Chapter 124 Xiao Yan was excited!!

The power to be able to come up with 30 million value points in one go is definitely not insignificant.

Just by looking at the two forces of the Yan Clan and Danta, it can be seen that they have withdrawn halfway under the trade-off.

Not even to mention the two of them, even if it is the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, if they want to take out something worth 30 million points in one go, it will hurt for a while.

However, the other party took it out lightly.

However, Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor had misunderstood.

In fact, these thirty million value points, Di Pin Dai Dan took it out is definitely not easy, if it is another auction item, he really does not necessarily care.

However, when it comes to the fragments of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade and whether he will be eaten by others, Di Pin Dai Dan definitely has to do his best!

As long as this fragment is in hand, the people outside will never be able to gather the eight pieces of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade and open the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, and he will be absolutely safe.

“Who is the force of the people in this box?”

Gu Yuan’s face showed a look of doubt.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was full of cold colors at this moment.

30 million value points is not a small amount for him today.

Especially not long ago, in order to calm Qin Yu’s anger, he directly handed over the Heavenly Treasure worth 10 million points.

This cost him a lot of value.

So much so that when someone directly reported 30 million value points in one breath, he almost jumped like a thunderbolt.

“31 million.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor gritted his teeth and quoted this price.

After hearing his bid, Gu Yuan did not hesitate.

“I’m out of 32 million worth points.”


Voices came out of the box again.

“I’m out of 34 million worth points.”

The sound of light fluttering makes people want to vomit blood.

But the price is a bit numb.

It was as if the other side was not talking about 34 million value points, but 34 million copper plates.

“Your Excellency, who is holy?” Please see me, sir. ”

Gu Yuan finally couldn’t help but want to see each other.

But Di Pin Dai Dan did not give him face at all, and did not even return to him.

“Well, very good, I’d like to see what your excellency is capable of.”

“I’m out of 36 million worth points.”

“I’m out of 40 million worth points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he directly opened his mouth to quote the price.

As soon as such an offer came out, Gu Yuan was also slightly stunned.

I couldn’t imagine that this Soul Heavenly Emperor was really determined to win this Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Yu.

Even the sky-high price of 40 million was opened.

Gu Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his mind was also thinking quickly.

“Daddy, do we still have to bid?”

Gu Xuan’er saw that Gu Yuan was silent, and she couldn’t help but ask out.

Gu Yuan shook his head slightly, and said, “No need, it’s just a fragment, and it’s not a complete Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, what if the Soul Heavenly Emperor shoots it?” ”

“I’d like to see how he can put together these eight pieces!” Hum! ”

After hearing the offer of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Di Pin Daidan’s face also instantly pulled down his crotch.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to bid, it’s that he really doesn’t have any resources.

It had existed in the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion since the day of his birth, and apart from the resources such as the strange fire left by the Tuoshe Gudi, he really didn’t have anything to exchange for value points.

Just bid 30 million is to scare the Soul Heavenly Emperor and Gu Yuan, hoping to steal the chicken by chance, unexpectedly, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was indifferent, directly bid to 40 million value points.

Di Pin Dan was completely helpless.

Qin Yu saw a moment of silence at the scene and asked.

“The Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Douqi Continent bid 40 million value points, is there anything higher than 40 million value points?”

Scanning around, seeing that no one had bid again, Qin Yu said slowly.

“Since no one is bidding higher, 40 million worth points at a time.”

“40 million worth points twice!”

“40 million worth for the third time, deal!”

“Congratulations to the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Douqi Continent, who photographed the jade fragment of the Ancient Emperor of Tuoshe.”

Inside the main hall, there was another uproar.

“Forty million worth points!” Oh my God, it’s another forty million worth points, the people of the Fighting Spirit Continent are too rich! ”

“A piece of fragment has 40 million value points, and there are a total of eight pieces in this fragment, doesn’t this mean that the complete version of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade can shoot 320 million value points?”

“How do I feel that this Soul Heavenly Emperor is a bit stupid and has a lot of money?”

Inside the Soul Clan box, the Soul Heavenly Emperor transaction was completed, and finally successfully photographed the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, looking at the ancient jade fragments in his hand, thinking of the countless heavenly treasures that had just been swept away by the Heavenly Hall, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of flesh pain!

These are all the accumulation of the Soul Clan’s heritage!

In exchange for a piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Shard, it was too much of a loss!

If it weren’t for the breakthrough of the Dou Emperor, he would definitely not have done such a loss-making business! Next, there were six other pieces of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Shard, and it was necessary to speed up the action!

The Soul Heavenly Emperor thought, and a burst of killing opportunities also arose in his heart.

Inside the ancient box, Gu Yuan’s face was also a change, the Soul Heavenly Emperor photographed the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment, now that the eight fragments have all appeared, the next Douqi Continent is afraid to be lively.

