Chapter 132 Emperor Dan Attribution, The Price of Terror!!

100 million value points!

The price of a single auction item is over 100 million! That’s over a small goal!

No, a small goal is simply incomparable, and a hundred million may not be exchanged for a thousand value points, let alone a hundred million value points!

Qin Yu sighed in his heart, it was not that he did not know that this Emperor Dan was expensive, but this hundred million value points was really too violent!

How much did this Didan himself spend?

Oh, it seems that it did not cost money, after completing the task of saving the medicine dust, the system sent it for free.

This is really, no cost!

In the auction hall, when the price was quoted, everyone looked at the bidder in shock.

Want to see who it is, will directly quote such a price.

Soon everyone saw clearly, and the person who made the offer was Gu Yuan.

In an instant, the crowd began to talk again.

“It seems that this ancient patriarch is really rich and powerful!”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe that this ancient Yuan patriarch would actually quote a price of 100 million yuan in one breath.”

“One hundred million!” All the forces in our entire Kyushu continent add up, is it worth a hundred million points? ”

“Two words are no longer enough to describe.”

In the face of such an offer, the Medicine Clan, the Thunder Clan and the Yan Clan finally couldn’t bear it.

They struggled again and again to opt out of the auction.

No way, the price is far more than they have.

Although everyone is an Ancient Eight Clan, the Yan Clan Thunder Clan Medicine Clan is much weaker after all, and the savings of the whole clan add up, it is difficult to scrape together 100 million value points, so they have to give up.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was also shocked and angry.

He never expected that this one ancient yuan would actually directly raise the price to a value point of 100 million.

At the same time, he also had great regret in his heart, if he hadn’t taken a large number of value points to buy the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade Fragment before.

He would never be so bound now.

At the same time, in his heart, he cursed the soul to the sky.

If it wasn’t for that idiot, how could he have allowed himself to give ten million value points to the Heavenly Hall Lord in vain.

“Damn the soul, I should have sold you for value points in the first place!”

In his heart, he cursed angrily, and wanted him to give up Di Dan, which was also impossible.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Soul Heavenly Emperor finally chose to make an offer.

“I’m out of 110 million worth points.”

After hearing his offer, Gu Yuan looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor lightly, his eyes were full of indifference and determination, and he said slowly.

“Since the Soul Patriarch wants to follow, then I will accompany you to the end, and I will pay 120 million worth points!”

“You….. Good…… Very good. ”

Looking at Gu Yuan’s appearance, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was so angry that his teeth were about to be broken.

“I’m out of 130 million worth points.”

This price was almost at its limit for the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Although there were enough Heavenly Treasures of his Soul Clan, they were not endless.

Even the current value of 130 million points can be regarded as hollowing out the family wealth.

As everyone knows, don’t say it’s him, even Gu Yuan is bleeding heavily at this time.

But for the sake of Di Dan, he had to grit his teeth and hold on hard.

“I’m out of 150 million worth points.”

This price has basically been counted as a family wealth for Gu Yuan.

If he can’t buy it yet, there’s nothing he can do.

He was gambling, gambling that the Soul Heavenly Emperor didn’t have so many points of value after compensating the Lord of the Hall and bidding for the Jade Fragment of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor!

With the quotation of 150 million value points was reported by Gu Yuan.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

They all looked at him in disbelief.

The price of 150 million value points is too high for everyone to reach.

Not to mention these forces, even the Soul Heavenly Emperor could not match them at this time.

Looking at Gu Yuan, who had a calm face, in fact, the flesh was extremely painful, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was also stunned, and opened his mouth, the Soul Heavenly Emperor still wanted to say something, but in the end, it was useless to say a word.

Without him, he really can’t come up with more value points now.

Gu Yuan bid this time and directly killed him!

“One hundred and fifty million worth points.”

Seeing that the Soul Heavenly Emperor was silent, Qin Yu calmed down for a moment and then said lightly.

“One hundred and fifty million worth points, is there anyone who has bid more?”

“Now the price of Didan has reached 150 million value points.”

“Is there a higher price?” If not, this final treasure will belong to the ancient patriarch of the ancient clan! ”

Qin Yu slowly scanned below on the auction table.

But everyone in the audience did not continue to bid.

What joke, 150 million worth points, how many heavenly treasures do you need to redeem it?

Such a price is not to say that it is Kyushu people.

Even those who came from the Fighting Spirit Continent were terrified.

This kind of sky-high price, except for the top forces on the Douqi Continent, others don’t even dare to dream about it!

Seeing that no one below was speaking, Qin Yu said slowly.

“Since no one is paying a higher price, then 150 million worth points at a time.”

“One hundred and fifty million worth points for the second time.”

“One hundred and fifty million worth points for the third time!”

“Deal! Congratulations to the ancient ancient yuan for successfully photographing the finale commodity of Di Dan. ”

As the auction hammer in his hand fell.

The battle for the Emperor Dan has finally come to an end.

The scene also suddenly remembered a burst of applause.

This battle is really eye-opening! In the future, when bragging to people, you can say that I have participated in a business worth 150 million points.

Although it is a bystander, it is also a spectator!

At the same time, there was an instant burst of cheers in the ancient compartment.

Gu Yuan even breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was no accident, he finally got this Di Dan!

Inside the Soul Clan box, the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s face was gloomy and terrible.

“Gu Yuan.”

He looked at the Gu Clan box with an angry face, and seemed eager to directly pounce on Gu Yuansheng and peel him alive.

But soon the Soul Heavenly Emperor withdrew his gaze.

I began to think quickly about countermeasures.

It is conceivable that after Gu Yuan got the Di Dan, he would definitely swallow it at the first time.

At that time, Gu Yuan, who was already the peak of the Nine Star Dou Holy Peak, would inevitably go further.

Nine Star Dou Saint Peak Strength Further What is that? 래。

A strong person standing at the peak of the Douqi Continent is not only strong in personal strength, but also can lead the family bloodline to improve.

Let the bloodline of the entire ancient clan become strong again.

As soon as he thought of this situation, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

“No, Gu Yuan must be prevented from breaking through.”

Otherwise, my Soul Clan would probably never have a peaceful day in the future, and it was even possible that it would be removed from the Douqi Continent. ”

The Soul Heavenly Emperor was too aware of the hatred between the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.

The two families have long been incompatible.

Once a new Doudi was born among the Ancient Clan, it would be an absolute disaster for the Soul Clan.

Not to mention the Soul Clan, I’m afraid that even the other major clans among the Ancient Eight Clans will crawl at the feet of Gu Yuan.

Thinking of this, the Soul Heavenly Emperor immediately thought of wooing others.

Just unite the other races of the Ancient Eight Tribes.

You can take advantage of the fact that the ancient yuan has not yet broken through, attack the ancient tribe and destroy the ancient clan in one fell swoop.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor, who had made up his mind in his heart, looked at Gu Yuan’s expression, and it also changed.

From the previous anger to a sneer.

Noticing the gaze of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Gu Yuan, who was holding the Heavenly Order and Qin Yu for delivery, couldn’t help but shiver.

“No, this guy is afraid he didn’t have a good heart.”

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