Chapter 133 Xiao Yan is in operation!!

Gu Guyuan’s heart tightened, knowing that the Soul Heavenly Emperor must be planning something at this moment.

They are all old foxes who have lived for thousands of years, who doesn’t know who they are!

If it was the Soul Heavenly Emperor who snatched the Emperor Dan today, he would certainly not be indifferent.

However, when Gu Yuan saw the jade box containing Di Dan in his hand, his face showed a confident expression.

“Ahem! No matter what intrigues and tricks you have, as long as I become the Emperor of Dou, everything will be in vain! ”

On the auction stage, Qin Yu and Gu Yuan finished delivering Di Dan, and their mood was also very refreshing.

His eyes scanned around, and Qin Yu said slowly.

“Well, today’s auction has come to a successful end, thank you for coming, the next auction, will be held in three months.”

This time, Qin Yu had extended the time a bit, after all, more than one world was now participating in the auction.

Moreover, the resources accumulated by these top forces before were estimated to have consumed 7788.

Next, there must be enough time for these forces to plunder and integrate the resources of their respective worlds.

In this way, the benefits of the Celestial Auction can be maximized.

As soon as Qin Yu’s voice fell, in an instant, a burst of discussion resounded in the Heavenly Auction Hall.

“What? Three months from now until the next auction? Wasn’t it all a month before? ”

“Normal, once a month is indeed too frequent, everyone has not integrated a lot of resources, you see how miserable our Kyushu continent is this time, not a single treasure has been photographed, it is because the resources have not been integrated enough!”

“Three months from now until the next auction?” Won’t we never find a place to see these treasures again in the past few months? ”

The people of the Fighting Spirit Continent were also a little worried.

Qin Yu saw this and continued.

“Friends from the Douqi Continent don’t have to worry, although the auction will not open until three months later, but my Heavenly Hall has set up a Heavenly Shop, which has all kinds of goods, and everyone can go directly to the outside of the temple to check it out.”

“And the Celestial Shop?”

“It sounds like a place with all kinds of treasures!”

“Go and go.”

As soon as Qin Yu’s words were finished, many people from the Douqi Continent were ready to go.

Qin Yu saw this, nodded with satisfaction, and then said.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s auction, let’s disperse.”

After speaking, Qin Yu’s figure turned into a ray of starlight and dissipated directly in place.

“Lord of the group…”

Iron Man originally wanted to ask Qin Yu how to solve the crisis of the Avengers world, but when he saw that Qin Yu had disappeared directly, the words had just stopped.

The other people in the venue, after seeing Qin Yu gone, also began to leave the venue one after another, but they did not go home, many people went directly to the Heavenly Shop that Qin Yu said to go to see.

However, in the ancient box, Gu Yuan did not have the mood to visit the Heavenly Shop.

After getting the Di Dan, he did not dare to stay any longer, and directly left the Heavenly Hall with people.

He needed to go back and prepare for the breakthrough of the Dou Emperor.

Before breaking through, he had to arrange the family members, otherwise I was afraid that before he could break through, he would be knocked on by the Soul Clan.

Even if he breaks through at that time, it is estimated that he will be a lonely man.

Seeing Gu Yuan leave, the Soul Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly.

“Ahem! Old fox, run very fast! ”

After saying that, he left here with the soul clan people as well.

The Lei Clan, the Yan Clan, the Medicine Clan and other ancient families have also left.

The Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan would probably not be idle this time, and they would have to go back immediately to deal with the coming turmoil.

The people of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan also returned to the Douqi Continent in an instant.

Having obtained such a heavy treasure as the Fifth Order Feng Dan, even if it had been initially refined, they did not dare to stay for a long time.

As for the rest of the forces like Danta, Canaan Academy, and Yunlan Sect, they were not in a hurry to leave, and their interest in the Heavenly Shop was still quite large.

Xiao Yan looked at the people who were constantly disappearing, sighed, and prepared to leave.

Today he had opened his eyes, he was really too weak and small, and he had to go back to cultivate well.

However, just as Xiao Yan was about to leave, he was directly stopped by a voice.

“Xiao Yan boy, don’t rush to go first.”

Xiao Yan looked back doubtfully, and saw a middle-aged man dressed in a white alchemy suit, who was about thirty years old, smiling and walking towards him.

Looking at the face of this person, Xiao Yan only felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

I couldn’t help but ask in doubt, “Senior, are you?” ”

Seeing Xiao Yan’s expression, the people were stunned, and then they seemed to realize something, suddenly laughed, and then said: “You see who I am again.” ”

After saying that, the old man in front of him, visible to the naked eye, grew old, and in the blink of an eye, he became an old man with white hair.

