Chapter 125 Sun Dasheng’s Practice Is So Gone?!!

Even Di Pin Dai Dan looked at it.

Gu Yuan and the Soul Heavenly Emperor both looked dead at the box.

They could hear it through the sound, the sound coming out of the box was a little strange, but it seemed to have a sense of familiarity.

Obviously, the forces that quote this price do not belong to any of the eight major families.

Not even the old man in the box before.

But it can make them feel familiar.

“The sound is a bit familiar.”

Gu Yuan looked thoughtfully at the box.

Even the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face showed a bit of thoughtfulness.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them looked at each other almost at the same time.

“Are you the patriarch of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan?”

No wonder they were so surprised.

Because in their impression, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan Patriarch Candle Kun had not appeared for thousands of years.

At this time, this year will appear in this heavenly auction venue.

No wonder they have such expressions.

“Huh… Two old friends, I haven’t seen each other for a long time. ”

Candle Kun sat in his box, smiling.

He was sealed in the cave house by Emperor Tuoshegu, and as long as he did not break through the realm of the Dou Emperor, it was almost impossible to break the seal of Emperor Tuoshegu from within.

I thought that there was no hope of escape, but I didn’t expect to suddenly get a Celestial Token last month, let him participate in the Heavens Auction, and said that there were treasures at the auction that could make him break through.

This is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Candle Kun who is in a desperate situation!

He did not hesitate to exchange all the resources he carried for value points.

Attending this auction today, he actually left the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion directly, and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed, although once the auction was over, he would return to the original place, but this auction was his hope to get rid of the seal.

Sure enough, he waited for the Sixth Order Technique to be cultivated to the realm above the Dou Emperor, wasn’t this what was being prepared for him?

After waiting for a while, after judging the opponent, he directly bidd.

“I haven’t seen them for so many years, and the two old friends are not as beautiful as adults, so let me give me this great Heavenly Immortal Recipe.”

Facing the Soul Heavenly Emperor and Gu Yuan, the two Ninth Order Peak Dou Saints who were almost the same as their own strength, Candle Kun also laughed.


The Soul Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly, the Sixth Order Gong Fa, and if you let it with one word, the Soul Heavenly Emperor directly bid.

“26 million worth points!”

“The Soul Patriarch’s temper is still so grumpy.”

As for the attitude of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Candle Kun didn’t seem to care.

“I’m out of 27 million worth points!”

“28 million value points.”

Gu Yuan also continued to shoot.

“29 million worth points!”

“Thirty million.”

As soon as his voice fell, in the other box, a crisp phoenix-like voice suddenly came out.

The helmsman and Xuankong Zi of the Ancient Eight Clans were shocked after hearing the quotation of this voice.

Even Candle Kun looked to the other side in disbelief.

“Phoenix Heaven!”

This sound, Candle Kun is too familiar.

Almost instantaneously, I guessed who was bidding.

Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan Patriarch Huang Tian.

The two races have been mortal enemies since birth.

I didn’t expect to meet here today.

“Huh… Candle Kun, can this thing only be bid, I can’t bid? ”

Huang Tian didn’t seem to have taken Candle Kun in his eyes at all.


Candle Kun snorted coldly and didn’t say much.

“I’m out of 31 million worth points.”

“32 million.”

“I’m out of 33 million worth points.”

“34 million.”

In a blink of an eye, the two of them raised the price of the Great Product Heavenly Immortal Recipe to 34 million.

And it seems that there is no intention of stopping.

The other people around them just looked at them, and the two sides came and went.

The top forces on this side of the Douqi Continent had no intention of intervening at all.

As for the contradiction between the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, they were naturally more aware that at this moment, the competition between the two would inevitably lead to a decision.

The people on this side of the Kyushu continent were numb.


Are you kidding?

This level of auction has almost nothing to do with them.

Instead of this, it is better to sit in the same place and watch them pretend.

“I’m out of 35 million worth points.”

