Chapter 126 The Fourth Lot Item!!

Huang Tian’s words made Candle Kun only feel the green tendons on the door of his brain jumping.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was trapped in the Tuoshe Gudi Cave Mansion, he would definitely kill the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan! I don’t know if I’m alive or dead!

“I’m out of 36 million worth points!”

Candle Kun gritted his teeth and said.

“Sigh, Patriarch Candle Kun is holding it very hard!”

Huang Tian said sarcastically in the box.

“I’m out of 37 million worth points.”

“My soul clan has 38 million worth points.”

Now that the battle situation is nearing its end, the Soul Clan has also attacked.

“I’m out of 39 million.”

Candle Kun did not hesitate to choose to follow.

The price, although a little expensive.

But for him, it is still within the acceptable range.

“Since Brother Candle Kun has bid 39 million, then I will also bid.”

Gu Yuan said slowly.

“40 million worth points!”

This auction has almost become an exclusive auction for everyone in the Fighting Continent.

The people of the Kyushu Continent just watched silently.

There was no chance of participation at all.

“I’m out of 41 million worth points.”

“I’m out of 42 million worth points.”

“I’m out of 43 million…”

The price of the Great Heavenly Immortal Technique was constantly rising under the impetus of the people of the Douqi Continent.

The people of Kyushu Continent have become completely numb to such prices.

“I’m out of 44 million value points.”

Candle Kun shouted again.

“This little money, my Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan can also take out, I pay 45 million worth points.”

After shouting again, Huang Tian quietly looked at the box next to him.

At this time, Candle Kun’s face had turned livid.

“, Huang Tian, Lao Tzu will destroy you sooner or later.”


Huang Tian did not take the threat of Candle Kun in his eyes at all.

According to the information obtained by the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, Candle Kun had disappeared for thousands of years, and over the past thousand years, the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan had become more and more honest, and he had always thought that Candle Kun was dead.

I didn’t expect to see Candle Kun again at this auction of the heavens today, thinking that he should be trapped somewhere, otherwise, he wouldn’t have been unheard of.

Since they were all trapped, Huang Tian was naturally not afraid of him.

For the battle between Candle Kun and Huang Tian, Gu Yuan did not have any reaction, at this moment, in his heart, there was only the Great Pin Heavenly Immortal Recipe!

“I’m out of 42 million worth points.”

“45 million points!”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor gritted his teeth and increased the value points by three million.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a voice rang out.

“50 million worth points!”

It is Gu Yuan!

He actually directly increased the price of the Great Product Heavenly Immortal Skill by 5 million value points in one breath.

Let the value of this exercise come directly to the terrifying fifty million value points.

Such an offer is out.

Everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

The people of Kyushu looked at him in amazement.

“Fifty million worth points!” That’s half a billion! ”

“It’s too strong, 50 million worth points, how many heavenly treasures do you need to redeem it?”

“Is this the strength of the Douqi Continent?” It’s simply too rich. ”

“If I have so many value points, why can’t I buy it?”

Compared to the envy of the people of Kyushu.

Everyone on this side of the Douqi Continent looked at him with great shock after hearing Gu Yuan’s offer.

The Ancient Clan is indeed one of the two strongest families among the Ancient Eight Tribes.

I was able to come up with 50 million worth points in one go.

So much so that even the Soul Heavenly Emperor was surprised by this offer.

Looking at Gu Yuan for a long time gloomily, the Soul Heavenly Emperor finally chose to give up the offer.

The price was too high, he could continue to compete with Gu Yuan, but the previous auction of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment had already consumed too much, and it was really not appropriate to continue to waste it.

You know, there are still two treasures in the back that have not been auctioned, and if you miss it, it will be more than worth the loss.

After hesitating for a long time, the Soul Heavenly Emperor finally did not make another offer, and several other forces also chose silence.

No way, this price is beyond their affordability.

Qin Yu saw that the whole place was quiet, scanned the week, and said slowly: “The ancient yuan of the Douqi Continent bid 50 million value points, is there a higher price?” ”

“If not, fifty million worth of points once!”

“Fifty million worth points twice!”

“Fifty million worth points three times!” Deal! ”

“Congratulations to Gu Yuan, I have taken the third lot, “The Great Pinnacle Heavenly Immortal Recipe”.”


In the auction hall, the crowd was full of discussion.

Xiao Yan looked inside the Gu Clan’s box, and his eyes were almost about to burst into flames.

This is the “Great Pin Heavenly Immortal Recipe”! If only I could cultivate… Thinking about it, he was excited to jump.

Inside the Soul Clan box, Void Devouring Yan also asked curiously.

“Patriarch, why don’t we continue to compete?”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor said coldly, “Hum! Although this practice is good, it is so easy to cultivate to the sixth order realm! Not to mention it, even if it is the practice of my soul clan, I can directly cultivate to the realm of the Dou Emperor, but after so many years, even I can’t pass it for a long time. ”

“Just let Gu Yuan be proud for a while, and when I become the Dou Emperor, this great Heavenly Immortal Recipe will still be mine sooner or later!”

Saying this, in fact, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s heart has already roared again, stepping on the horse, if the value points of my Soul Clan are enough, even later, I will shoot it now!

No, back to the Douqi Continent, we must speed up the process of annexing the Eight Tribes.

Qin Yu’s auction was destined to let the entire Douqi Continent enter the bloody rain and wind in advance.

However, for all this, Qin Yu didn’t care at all, I was selling things, you yourself had to attack each other, what was the matter with me?

The transaction with Gu Yuan was completed, and Qin Yu continued to auction it.

“The first three items already have their owners, and now the auction of the third treasure begins.”

Qin Yu stood on the stage and looked at the crowd.

Then he took out a red Dan pill in his hand.

This Dan Pill was almost the size of a fist, and a red flame rose from its surface.

He had just been taken out by Qin Yu, and the air in the entire auction hall instantly became a lot hotter.

Faintly, everyone could even hear that there seemed to be a phoenix’s roar coming out of that Dan Pill, which was amazing.

Huang Tian and Candle Kun widened their eyes at the first moment.


Before the two could react, they heard Qin Yu holding this Dan Pill and saying to everyone.

“This is the Phoenix Dan of a fifth-order Xuan Immortal level Fire Phoenix.”

“After getting it, it is not only possible to raise the strength to the fifth order realm, but also to get the power inheritance of the Fire Phoenix.”

Qin Yu said as a clear curtain of light appeared in mid-air.

In the picture, a huge phoenix is spreading its wings and soaring.

And in the distance of him, there was a true dragon of the same realm as him.

As soon as the two sides met, they launched a terrible attack.

Although that head could really show extraordinary strength, the fire phoenix was even stronger.

The wings were like two heavenly knives, rolling with endless flames, and with each swing, there was a flash of red sword light.

Under such an attack, the sky shattered directly.

The earth was broken through at the first time.

Both sides killed directly from mid-air to the starry sky.

Countless stars exploded under the terrifying aura of both sides.

With a long roar, the Fire Phoenix also launched an even more terrifying attack at this time.

The move is deadly, so that the real dragon has no chance to resist.

In the end, he was killed by the Fire Phoenix in the starry sky, and even his body was shattered.

Seeing such a scene, everyone froze three.

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