Chapter 128 The Alchemists’ Bodies Are There!!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

I thought that Candle Kun would withdraw from the auction at this point.

But he did not expect that he finally bid, and directly out of the 50 million value points.

After Huang Tian heard his words, the whole person was shocked.

“Impossible! Isn’t this old dragon trapped? How can there be so many points of value? ”

50 million points of value, this price has almost reached his limit at this time.

But as soon as he thought of Feng Dan’s value to the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, the light in his eyes flashed again.

“I’m out of 51 million worth points.”

“52 million value points.”

“53 million.”

Huang Tian’s face was getting uglier.

At the same time, a little worry appeared on her face.

Although she was the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, the things that could be collected in the entire Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan were now worth so much.

For a moment, Huang Tian fell directly into silence.

Sitting in the other box, Candle Kun noticed that Huang Tian’s voice at this time was obviously not as crisp as before.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He knew that the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan would not be able to stand it.

Although if he pulls out so many value points in one breath, it will be very uncomfortable, even bankrupt overnight.

But as long as he prevented the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan from getting Feng Dan, it would all be worth it for him.

Moreover, although this Feng Dan’s effect on himself was not as great as that on the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, it was enough to break through to the Fifth Order Realm by himself, which was the Realm of the Dou Emperor

“53 million worth points! Now Fengdan’s offer has reached 53 million value points. ”

“Is there anything higher?”

When Huang Tian was silent, Qin Yu had already begun to count down.

“Is there a higher bid than 53 million value points?” If not, this Feng Dan will belong to the Tai Xuan Gu Dragon Clan Patriarch Candle Kun! ”

“Is there a higher bid than that?”

Qin Yu urged on the stage, which gave Huang Tian great psychological pressure.

“What to do? Is it like giving up Fengdan? ”

Huang Tian’s face became very eager.

Not only him, but even the elders who had followed her to participate in the Celestial Auction, as well as Feng Qing’er, the young patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, also showed an unconcealed color of loss at this time.

“No, Fengdan, we must get our hands on it.”

If this thing is taken by Candle Kun, we will never turn over. ”

“But we don’t have any value points now.”

Feng Qing’er’s face showed a little sadness.

Although the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan could be called rich and powerful in the Douqi Continent, it was already the limit to take out more than 50 million value points in one go.

It’s almost impossible to come up with more.

“No, we still have a chance.”

Huang Tian seemed to have fallen into a demonic panic.

Hearing her say this, Feng Qing’er and the others were stunned and immediately reacted.

“Patriarch, do you want to…”

“Yes, the remains of the family’s predecessors.”

When he said this, Huang Tian’s face was a little tangled.

But soon it was back to normal.

“No way! This matter is very serious, if the remains of the ancestors are used, then for our entire Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, it is tantamount to giving up the future! ”

The elders chose to oppose it at the first time.

Even Feng Qing’er, after knowing Huang Tian’s thoughts, shook her head directly.

“Yes, Patriarch, use the remains and blood essence of the ancestors of the family, in case this Fengdan does not achieve the effect we want, then the future of our Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan will be completely finished!”

Everyone knew that the remains and blood essences of the ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan were very valuable.

It is also the biggest heritage of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

If it was just taken out for value points, it would definitely not be a good thing for the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

“Don’t persuade me, I’ve made up my mind.”

Huang Tian’s attitude was very resolute.

Feng Qing’er and several other elders also wanted to stop it.

But after seeing his expression, everyone closed their mouths.

“You don’t have to worry, as long as you can photograph Feng Dan, then I can definitely go further, and even becoming a Doudi is not impossible.”

“At that time, once we have the Doudi bloodline, the strength of the entire clan will grow by leaps and bounds, and even if we sacrifice more, it will be worth it.”

“For the sake of Doudi, everything is worth it!”

Huang Tian’s words made several people feel a little better in their hearts, although there was still some hesitation in their hearts.

But as soon as they touched Huang Tian’s gaze, the words that had just reached their mouths were swallowed back by them.

Seeing that several people around him did not say anything to stop him, Huang Tian did not hesitate to exchange the remains and blood essence of his family’s ancestors to the Heavenly Hall.

At this time, Qin Yu was also paying attention to the movements in the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan box, there was no way, who let them and the Tai Void Ancient Dragon now be the fresh force of this bidding.

When he saw that Huang Tian had exchanged the blood essence and remains of the ancestors, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“I can’t imagine that this Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan is really willing to spend blood.”

“I actually took out the remains of my ancestors directly, and the blood and flesh and bones contained in each of these remains are undoubtedly very good materials.”

“Yes, yes, after having these things, the souls of those alchemists given to them by the Soul Heavenly Emperor before will not lack materials if they want to have a body.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yu looked at Huang Tian with some appreciation in his eyes.

Really, sleep sent pillows.

This phoenix day is simply a timely rain.

The entire redemption was done quickly.

After having this value point in his hand, Huang Tian’s confidence was also enough.

“I’m out of 60 million worth points.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

I couldn’t imagine that this Phoenix Heaven had been silent for so long, and everyone thought that he had given up this battle.

I didn’t expect that at the critical moment, I actually opened the price again.

And it directly pushed the price of Fengdan up to 60 million value points.

This has to be said to be beyond everyone’s expectations.

Even Candle Kun was a little caught off guard.

In his opinion, even if Huang Tian had more Heavenly Treasures in his hands, there could not be too many.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan would definitely be stronger.

“Huang Tian, how can you still have so many points of value!”

Candle Kun asked in shock.

“How many things you don’t know?”

Huang Tian sneered.

“Huh… Is that right? ”

Candle Kun didn’t seem to care about Huang Tian’s words at all.

Belonging to the same Demon Beast Family, Candle Kun thought about it slightly, and almost knew why Huang Tian suddenly became full of stamina.

If I didn’t guess wrongly, Huang Tian had used the family heritage.

Otherwise, he would not have behaved so strongly after the silence.

“Damn! Is he crazy? ”

Candle Kun shook his head in shock, and finally gritted his teeth to keep up.

“I’m out of 61 million worth points.”

“70 million worth points!”

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