Huang Tian seems to be determined to win!

At the end, do not forget to provoke the tunnel.

“How about Candle Kun, are you still with me?” If you don’t follow it, this Great Heavenly Immortal Recipe is my Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan. ”

“I’m out of 6 million worth points!”

As soon as Qin Yu’s voice fell, the Soul Heavenly Emperor immediately bid.

“Only 6 million value points, you also mean to call the export.”

Gu Yuan looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor with a mocking face.

“I’m out of 10 million worth points.”

The quote of 10 million value points is out.

Most of the people who were still eager to buy the Great Product Heavenly Immortal Recipe before suddenly lost their temper.

This is 10 million worth points, and I also bought a hammer.

Especially Xiao Yan, after hearing this offer, almost cried.

In the past, when I was in the Xiao family, basically all living expenses were provided by the family.

The Third Young Master of his family had no place to use money at all, so he never thought that one day, he would be so poor.

“Sun Wukong’s cultivation of the Great Heavenly Immortal Technique, this moment left me and Xiao Yan sat in the position with a bitter face, it was difficult to encounter Sun Dasheng’s cultivation skills, this is going to be lost.”

“Hmm, 10 million value points, a lot? I’m out of 11 million value points. ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor made a direct offer.

“I’m out of 12 million worth points.”

Genkuko also bid at this time.

Although the Danta alchemy is very strong, the cultivation method is relatively weak.

If he could get this practice that could be directly cultivated to the level above the Dou Emperor, Danta would make up for his shortcomings.

“I’m out of 13 million worth points.”

Yan Ember also opened his mouth directly.

The Lord of the Hall said that this is a practice that can be cultivated to the sixth order!

Compared with this, what Heavenly Order Gong Fa Heavenly Order Fighting Technique is all slag!

The most you can cultivate to the Doudi is good.

According to the instructions in the Heavenly Orders given by the Lord of the Palace, Emperor Dou was only a fifth-order strongman, obviously not as strong as the sixth-order strong!

Once the people of the Douqi Continent broke through to the Dou Emperor, they would be rejected by the rules of the world and would directly soar up to the upper realm.

Now when encountering such a practice that does not know how many times more powerful than the Heavenly Order Technique, we must firmly grasp it!


The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes flashed a sharp color, really everyone wanted to come and step in! After returning to the Douqi Continent, be sure to find these people and have a good exchange!

The Soul Heavenly Emperor thought, the bid is not slow at all.

“14 million worth points!”

“15 million worth points!”

Gu Yuan’s eyes fixed on the Great Heavenly Immortal Recipe and continued to quote.

The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment would let go, but he would never let this sixth-order Gong Fa!


For Gu Yuan’s bid, the Soul Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly and directly followed.

“16 million value points.”

“17 million worth points!”

“18 million worth points!”

“19 million worth points!”

“20 million worth points!”

The quotation was rising steadily, and the crowd had already fought for the Great Heavenly Immortal Technique.

The price of this “Great Pint Heavenly Recipe” also continued to soar with their bidding.

The people of Kyushu Continent watched these people bidding, and it felt as if they were watching the gods fight.

No way, the people of the Fourth Order World, too arrogant!

Easily you can come up with tens of millions of value points.

This is by no means a small amount for any force on the Kyushu continent.

Some people even moved the idea of wanting to go to the Douqi Continent to see it.

They wanted to see what was so special about the Fourth Order World, that they could easily come up with so many value points.

If they had the chance, they might even be able to get a vote on the Douqi Continent.

“Twenty million value points, now the value of the Great Pinnacle Heavenly Immortal Recipe has reached twenty million value points.”

“Is there anything higher?”

Qin Yu stood on the stage and inquired, his eyes slowly sweeping over the people who could make a starting price.

“25 million worth points!”

His words had just fallen.

In one of the boxes, there was a quote.

The sudden appearance of the sound made everyone look involuntarily at this box.

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