Xiao Yan saw this and screamed out, “Huh? Be…… It’s you! ”

The man in front of him is the medicine dust!

Looking at the old man in front of him, Xiao Yan’s heart was full of mixed feelings.

There is both emotion and annoyance.

If it weren’t for this old guy, how could he have been a waste for three years?

But at this time, when he saw the medicine man, he couldn’t hate it in his heart at all, but he had a feeling of knowing his hometown.

“Don’t the seniors know what you call me?”

“Nothing, it’s just that I got so much fighting spirit from you before, and I was quite overwhelmed in my heart.”

Hearing Medicine Dust say this, Xiao Yan’s heart was suddenly depressed.

You old guy still knows in his heart that he doesn’t want to go.

When I first left, I left nothing, just patted my ass and left.

Although his talent also returned with his departure, Xiao Yan was not a virgin, and had been prostituted for three years, did he still have to thank others for honing his heart?

It’s uncomfortable to think about.

But even if his heart was uncomfortable, Xiao Yan did not show it, but after listening to the words of the medicine dust, he looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Xiao Yan’s expression made Yao Chen nod secretly in his heart.

In fact, if he hadn’t been taken to the Heavenly Hall by Qin Yu, he estimated that he would have taken Xiao Yan as an apprentice in the near future.

But now that he had come to the Heavenly Temple, it was naturally impossible for him to take Xiao Yan as an apprentice anymore, but the compensation he should give was still to be given.

He was not an ungrateful person.

After thinking about it, Medicine Dust took out a Gong Fa from his own precepts and handed it to Xiao Yan.

“Oh, in vain sucked in your boy’s fighting breath for three years, and the old decay also has some intentions in his heart, so he will give you some compensation.”

“This exercise is called the Burning Technique, and it is a top-notch exercise!” You can even devour the cultivation of different fires, and the more different fires swallow up, the stronger the strength of the Gong Fa, and you take it, just as I give you compensation. ”

When Xiao Yan heard that this practice could devour the different fires, his heart was immediately surprised.

He never imagined that there would be such a practice in the world.

What a fire! Through this period of understanding and some information introduction in the Heavenly Orders, he already knew that the Alien Fire was a divine creature on their Fighting Qi Continent, and each of them had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth!

Now, there are actually martial arts that can be cultivated by devouring different fires, what level of immortal law is this!

When he trembled and took over this exercise, he couldn’t help but look at it.

“Yellow grade?”

However, when Xiao Yan saw the grade of this exercise, I suddenly had an urge to spit out the fragrance.

Is this actually the most garbage yellow-grade exercise? Play what about me which is?

This is also called compensation?

Seeing the medicinal dust, he had already guessed what Xiao Yan was thinking in his heart and said slowly.

“This practice can be upgraded by devouring different fires.”

Drop a sentence, the medicine dust does not explain much, just turn around and leave.

When Xiao Yan heard his words, he thought about it in his heart, and then he became excited again.

Devouring a different fire can be upgraded, doesn’t it mean that as long as I keep devouring the different fire, this practice can be upgraded all the time, without an upper limit?

That’s brilliant!

I wanted to say thank you, but found that the medicine dust had gone far.

He could only bow to the back of this medicinal dust from a distance, and then turned around and left the Heavenly Temple.

For all this, Qin Yu, who had already returned to the depths of the Heavenly Hall, was all in his eyes.

However, he did not stop the drug dust.

Although Medicine Dust was already the deacon elder of the Heavenly Halls, but he was not a slave of the Heavenly Halls, Qin Yu still gave them some freedom.

As for the matter of medicine dust compensating Xiao Yan, Qin Yu did not care, judging from the comprehensive fight, Yao Lao had always been a sentient and righteous person, and it was really too normal to know that this kind of thing was really too normal.

There was no need to stop it himself, anyway, what he gave was only his original practice.

There’s no need to be a bad guy yourself.

“Alas! Is this the power of plot inertia? ”

Qin Yu sighed and stopped paying attention to these.

At this time, inside the Heavenly Venue, Iron Man was a little anxious.

The group leader is gone, who should he find to save the earth!

At this moment, a charming, eccentric woman came over, and in an instant, Iron Man’s eyes lit up, and just as he was about to open his mouth, the beautiful woman introduced herself.

“Hello Tony, I am an employee of the Celestial Shop, and the Lord of the Hall asked me to take you to the Celestial Shop.”


Tony let out a sigh of confusion, and then his eyes saw the two figures beside him.

One is a long pink carved jade little cute baby.

One is a silent teenager who looks bitter and vengeful.

It was Xiao Shi Hao and Zhang Xiao Fan.

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