Chapter 134 Iron Man is scared to pee!!

“Sister, sister, is there animal milk in the shop?”

Compared to other things, the little stone cares more about the animal milk.

Instead, Zhang Xiaofan stood next to Xiao Shi without a word.

It looks like a stone.

“We have everything in our shop, and of course we have animal milk.

Shrinking as he spoke, he bent down and picked up the small stone from the ground. ”

This little guy looks like a pink carving, looks cute, and is very popular with girls.

“Come with me.”

With that, he hugged the small stone and walked outside the Heavenly Temple.

Iron Man and Zhang Xiaofan did not say a word and followed closely forward

At this moment, Iron Man only felt a palpitation in his heart, and originally wanted to talk to this exotic beauty, but after listening to this beautiful woman’s introduction, she turned out to be an employee of the Heavenly Shop and a person of the Heavenly Temple, which directly scared him into peeing.

Only then did I remember that this beautiful woman seemed to be a person who had said a word on the auction stage at the beginning of the auction.

However, Tony himself is a little blind, coupled with such an exciting auction, he did not recognize who this beautiful woman was for a while, and almost made a big mistake!

At the auction, Qin Yu casually pinched the scene of the Five-Star Dou Saint that he had seen with his own eyes!

Who would dare to have an idea about the staff of the Heavenly Temple.

At this moment, he naturally believed that the beautiful female employees of the Heavenly Halls were forbidden to leave the Lord of the Heavenly Hall, and they were in case they caused it

Unnecessary misunderstanding, then the end, I am afraid it will be quite tragic.

Therefore, when he heard that the shrinkage let them follow, he did not dare to resist and followed.

Walking out of the door of the Heavens Auction Hall, Shrink directly led several people into a teleportation array.

The Heavenly Hall was so huge that without the teleportation array, it would take a long time to walk from the Heavenly Auction Hall to the Heavenly Shop outside the Hall.

Outside the Heavenly Hall, on the huge square, a white light flashed, and shrunk out of the teleportation array with Iron Man Xiao Shi and Zhang Xiaofan.

As soon as he came out, Iron Man’s whole person was completely shocked, only to see that in the square in front of him, a huge attic with a height of twelve stories directly towered in the middle of the square.

That tall building, built with star jewelry, looks like a star-studded and full of noble and elegant atmosphere.

And when Shrink took them to the Celestial Shop.

Everything here immediately shocked them!

No way, there are too many things in this store.

At once, Iron Man made them look at the eyes.

Shrinking came to the side with a small stone and brought him a cup of steaming animal milk.

This can make the little one beautiful.

After drinking it, I couldn’t help but burp.

“Thank you sister”

The little stones are not only cute, but also polite.

After drinking the animal milk, I don’t forget to thank you.

And Iron Man and Zhang Xiaofan had already rushed to the counter to check the dazzling goods after getting the shrinkage permission.

Just at this moment, Qin Shi Huang and several people walked directly towards the shrinkage.

Although the main store of the Heavenly Shop is located in the Sea of the Heavenly Realms where the Heavenly Temple is located, it is not on the Kyushu Continent.

But this does not mean that the people of the Kyushu mainland will never be able to enter.

As long as there is a platinum heavenly order, they can enter the main store of these heavenly shops.

And the value point that the Platinum Heavenly Order needs to be recharged is, 10 million!

“Qin Shi Huang wins the government.”

“Sui Emperor Yang Guang.”

“Emperor Ming Zhu Houzhao.”

“Please see Lord of the Palace, please ask the shrinking girl to give a briefing on her behalf.”

Just when everyone was amazed by the variety of things in the Heavenly Shop.

Suddenly several men in dragon robes appeared at the door.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but look at these people.

Tony and Little Stone didn’t feel anything.

But Zhang Xiaofan was surprised when he saw several of them.

What is it? O Emperor!

And three appeared in one breath.

This made Zhang Xiaofan, who had never seen the emperor before, almost fall to his knees directly.

However, the others did not care about the arrival of these people.

“Are you looking for the Lord of the Temple?”

Shrinking to look at the three of them, his eyes suddenly lit up, these are their big customers!

Especially Zhu Houzhao, since he told him the news of Emperor Song’s weakness, he had not been less in his own performance for himself.

At this moment, when he saw the three top leaders of the Kyushu Continent coming, a gentle smile also appeared on his face.

“Exactly! I also hope that the shrinking girl will make a sound! ”

Although Qin Shi Huang and the three of them were extraordinary on the outside.

But in this heavenly temple, such an identity is nothing.

Therefore, the three of them did not dare to have any slack at all in the face of shrinking.

This is the influence of the Heavenly Temples in the Kyushu world.

“Well, wait a minute.”

Drop a sentence, shrink and turn around.

After shrinking away, Qin Shi Huang and the three of them stood quietly in place

The three stood where they were, waiting quietly, not daring to cross the slightest.

At the same time, you can also see from the faces of the three of them that several people’s mood at this time is not very good.

The auction was a dirt bun for them to get into town.

Whether it was the financial resources of those people in the Fighting Qi Continent or the power of those people, they all felt unforgettable.

The gap between the two sides is too big, and the big one makes people feel desperate.

In the past, when they were only facing the people of the Kyushu world, they could naturally do what they said, and it was difficult to chase the horse.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a spit, not a nail.

But for those people on the Fighting Spirit Continent, the existence of these people is simply not worth mentioning.

In the eyes of those who are strong, perhaps they are like a chicken.

They can be pinched to death anytime and anywhere, and they don’t have to care about their attitudes and thoughts, they have the heart to ask the lord of the temple for guidance.

But now that Qin Yu’s majesty was deepening, no one in the entire Kyushu Continent dared to rush to Qin Yu personally to request a meeting.

They all look for the clerk of the Heavenly Shop to do the same.

How respectful and respectful one by one.

In the leisure room of the Heavenly Hall, Qin Yu was counting the harvest of today’s auction, and outside the door, the sound of shrinking came in.

“Lord of the Palace, Win Zheng, Yang Guang, and Zhu Houzhao have come over and want to ask to see you.”

“Are the three of them?” Or come to see ah. ”

The corners of Qin Yu’s mouth drew a smile, and he already had a general judgment in his heart about the intentions of the three people.

If I had not guessed wrongly, the stimulation that today’s auction had brought to Qin Shi Huang and several of them had reached an unimaginable degree.

This made the three emperors who were accustomed to waving the square way and commanding them to be unacceptable.

It is estimated that the main purpose of these people coming here is to get some guidance from themselves.

Advise them on how to break the game.

Otherwise, when facing the high-level world, even in their capacity, they will not be able to participate in any competition at all.

The gap in the nature of the world simply cannot be erased by identity.

The gap is simply too big.

After all, the Kyushu world is only a third-order world.

Compared to the world of the Fourth Order Peak of the Douqi Continent, it was not worth mentioning at all.

This is the hierarchy gap in the world.

The gap is simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn’t help but show a little smile on his face.

He felt as if the beaten children had come to their parents.

“Let’s go, let’s meet them.”

Qin Yu stood up and walked out of the room.

The author said: Sorry for you Yanzu, these two days people have been in the hospital, no time code word, these chapters are also in the hospital bed with the mobile phone code, the update is a little less please forgive me, tomorrow discharge, direct five more sent!

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