soul Heavenly Emperor spoke again.

“I’m out of 16 million worth points.”

“17 million.”

Compared with the patriarchs of the other Ancient Eight Tribes, Gu Yuan’s offer was undoubtedly much crisper.

17 million worth points, simply do not blink an eye.

When everyone in Kyushu heard such an offer, they were directly numb.

17 million worth points.

Such a huge amount of value points, how much valuable things must be exchanged for it? Can anyone in the Kyushu mainland take it out? Qin Shi Huang won the government and choked enough!

“Damn, 17 million is worth a lot, it’s an eye-opener.”

“It’s simply inhumane in the trenches, is this the strength of the people of the Fourth Order World?”

“If I have so many points of value, what do I want to buy?” Minutes into the land 873 gods ah! ”

The hearts of the people of Kyushu were constantly muttering.

Almost cried with envy.

I think there are so many value points.

But this kind of thing, you can only think about it.

“17 million.

Now that the price of the Thunderboat has reached 17 million value points, is there anything higher than this? ”

Qin Yu looked at the people in the audience and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, if you want to make money, you have to open a new copy!

The old irons of the Fighting Spirit Continent, give it a force!

“18 million.”

Compared with the rich and powerful ancient clan, the soul clan is also not to mention more.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor continued to quote, and his voice was full of momentum that he was determined to win.

Gu Yuan snorted disdainfully, this treasure weapon, he is also determined to win!

“19 million value points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was instantly furious and said with a cold sigh.

“Gu Yuan, do you have to live with me?”

“Where is the Soul Patriarch?” Auctions? The high price is deserved, since you can’t come up with so many value points, and I can take it out, it just so happens that I like this thing very much, so naturally I want to quote. ”

At this point, Gu Yuan’s words paused, and then continued.

“It’s not as good as the Soul Patriarch simply becoming an adult beauty, let me leave this thing to me.”

What a joke, how could such a thing be given to the ancients? The Soul Heavenly Emperor immediately snorted coldly.

“Hmm. You are dreaming. ”

Immediately followed by an offer.

“I’m out…”

Even before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another offer.

“I’m out of twenty million worth points.”

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