Chapter 127 The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is crazy!!

“Fifth Order, is this the strength of the Fifth Order?”

“It’s too strong, it’s unbelievably strong.”

“I can’t imagine that such a strong person can even shatter the starry sky.”

“The combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of the monkey, but the monkey only auctioned one of the various techniques, and this fire phoenix is a direct auction of Feng Dan!”

“I can’t say no, let people directly break through the fifth order, the fifth order, that matter the realm of the Emperor Dou!”

“It’s terrible, the Heavenly Temples are really terrible!”

Seeing the shocked expressions of the crowd, Qin Yu looked calm and said slowly, “Everyone has already seen the power of this fire phoenix.” ”

“Now I announce the official start of the auction of the Fire Phoenix Fengdan.”

“The starting price is 5 million value points, and each price increase must not be less than 50,000 value points!”

“Bid, start!”

The appearance of Feng Dan made everyone in the Douqi Continent crazy.

That’s a fifth-order strongman, and such strength is really too terrifying.

You can imagine that once you get Fengdan, you will bring great help to your own forces!

Especially the Phoenix Heaven of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is even more determined to win this Feng Dan.

Not for anything else, just because this Feng Dan was too suitable for their Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, it was simply tailored for their Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

“I’m out of 10 million worth points.”

Huang Tian did not hesitate to bid.

And as soon as it came up, the price of Fengdan was raised to 10 million value points, directly excluding the vast majority of people present.

This makes many people look black.

But there is no way, who makes himself too poor.

But for the super forces of the Ancient Eight Clans, Danta and the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan, this little value point is not worth mentioning at all.

Even Di Pin Dan was eager to try this Feng Dan.

“15 million value points.”

In order to prevent Huang Tian from getting Feng Dan, Candle Kun followed the bid.

At this time, he had already set his sights on Huang Tian’s death.

No matter what, they couldn’t let Huang Tian get Feng Dan, otherwise they were too vain and the Ancient Dragon Clan would be in danger.

Huang Tian also knew exactly what Candle Kun meant, but he didn’t care at all at this moment.

At this moment, there was only that Feng Dan in Huang Tian’s eyes.

“16 million value points.”

Yan Ember couldn’t help but shoot too.

The temptation to break through the fifth order was too great, and no one could resist it!

“17 million value points.”

“18 million.”

“19 million value points.”

“20 million…”

The price of Fengdan is growing at a frightening rate.

Many people have become numb to the price.

In particular, the people of the Kyushu continent, in addition to the initial time, also had an interest in bidding.

Next, there is almost nothing for them.

“22 million value points.”

Gu Yuan sat leisurely in his seat.

Say this sentence lightly.

“24 million value points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was not so interested in Fengdan, his Soul Clan’s practice was a bit of a yin and cold attribute, and the Fengdan attribute of the Fire Phoenix was really a bit of a reciprocity, but he didn’t want this thing to fall into the hands of others.

Even if you can’t buy it yourself, you definitely can’t make other people feel better.

That’s what he thought.

In fact, not only him, but even the other forces of the Ancient Eight Clans basically thought like this.

Therefore, after the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s bidding, people from other forces also began to bid in competition.

“I’m out of 25 million worth points.”

When Xuan Kongzi quoted this price, his eyes were also tightly fixed on the Feng Dan in Qin Yu’s hand.

This Fengdan belongs to fire, but it is not only in line with the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, but also with their alchemists, as we all know, alchemists basically have to cultivate fire attribute exercises.

Huang Tian looked at the expressions of these people in his eyes.

Some anger also arose in his heart, there was no way, there was too much competition, everyone would mix a kick, but he would never give up.

After all, Feng Dan was too important to their Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

“26 million value points”

Huangtian quotes again.

“27 million value points.”

This time it was Candle Kun who opened the mouth.

As long as Huang Tian opened his mouth, he would inevitably participate in the bidding.

Feng Dan fell into the hands of any other force, he didn’t care, only falling into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, absolutely not.

That’s his bottom line.

“27.5 million value points.”

“28 million worth points!”

“Candle Kun, what do you mean?”

Huang Tian finally couldn’t help but roar loudly at Candle Kun.

“It’s not interesting, I just think this phoenix should be very suitable for us Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan.”

So I want to buy it. ”

His words directly made everyone roll their eyes.

Candle Kun’s words are completely nonsense.

He was a too vain ancient dragon, what did he want Feng Dan to do? Cooking?

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, the meaning of Candle Kun was obvious…?

So much so that after Huang Tian heard Candle Kun’s words, his angry eyes suddenly burst into flames.

“Well, I’ll let you follow!”

“I’m out of 30 million worth points!”

Hearing this bid, everyone couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

The price has gone up too much.

From 5 million value points to 30 million value points, it is only half a cup of tea before and after.

It can be seen how fierce the competition for Fengdan is.

However, the battle is clearly not over.

“I’m out of 32 million worth points.”

Candle Kun opened his mouth again at this time.

This time, Candle Kun and Huang Tian could be regarded as really killing the Red Eye.

There is no way, other forces get Feng Dan is good to say, if Huang Tian gets, it is really possible to break through to the 5th order realm, and at that time, even if they get out of trouble, they are not opponents!

If the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan got the Feng Dan, it would be a disaster for them to be too vain and ancient.

No matter what, Huang Tian couldn’t get this thing.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan to go to the mainland again to survive in the future.

“34 million value points.”

“35 million value points.”

“36 million…”

“37 million…”

In the entire auction hall, only the voices between Huang Tian and Candle Kun sounded one after another.

Everyone watched both sides silently, seemingly waiting for the eventual victor to appear.

“I’m out of 40 million worth points.”

Huang Tian was almost crazy at this point.

Bidding is getting faster.

Candle Kun, on the other hand, is not in a hurry.

“It seems that your Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is quite rich, and you can actually come up with 40 million value points in one breath.”

However, I would like to see how many value points you still have, I am out of 42 million value points! ”

“Candle Kun, don’t be complacent, sooner or later we will have to calculate this account.”

After saying this, Huang Tian made another offer.

“I’m out of 45 million worth points.”

Candle Kun’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he did not stop and continued to quote.

“I’m out of 46 million worth points.”

“47 million value points.”

Huang Tian almost gritted his teeth and shouted out this offer.

Hearing her bid, Candle Kun couldn’t help but be silent at this time.

Obviously, the price was a bit high for him, but, after some hesitation, Candle Kun shouted out again.

“50 million worth points!”

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