At the same time, the Yan Clan, the Thunder Clan, the Medicine Clan, and several other ancient families were all tense, even if they didn’t face the Soul Heavenly Emperor directly, they could predict that the Douqi Continent would inevitably set off a bloody storm next.

Suddenly, everyone tensed up.

For the performance of the people in the Douqi Continent, Qin Yu didn’t care much.

It’s a mess! When chaos arises, the Heavenly Halls can wantonly gain valuable points.

Pressing his hands weakly, signaling everyone to be quiet, Qin Yu opened his mouth again.

“Next, auction the third treasure.”

“Compared to the previous things, it is another Immortal Cultivation Exercise!” It is called “Dapin Heavenly Immortal Recipe”. ”

After speaking, Qin Yu snapped his fingers, and behind him, a curtain of light instantly appeared.

Above the light curtain, the picture is from far and near.

I saw a sharp-billed monkey with a cheeky head wearing a phoenix-winged purple and gold crown, wearing a lock of golden armor, stepping on the lotus silk and walking in the clouds, holding a golden shining iron rod, standing quietly in mid-air.

Around him, there were Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

The atmosphere of slaughter, even across the screen, everyone in the venue can feel it.

“A monkey? What the heck? ”

Someone wondered.

“Could it be this monkey’s exercises?”

People who have seen videos of several auctions have guessed.

And Xiao Yan’s face was completely frozen.

“Sleeper! This…… This is Sun Wukong! “The Great Pinnacle Heavenly Immortal”? Isn’t that Sun Wukong’s cultivation technique? I will go, the heavenly temples even have this kind of practice? ”

For a moment, Xiao Yan’s whole person was excited, and he only hated that he had no value points, otherwise, he must photograph Sun Dasheng’s cultivation techniques and cultivate himself well.

Compared with the cultivation method of the Great Sage, what kind of fighting qi? What fighting skills, all are scum!

At this moment, the Sun Wukong in the picture suddenly moved.

A golden hoop stick was in his hand and swept in all directions.

Heavy force, almost no opponent can bear.

As soon as the stick went down, the Heavenly River rolled upside down, and Qiankun shook.

Countless Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had no enemies in front of him.

Especially when dealing with those generals.

The golden hoop stick in his hand was even more fierce and made people’s scalps tingle.

With each swing, the golden hoop stick in his hand seemed to contain hundreds of millions of pounds of power.


In the picture, the four heavenly jades, the three princes of Nezha, and the Tota Li Tianwang have besieged them one after another.

Only to see Sun Wukong’s golden hoop stick in his hand rush left and right, only to beat everyone to retreat.

100,000 Heavenly Soldiers, none of them were enemies!


With a loud noise, Sun Wukong hit it with a blow and smashed it heavily in front of the dragging Li Tianwang, and was blocked by his Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

The terrifying shock wave was like a volcanic eruption, sweeping the heavens and the earth in a flash.

The mountains and rivers were directly flattened by such a force, and even the earth was pierced by life.

King Totalee’s body was directly shattered in half.

If it weren’t for the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda blocking most of the damage, this blow would have scattered his soul.

If Rao was like this, Li Tianyu did not dare to fight again, and fled thousands of miles in an instant, hiding far away, reshaping his flesh.

Sun Wukong also did not chase, a golden hoop stick in his hand flew up and down, only to kill the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Giant Spirit God and other immortal gods threw away their armor and discarded their armor, collapsed into an army, and fled.

Seeing these pictures, everyone in the entire Heavens Auction Hall was stunned.

Just from the breath, you can tell that the opponents who besieged this monkey must be at least five or six orders strong.

In the face of such a strong person, this monkey can actually hit a monkey and a stick, and beat them to the wolf’s run, just don’t hang too much!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the blood of Sun Wukong’s killing flowed into a river, and the corpses were strewn across the field.

Finally, standing in the air, he let out a wild laugh.

Along with his laughter, the light and shadow slowly dissipated.

But even so, the crowd could not return to God for a long time.

And Xiao Yan’s envious eyes were red at this time.

Sun Wukong, that was his childhood idol.

I never thought that I could be so close to Sun Wukong one day.

Looking at the people who were still immersed in Sun Dasheng’s divine might, Qin Yu did not delay and slowly opened his mouth.

“The Great Pin Heavenly Immortal Technique is a cultivation immortal technique that exists in the Ninth Order World, and in the end, it can be compared to the Sixth Order Top-level Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the monkeys in the video who killed the four sides have cultivated this kind of practice!”

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the audience all turned hot.

Of course, Qin Yu did not tell them that in fact, Sun Wukong’s other cultivation technique, the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, was a more powerful practice.

But it doesn’t matter, “Great Pint Heavenly Immortal Recipe” is definitely hard enough!

“The third auction item, “The Great Product Heavenly Immortal Recipe”, has a starting price of five million value points, and each price increase must not be less than 50,000 value points.”

“Bid, start!”

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