Chapter 131 Pinnacle Showdown, A Small Goal!!

The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked sharply at the bidding box, and after seeing it clearly, his face also collapsed a little.

The bidder was the Ancient Patriarch, Gu Yuan, who belonged to the Ancient Eight Clans and was comparable in strength to the Soul Clan.

“Gu Yuan!”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor’s eyes were eager to burst into flames, and he knew that if he wanted to win Emperor Dan, Gu Yuan was destined to be a hurdle he had to pass.

“How come the soul patriarch said that the high price is obtained, can you still have any complaints or complaints?”

Gu Yuan obviously heard the anger of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

But he ignored it.

The Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan were already the most direct competitors, and it didn’t matter what the Soul Heavenly Emperor thought.


The Soul Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly and said coldly.

“Then let’s see, this Di Dan, whose hand the deer died!” I’m out of seventy million worth points! ”

As soon as the offer of the Soul Heavenly Emperor came out, it instantly exploded the whole field!

“Seventy million worth points!” Soul Heavenly Emperor This is a one-time price increase of 10 million value points! ”

“It seems that 70 million value points is definitely not the end!”

“This Di Dan is really not simple, you see that the top big men of the Fighting Qi Continent are crazy.”

“You’re talking nonsense! These are all finale auction items, can this Di Dan be simple?! ”

“But this price is also too scary, this is just a pill!”

“Is it true that every person on the Fighting Spirit Continent is so rich?”

“This is only a 4th order world, but what if it is a 5th or 6th order world?”

“It’s hard to imagine how rich these worlds can be.”

At this moment, the crowd in the Heavens Auction Hall was already completely lively.

Such extravagant bidding has refreshed their three views again and again.

Especially the people of the Kyushu Continent, at this moment, only hate themselves for having too few value points.

At the same time, he has a clear understanding of the gap between his own world and the fourth-order world.

In addition to the initial auction of the Thunder Boat, Qin Shi Huang also had some ideas, wanting to compete, but there was basically no hope in the back, and even the interest in participating was not great.

Not unwillingly, but simply can’t afford it.

So that all the people of the Kyushu continent became melon-eating masses at this time.

As for Tony, Zhang Xiaofan and Xiao Shi, these people did not have any chance to shoot from the beginning.

No way, these things are too expensive, far beyond their tolerance, even beyond their imagination.

Tony doesn’t think it’s a problem for Earth to be invaded by aliens now, and not having money is his biggest problem now!

And Qin Yu didn’t care about all this at all.

Now he was more concerned about what price this Didan could buy.

Because Qin Yu knew very well that seventy million value points was definitely not the final price of Di Dan.

The attraction of this Di Dan to these people on the Douqi Continent was simply unimaginable.

Through the systematic understanding, the Douqi Continent was originally a fifth-order world, and the Dou Emperor had also emerged endlessly before.

However, later, the source qi used to break through the Doudi was gradually exhausted, and the Douqi Continent world had no new energy replenishment, and under the continuous consumption, the Douqi Continent finally fell to the top world of the Four Sisters.

However, after all, it was once a fifth-order world, and the Ancient Eight Clans of the Ancient Soul Clan had even produced the Dou Emperor, and the ancient family that had been passed down for a long time had its own heritage simply immeasurable.

It even far exceeded the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan and the Tai Void Ancient Dragon Clan with the remains and blood essence of the deceased clan.

Therefore, the price of this Di Dan is far from the end.

It’s just that he can’t say in his heart what level the specific final price will grow, and now, even Qin Yu is looking forward to how many value points this Di Dan can rise.

“Seventy million value points, the Soul Heavenly Emperor Patriarch of the Douqi Continent has already raised the price to seventy million value points, is anyone higher than this?”

Qin Yu said as he looked around.

“Seventy-one million worth points.”

Candle Kun gritted his teeth and quoted the price.

“I’m out of seventy-three million points.”

Yan Embers, the patriarch of the Yan Clan, also followed.

“Seventy-four million worth points.”

