Chapter 123 Unexpected Bid, 30 Million Value Points!!

“10 million value points.”

As soon as Qin Yu’s voice fell, the Soul Heavenly Emperor directly struck, raising the price of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment to 10 million value points in one breath.

At this moment, he had already eased up, the Thunder Boat had not been photographed, and he was determined to get the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment!

Hearing the offer of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, everyone in Kyushu was astonished.

It is really inhuman in the trenches, and it has increased by 8 million value points in one fell swoop.

However, he was surprised and surprised, and the people of the Kyushu Continent really had no interest in this ancient jade fragment.

They didn’t even know who Emperor Tuoshegu was? Where is this ancient emperor cave house? You don’t have to think about it to know that you are in the Douqi Continent.

Therefore, for this treasure, the forces of the Kyushu continent did not even have the interest in opening their mouths to bid.

Unlike the forces of the Kyushu Continent, many forces in the Douqi Continent could not sit still at all, which was a treasure that involved the inheritance of the Dou Emperor.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s 10 million value point offer has just fallen.

Gu Yuan shouted.

“12 million value points.”

“I’m out of 14 million worth points.”

Genkuko did not hesitate to bid at this time.

Although he had already spent 30 million worth of it before

But this little value point is not too much for him to hurt.

So I have the strength to participate in the next auction.

“I’m out of 16 million worth points.”

As the patriarch of the Yan Clan among the Ancient Eight Tribes, Yan Ember was also determined to obtain this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment.

“I’m out of 17 million value points! Everyone give a face, this thing you hold is of no use, it is better to directly give me the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, and when I get the inheritance of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, I will certainly not treat everyone badly. ”

When the Soul Heavenly Emperor said these words, his face was full of sincerity, as if he would really compensate everyone well after receiving the inheritance.

For his words, the many forces of the Douqi Continent all scoffed, and Gu Yuan directly mocked him.

“Oh, the Soul Heavenly Emperor should be my words, right?” I am out of 18 million value points, why don’t you give me the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade? ”

“Everyone knows that the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade needs to put together eight pieces to do it, and just getting one piece of it doesn’t work at all.”

“Why don’t you just give me the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?” Just when my ancient people owe a favor. ”

The human feelings of the ancient people are not a small thing.

When necessary, you can save your life.

However, this kind of human affection is simply dispensable for the Soul Clan.

After all, their own strength is very strong, and there is no need for the Gu Clan to owe humanity at all.

“Ahem! Is your ancient people’s affection valuable? I’m out of 20 million worth points! ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor said, with a kind of momentum on his face.

“Then see the real chapter under your hands!”

Gu Yuan snorted coldly and directly shouted, “21 million worth points!” ”

“22 million worth points!”

“23 million worth points!”

“25 million value points”

The auction price climbed steadily, and finally, by the time of the 25 million value point, Xuan Kongzi and Yan Ember and others also stopped bidding.

Judging from the current competition between the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, the final transaction price of this Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment is bound to be very high.

Although they hold a lot of value points in their hands, there is no need to waste too much on this kind of thing.

Moreover, the Lord of the Hall had already said that this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment had to be collected in eight pieces, and Danta didn’t even have a piece, it seemed that the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan must have it, even if they photographed the fragments, it would be of no use!

In the end, Genkko first gave up the bidding.

After weighing up the Yan Clan, the Thunder Clan and other forces, they also gave up the bidding, the same reason, even if they were to shoot, it was impossible to seize the ancient jade fragments of the Soul Clan and the Gu Clan, rather than this, it was better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

See the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan fight it upside down!

Only the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan are determined to get this thing.

“I’m out of 26 million worth points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at Gu Yuan with unkindness in his eyes.

He now hates Gu Yuan.

This guy is simply designed to find himself uncomfortable.

Be right with yourself everywhere.

If it weren’t for the fact that the strength of both sides was similar, the Soul Heavenly Emperor really wanted to shoot Gu Yuan to death directly.

Gu Yuan’s idea was actually similar to his.

The two were eager to fight, but considering the rules of the Heavenly Temple, they finally put up with it.

Fight is not to fight, at the auction, just rely on strength to compete.

“I’m out of twenty-seven million points.”

The Kyushu crowd listened to the two men’s offer and became numb.

They knew that as the Fourth Order Peak World of the Douqi Continent, the top forces in it were definitely not bad for money.

But this is also too trench and inhumane!

From the moment the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade appeared, it has not been a moment since the time of the incense, and the price of this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade has already reached twenty-seven million value points, which has increased by more than ten times.

It’s just too harsh.

If they continue like this, how will they play? Yin Zheng’s face changed blue and white.

In the past, he sat in the Tianzi box, sat and watched these forces in the Kyushu Continent bid, and finally swept the whole field, but today, he turned out to be a spectator, and he didn’t even have the strength to bid with others to the final stage, which made the always proud First Emperor how to endure.

Is it hard to participate in an auction of the heavens, just to make a personal head?

“It seems that after the auction is over, I have to ask the lord of the temple for help.”

Xiao Yan was already completely dumbfounded at this moment, the family heirloom jade that he used to exchange for restoring his talent and strength was actually a fragment of the ancient emperor jade of Tuoshe, which was actually auctioned off to 27 million value points?

Oh, my God! Lord of the Temple, how much has he earned!

Thinking, Xiao Yan looked into Qin Yu’s eyes, and he also felt some grievances.

Qin Yu didn’t care at all, this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment could maximize the benefits in his own hands, let Xiao Yan let him go to the auction, did he dare?

I’m afraid that there is no scum left who will be killed as soon as I shoot.

Ignoring Xiao Yan’s expression, Qin Yu asked directly, “The Douqi Continent’s Guyuan bid 27 million value points, is there a higher price?” ”

There was a brief silence in the auction hall, but no one answered.

Even the Soul Heavenly Emperor was making a quick calculation.

And in a box far from the auction table.

An old man was sitting there quietly.

If anyone saw him, they would be surprised.

Because this old man was almost exactly the same as the appearance of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in the video just now.

And he was exactly one of the Emperor Daidans that Emperor Tuoshegu refined in his later years.

The so-called young Dan is the elixir that has not yet reached the perfect level in the final gestation stage.

But the essence of Dan Yao is already an imperial product.

Therefore, it can be understood that this Emperor Pin Daidan is the existence of the Half-Emperor Realm.

For the reasons for these people’s crazy bidding, Di Pin Dai Dan is also very clear.

It was nothing more than wanting to open the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion.

As for what to do after finding the Tuoshe Gudi Cave House, there is no need to think about it at all.

Nature is to find him, then swallow him, and use his life to help these people reach the level of the Dou Emperor.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that after these people found the Tuoshe Gudi Cave House, it was almost his doom.

As soon as he thought of this, Di Pin Yandan felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Who wants to sacrifice themselves and fulfill others?

On the auction stage, Qin Yu’s voice came out again.

“Is there a higher bid? If not…”

“I’m out of 30 million worth points.”

Di Pin Dai Dan couldn’t bear it any longer and directly opened his mouth to quote.


30 million value points are quoted as soon as they are quoted.

Everyone at the scene was astonished.

No one expected that there would be people joining the auction at this time.

Moreover, this person also directly raised the price of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment to 30 million value points in one breath.

Both Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at the box where Emperor Pin Daidan was located in disbelief.

I thought that the matter of fighting for the jade fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor was only a matter for the two of them.

But I didn’t expect that at this time, a new person would actually emerge.

Is it true that the other party is also a person on the Fighting Spirit Continent?

The two fell into contemplation for a moment.

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