Candle Kun did not hesitate to quote his price.

“Seventy-five million worth points.”

Danta’s eyes were red and he cried out.

Inside the box, Xuan Kongzi and the others all looked at Old Ancestor Danta with some concern.

Old Zu this is a little ambiguous, ah, if you really can’t shoot this Emperor Dan, I don’t know if I can’t bear to go crazy directly!

“Seventy-seven million worth points.”

Candle Kun followed again.

“Eighty million worth points!”

Gu Yuan’s face was gloomy and he shot again.

As soon as he sold, he raised the price of this Di Dan to 80 million value points!

As soon as this price came out, Candle Kun directly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was a little weak.

No way, this price has exceeded his limit, the candle kun at this moment, even if you want to follow, the value points in your hand are not enough, and finally you can only give up.

“Is it true that the heavens are going to kill me candles, and the heavens are going to kill me too vain and the ancient dragon family?”

Candle Kun sighed a long time, only to feel that his spirit had collapsed somewhat.

The face of the old ancestor of Danta was also instantly gray, and they Danta had no money.

Yes, as a force that owns the Continent’s Alchemist Guild, Danta, which has always been considered to be the richest in the continent, actually has no money.

“Why did you shoot that thunderboat?”

Old Ancestor Danta sighed, only to feel that the Thunder Boat he had photographed before in his hand was not fragrant.

With the withdrawal of the forces of Candle Kun and Danta, there was once again one less force involved in the battle for Di Dan.

Now, the only forces competing for Di Dan were the Gu Clan, the Soul Clan, the Yan Clan, the Medicine Clan, and the Thunder Clan.

And the terrifying price increase of these major forces does not know how many people are terrified.

“It’s horrible! It is another ten million value points, how much money does this ancient family have? ”

“The forces coming from this Fighting Spirit Continent are simply unimaginable.”

“Is this the legendary wealth and wealth, and it is inevitably too arrogant?”

“When can I be in such a trench, it’s really enviable.”

Many people at the scene looked at Gu Yuan’s appearance and their eyes were red.

There was no way that Gu Yuan was too dazzling to pay attention to.

Not to mention the forces on the Kyushu Continent, even those forces on the Douqi Continent felt that Gu Yuan’s handiwork was really amazing.

After this round of price increases, the purpose of Gu Yuan was finally achieved.

A one-time price increase of 10 million value points will also eliminate many forces.

“I’m out of eighty-one million points.”

“I’m out of eighty-two million points.”

“Eighty-three million.”

“Eighty-four million.”

Although Gu Yuan’s behavior eliminated many competitors, there were also many powerful forces that were not affected at all.

So in this process, many people have seen the strength of each family on the Douqi Continent.

It can be seen very clearly that the Gu Clan and the Soul Clan belong to the first echelon, while the Yao Clan, the Thunder Clan and the Yan Clan belong to the second echelon.

Not only that, but the Soul Clan is also particularly strong in it.

Compared to the ancient tribe, it seems to be much more low-key, but it is definitely not a troublesome lord.

Soon, the bidding of the five major families entered a white-hot stage.

The heads of the five major families were already red-eyed almost at this time.

The price of Didan is climbing at an alarming rate.

Many people are directly in a state of numbness at this time.

It’s horrible.

Such an auction, many people have never seen in their lives.

“Eighty-eight million worth of.”

“Eighty-nine million worth points.”

“I’m out of ninety million worth points.”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor quoted a staggering price at this time.

At this time, everyone was refined.

“Ninety million value points, someone bid ninety million value points.”

“It’s horrible, I don’t even think of value points as a thing.”

“These forces are simply unimaginably arrogant.”

Such a terrible price stunned the people of Kyushu.

Many were even more excited than those who participated in the auction.

At this time, there were not many people who could continue to participate in the auction, nothing more than the four major forces of the Gu Clan, the Soul Clan, the Yan Clan and the Thunder Clan.

You can imagine how amazing this auction really was.

“One hundred million worth points!”

An offer came and shook the audience again!

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